Monday, May 31, 2021

golden crowned Warbler distraction display

Hello ...this morning on our other farm, without realizing it, I walked past a golden crowned Warbler's nest (somewhere). What I have never seen of this bird is that she was able to distract me well. I had seen that from  Lapwings and other water birds and some Nighthawks, but never from such a small bird.
greetings from Terry (my list of this morning you can see on E-bird)

Monday, May 17, 2021

pair thick billed Euphonias feeding 4 immatures

 Hello everybody...normally thick billed Euphonias often have 2 to 3 immatures, but this pair of thick billed Euphonias have done their best ... 4 immatures! And I found another dead baby bird on our terrace, so they had 5! Hard work! You can clearly see on this video that the parent birds have a large crop, that saves a lot of flying back and forth, very efficient.
greetings from Terry

Friday, May 14, 2021

14th of May 2021 release of an Olingo


Hello all, this Olingo is a arboreal animal and has lived with humans for 6 months, which is prohibited by law in Panama. Probably because it's a wild animal it became a problem and he or she ended up with Rosie, very skinny as you can see in the first picture in the video. He lived there for over 4 weeks in a large loft and ate himself fat and today it was the day for real freedom. 1800 meters altitude (5905 feet) in a protected environment ... no people around and with a lot of food. :)

Greetings from Terry

Este Olingo es un animal nocturno y ha convivido con humanos durante 6 meses, lo cual está prohibido por la ley en Panamá. Probablemente por ser un animal salvaje se convirtió en un problema y terminó con Rosie, muy flaca como se puede ver en la primera imagen en el video. Vivió allí durante más de 4 semanas en un gran loft y se comió gordo y hoy era el día de la verdadera libertad. 1800 metros de altitud (5905 pies) en un entorno protegido ... no hay gente y con mucha comida. :)

Deze Olingo is een nacht dier en heeft 6 maanden bij mensen gewoond , wat volgens de wet in Panama niet mag. Waarschijnlijk omdat het een wild dier is , werd het een probleem en hij of zij belandde bij Rosie, heel mager zoals je ziet op de eerste foto in de video. Daar heeft ie ruim 4 weken gewoond in een groot hok en zich vet gegeten en vandaag was het de dag voor de echte vrijheid. 1800 Meter hoogte(5905 feet) in een beschermde omgeving...geen mensen in de buurt en met veel eten. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021