Monday, September 20, 2021

Resplendent Quetzal in cloud forest Boquete (Panama)

Hello again.......It was a "cold" morning, a lot of birds and a nice silhouette of the resplendent Quetzal (male) don't see the colors, but still he is stunning and special.

shooooort video collared Manakin male

Yes a very short video of a nice male orange collared Manakin (Male) While watching a blue-black Grosbeak, he popped out of the brush...very quick I took a video. Such a stunning bird.

western Wood-Pewee ...the first migrant bird on our farm this season....

Hello readers....and so.... not the black -and-white Warbler is the first migrant  bird this season...but the western Wood-Pewee. 
Since last week a lot of blackburnian Warbler are coming through and of course the sweet black-and-white Warblers(mostly females), did see already some Wilson's Warblers(males) and  also Canadian Warblers (Males) 
Because it is wet season now, in the afternoon we do have showers. But the last 4 days also dry late afternoons and then it is super! to watch the birds. They love those afternoons.... like me... "our" birds are in these days more alive, because they don't like all those" strangers". So I did see some ugly fights. 
Even a nice cute white browed Gnatcatcher was chasing away a female black-and-white Warbler.
You understand, I am a lot outside with my binoculars. Great times in birdy wonderland.
Greetings  from Terry