Tuesday, October 17, 2017

lot's of energy in the forest!!! ( update 19th of October , see down below)

This morning finally I had more time to check out all those birds around us... high peak of migration birds, all day we hear the little sounds of them. They are very active so I took a video of a much easier bird, our bird ...the blue gray Tanager eating berries, but on the video you can hear the sounds of the migration birds!

While I was staring into the forest around the cottages with all those energetic birds, I was thinking...where is this reminding me of... suddenly I did know that.... last week friends of us did visit us with two kids of 5 and 7 years old, on the moment they did enter our house I felt the same energy as I felt this morning in the forest... hectic, sweet, energy, not organized, lovable, messy and enjoyable....

Anyway it was a good morning ..sun summer day and I love our farm, I don't blame the birds..what is more attractive then a water stream, muddy area, coffee trees, flowers, berries, open area, not organized messy dead woody areas....
and some patient bird dogs....

https://youtu.be/RM0URTPPUs8  another video of rosy Thrush Tanager this morning behind the little Tinamou cottage  and of course the bird list of this morning ...see down below...
Greetings from Terry☺

Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 17, 2017 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Comments:     sun , wind from north, birding  around cottages
51 species (+1 other taxa)

Little Tinamou  1     HO (heard only)
Gray-headed Chachalaca  6
Turkey Vulture  2
White-tipped Dove  1
pigeon/dove sp.  1     too fast flew away, I think ruddy Quail Dove
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Stripe-throated Hermit  1
Violet Sabrewing  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  4
Lesson's Motmot  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  1
Golden-olive Woodpecker  1
Lineated Woodpecker  1
Bat Falcon  1     + call fly over... last few days seen above meadows(hunting)
Olivaceous Woodcreeper  1     + call
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Mountain Elaenia  1
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  1     + calls
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Lance-tailed Manakin  2
Red-eyed Vireo  1
Black-chested Jay  2     fighting with the window image
House Wren  1
Rufous-breasted Wren  1
Tropical Gnatcatcher  2
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  2
Clay-colored Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  1
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  3     https://youtu.be/RM0URTPPUs8
Summer Tanager 1 
Golden-winged Warbler  2
Black-and-white Warbler  3
Tennessee Warbler  3
American Redstart  2
Blackburnian Warbler  2
Chestnut-sided Warbler  4
Rufous-capped Warbler  1
Costa Rican Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  3
Slate-throated Redstart  1
Blue-gray Tanager  2     https://youtu.be/VahLqGHkkHY
Bay-headed Tanager  1
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Red-legged Honeycreeper  3
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Flame-colored Tanager  1
White-winged Tanager  2
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager  5
Thick-billed Euphonia  3
Lesser Goldfinch  2

(more bird lists on ebird.org)

19th of October 2017 I did go out this morning...soo much birds here on the farm in the forest.So here an addition 
Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 19, 2017 8:50 AM - 10:50 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     forest.. cloudy huge bird activity ...Ant swarm and a lot of berries on the trees
55 species (+1 other taxa)

Little Tinamou  1     HO
Gray-headed Chachalaca  2     heard more
Turkey Vulture  2
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Stripe-throated Hermit  1
Lesser Violetear  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  2
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  2
Lesson's Motmot  1
Lineated Woodpecker  1     HO
Yellow-headed Caracara  2
Brown-throated Parakeet  2
White-flanked Antwren  1     + call... first time seen on farm
Ruddy Woodcreeper  2     Ant Swarm
Cocoa Woodcreeper  1
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  2
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  2
Mountain Elaenia  1
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Western Wood-Pewee  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  2     + calls and one with song
Bright-rumped Attila  1     HO song
Lance-tailed Manakin  2
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  1     HO
Red-eyed Vireo  5     ( eating berries)
Black-chested Jay  2     heard more
Rufous-breasted Wren  2
Rufous-and-white Wren  1
Isthmian Wren  1     HO
Tropical Gnatcatcher  4
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  4
Swainson's Thrush  3
Clay-colored Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  1
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  1     heard more
Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush  1
Golden-winged Warbler  3     1 seen on edge of forest, 1 at the stream and 1 (female) above the waterfall
Black-and-white Warbler  4
Tennessee Warbler  2
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Golden-crowned Warbler  2     + song and new on the farm!
Buff-rumped Warbler  1     + song
Wilson's Warbler  1
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Bay-headed Tanager  1
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Red-legged Honeycreeper  3
Thick-billed Seed-Finch  2     in bamboo + call  1 heard 1 male seen
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Black-striped Sparrow  1
White-naped Brushfinch  1
Flame-colored Tanager  2
White-winged Tanager  1     heard more
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager  5
Thick-billed Euphonia  1
Lesser Goldfinch  2
Greetings from  Terry

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