Friday, December 29, 2023

White throated Crake has breakfast

Mostly you hear them , but we were lucky that due road blokkade(protest against copper mine a few weeks ago), a farmer dumped platanos (kind of banana) That load was over ripe and not to sell anymore. Very sad for the farmer... but great for us and the crakes and sparrows and butterflies, morphos. There were a lot of flies and the crake was eating the fermented fruit. Taken on continental divide / Palo seco bosque protector in Panama
Greetings Terry

Sunday, December 17, 2023

three toed Sloth...very good hiding spot

I was  checking out some birds, was already for a while in this area and then 
suddenly you see this Sloth, always a nice surprise.
Greetings Terry

My bird of today... Snowcap male

Today I did go very early to the continental divide (bosque protector Palo seco) You can see there a lot of times birds that you don't see every day. It is an area where you can see birds from Caribbean side and Pacific side. One of my favorite areas here in Panama. I don't have a lot of times birds, but today I was almost convinced that I could see the Snowcap, because this is the time of the flowers and nesting of the Hummingbirds. Of course I was checking out a lot of other birds and sounds...but suddenly there he was... the male Snowcap. Not a lifer, but every time a great bird to see. And "every time" is not often... Greetings Terry

Sunday, December 3, 2023

neotropic Cormorants fly out, large colony

Big colony of neotropic Cormorants...
when they were roosting , I did not see that there were so many...what a nice surprise and beautiful  sight when the flew out.

GREEN cloud forest Boquete in Panama

Green, with a big G cloud forest .
With bird sounds...
ochraceous Wren, gray breasted Wood Wren, lineated Foliage Gleaner.

long billed Starthroat singing

It is that time of the year (December/January) that a lot of Hummingbirds are going to sing ..als this long billed Starthroat, but the Isthmian Wrens are louder. Boquete Panama

long billed Starthroat singing, it is summer

long billed Starthroat is showing is that time of the year :) Summer started... Boquete Panama

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

cool insect in the night, what is he/she doing

22 November 2023  Cool insect in our creek, I was looking for frogs, but did see also this cool insect.
I  am wondering what it is doing...laying eggs...display.
Hope I will find out. 
I put the pictures on Inaturalist
Next time more about birds again... 
I am a bit slow  with my blog... busy with October/November jobs... administration 
painting walls, picking coffee and in between of course  birdwatching, so good lately on the farm...lot of migrants. Today the summer began! So they were very active today. 
Next time more!
greetings Terry

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

vogelkijkhut/bird observation Oelemars Losser(Netherlands)

We were for 11 days in Netherlands to see our family and a bit friends after 4 years and of course see some Dutch birds.
Here in Losser I was in my element
September 2023
Greetings  from Terry

Attention birds, there is a snake #shorts

10th of October 2023
at first I's a dead animal or a branch, when the birds suddenly got excited, I knew...a Boa (snake...not dangerous to humans)

 Hello hello, October  did of my fav months.... this cute yellow bellied Flycatcher did arrive too....   in Panama after a long trip

Breeds from central Canada and Newfoundland south to Great Lakes region, northern New York, northern New England, and Maritime Provinces. Winters from Mexico to Panama.
Amazing isn't it?

She/he survived all the dangers... storms, drought, didn't fly into a window, not get caught by a hawk or anything, not caught by a bad human... she's just out here catching bugs and posing for my camera ...thank you sweety
Greetings from Terry

Saturday, August 26, 2023

lattice tailed Trogon

Hello.... I met this lattice tailed Trogon (female) in palo seco forest reserve last week. (continental divide) Panama Always nice to meet these Trogons...the only Trogon with pale eyes
Greetings from Terry

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Cool yellow Rat Snake in the garden, birds upset

30th of June 2023... Did count 24 different species of birds around the beautiful yellow Rat snake, still a lot of nests. These snakes love birds and eggs(lizards, rat/mice and more), he was very active. Around 3.30 pm in our garden. Harmless snake for people... but the birds were not happy...
Greetings Terry

Monday, June 26, 2023

Palo Seco forest reserve Panama

25th of June 2023...hello everybody... I did go today to Palo Seco forest reserve to watch birds and be alone in the great forest around me. As you see it is a stunning area here in Panama. A total different world only 1 hour and 10 minutes drive from our house. Interesting of this area is the different vegetation/climate/weather and you can find a big variety of different birds from Caribbean and Pacific ocean.... greetings from Terry
(you can see what I did see on E-bird...

Sunday, May 7, 2023

song resplendent Quetzal male #shorts

Hello  hello... I hope to write my story this coming month, I am a bit busy...
but like to share this nice male resplendent Quetzal of this morning...
who is singing loud and clear :)
greetings Terry

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Swainson's Hawks migration to north

Hello readers, yes it is that time of year again... migration....
Yesterday late afternoon I was "alarmed" by calls of white collared Swifts, huge amount. They were flying around a huge kettle(group) of Hawks.
Did see mainly Swainson's Hawks, but also broad winged Hawks, Mississippi Kites and black Vultures.
It went on and on. Hans and I are every time  with this event... stunned  and happy  to see them.
I am this year not so impressed by the migration of the Warblers... not when they did go to the south but also now going to the north... kind of  worried about that. Every time when I do see or hear a migrant Warbler or Grosbeak or Vireo ... I  do report it, for myself and for the records in the world.
You can check out my reports on E-bird.
This week I have finally some free time after a very busy season. More and more people go bird watching, it is really very popular and more people make reports, which is  very good. 
I try this week to relax and  prepare for a Eastern busy time and then after ..chill  a bit and see some....birds. Because May June also in Panama, is the time of the songs, nests and immatures!
Greetings  from Terry

Thursday, February 16, 2023

 Hello hello!

Very good birds lately and  I want to share some pictures...

Ornate Hawk Eagle immature today:

A Bat Falcon in front of his nest:

A nice red headed Barbet (Male)

long tailed silky Flycatcher:
broad winged Hawk:

Summer is going strong, Hummingbirds are nesting, 
A lot of birds are starting to be more active in the sense 
of singing, fighting and display and even I also  do see
I do see that migrant bird flocks are getting somewhat getting bigger.
Yesterday I did see a big flock of Tennessee Warblers in our meadow...I counted at 
least 40 birds... 
This evening I did see at least 13 Baltimore Orioles in a tree in the center of the town
David, eating fruit. 
Even the people on the plaza were pointing to colorful .
And what about me? 
I am guiding a lot and even more busy then before the Covid time, also full house with guests...
mostly nature and bird lovers.
So I leave it by this short story and  go to sleep :)
Greetings from Terry

Friday, February 10, 2023

resplendent Quetzal male

It's that time of the year again....

cute garden Emerald male singing

Hello readers, I am super busy. High season , loads of work..
Also for this cute garden Emerald male, this is the time to sing, display and more.
You don't hear him singing , but you do see he is singing...
Greetings Terry

Thursday, January 12, 2023

resplendent Quetzal male in Boquete Panama

Could not resist to put this video on my blog, always nice to see a resplendent Quetzal male

Sunday, January 8, 2023

a Memorable day of birding...7th of January 2023

 Hello all...

I received beginning of December 2022 an e-mail with a request...

"My sister and I would like to book a private, guided full-day birding tour with you on Saturday, January 7th, if possible.  I live here in Panama and this will be my sister's first visit to Panama, so I would love for both of us to experience a well-guided birding tour in honor of our late Mother who passed away on January 7th of this year, who was a huge bird-nerd, and because we both LOVE birding, which we picked up from our dear mother! ☺

We are really hoping to see a Resplendent Quetzal, and I am aware that the best time starts in February, but we are hoping it may be possible in early January?  We would be open to whichever tour you would  recommend for that, and a variety of other birds and maybe other wildlife. 

We hope you are available, and I look forward to your reply.

 Kind Regards"

And so yesterday it was January 7, the sisters did have their binoculars and camera ready, the eldest sister even had her mother's jacket on. It really would be a day with many memories of their mother. Their mother died 1 year ago as a result of colon cancer. All stories about her indicated that she was an avid bird watcher with a great love for birds and a great mother. Had lots of birds in her yard, always busy with them, feeding boards, hummingbird feeders, even in the cold winter. I think I would have liked their mother very much :)

It was a clear blue sky and super warm for the cloud forest. But yes we started with a male Quetzal, flew over us, then a female was perching in a tree and later 2 females flew away and a male without a tail.. That was already a nice surprise! We saw some other birds, all good! And a group of Capuchin monkeys. And a very nice immature ornate Hawk Eagle. The birds were hiding so I decided to go into the dense forest after lunch. Birds don't like bright hot sun, they like the shade humans. During lunch I heard a Quetzal in flight, so that was hopeful. The eldest sister already had a good picture of the female Quetzal, but one of a male was missing :) 

We were standing in the forest and suddenly there was a flash of red above us... a male Quetzal landed above our heads on a branch, sat there and went to clean himself and every now and then he looked at us. there more between heaven and earth? Yes right? I had the feeling that their mother was watching and enjoying her 2 daughters and the Quetzal of course😊

What a special beautiful day this was!

Greetings from Terry

the male Quetzal above us
                                            the sisters watching Capuchin Monkeys

                                            The sisters did send me these pictures already
                                                 (these are photos from the image viewer of their camera)

Checklist Comments:     sun, even warmer then yesterday (white faced Capuchin , heard howlers)
47 species

Band-tailed Pigeon (White-necked)  2     flew by
Ruddy Pigeon  1
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Green Hermit  1
Green-fronted Lancebill  1
Lesser Violetear  2
Talamanca Hummingbird  3     2 heard, 1 seen (Terry)
Scintillant Hummingbird  2
White-tailed Emerald  1     female
Black Vulture  X
Ornate Hawk-Eagle  1
Broad-winged Hawk  2
Resplendent Quetzal  4     1 female, 1 male(without tail) , 2 males
Northern Emerald-Toucanet (Blue-throated)  2     heard more, seen in flight
Acorn Woodpecker  X
Hairy Woodpecker (Costa Rican)  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  X
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper  1
Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner  1
Eye-ringed Flatbill  1
Mountain Elaenia  2
Mistletoe Tyrannulet  1
Dark Pewee  2     heard 1 seen 1
Yellowish Flycatcher  1
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  1     + song
Brown-capped Vireo  1
Ochraceous Wren  1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  X     heard only songs
Black-faced Solitaire  1     heard
Mountain Thrush  X
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher  X
Elegant Euphonia  1     heard only
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  1
Common Chlorospingus  3
Rufous-collared Sparrow  1
Golden-winged Warbler  1     male
Flame-throated Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  1     female
Wilson's Warbler  2     males
Slate-throated Redstart  3
Collared Redstart  1
Flame-colored Tanager  4     2 males 2 females
White-winged Tanager  1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  1     heard
Silver-throated Tanager  1     in flight fast
Yellow-faced Grassquit  1

View this checklist online at




Friday, January 6, 2023

ornate Hawk Eagle immature in Boquete (Panama)

6th of January 2023 .. ornate Hawk Eagle immature in the cloud forest
blue sky the whole morning...good list of birds, was unexpected, so hot!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

female male Quetzal 1 Jan 2023 happy New Year!

Happy New Year...this afternoon I walked with my dogs in the forest and did see these male and female respendent Quetzal. Together...pretty early for the season. Lucky me and what a good start of 2023! Cheers!