Monday, April 20, 2015

late afternoon birds Pacific sea level

I was ready for some "not cloud forest" birds today.
Needed to go to David for shopping and decided to head for a little time direction coast.
Hot ..31 degrees Celcius, thunder in the far, dark clouds a little bit wind(thanks for that!!)
A lot of nice(for me new) Dragonflies, I still are busy figuring out the name...
Update (24th of April... Migratory Dragonfly Partnership That is a Band-winged Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax umbrata). I have seen it before in Veracruz and Tabasco in Mexico. It actually is a species that has shown migratory behaviors--thanks for sharing this! )

Also very nice yellow headed Gecko's 2 males and 1 female...the males were impressing eachother, the wet season starts, they are the birds...full with passion and  hormones

And then of course the birds... 

great Egrets
snowy Egrets(beautiful in the  breeding feathers)
Cattle Egrets
green Heron
black crowned night Herons: (big group very active)
white Ibises
white tailed Kite
road side Hawk
crested Caracara
yellow headed Caracara
gray necked Wood rail
purple Gallinule
southern Lapwing
northern Jacana
pale vented Pigeon
white tipped Dove
ruddy ground Dove
blue headed Parrot
red lored Parrots
yellow crowned Parrot
striped Cuckoo
smooth billed Ani's
red crowned Woodpecker
common tody Flycatcher
tropical Pewee: (a lot)

boat billed Flycatcher
social Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
fork tailed Flycatcher
gray breasted Martin
House Wren
plain Wren
tropical Mockingbird
yellow Warblers
blue gray Tanager
buff throated Saltator
blue black Grassquit
variable Seedeater
black striped Sparrow
eastern Meadowlark
great tailed Grackle

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