Fortunately I felt a little bit better and decided to say yes to a birding trip...WOW, my legs were protesting, but when I saw my old flying friends, I got more energy.
Today it is the first day of drizzel rain (bajareque) wind and rainbows. Fortunately we kept it dry and we had some sunshine.It was not really the best weather for the birds, but we did visit 3 spots and manage to see quit a bit of birds and lifers for the birding couple.
The list....
cattle Egret
black Vulture
ruddy ground Dove
white tipped Dove
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
white throated mountain Gem
violet Sabrewing
green violet Ear
orange bellied Trogon
red crowned Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
social Flycatcher
gray capped Flycatcher
black Phoebe
great Kiskadee
yellow bellied Elaenia
lesser Elaenia
plain Wren
house Wren
clay colored Thrush
Tennessee Warbler
Philadelphia Vireo
black and white Warbler
blackburnian Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
chestnut sided Warbler
black throated green Warbler
rose breasted Grosbeak in flight
slate throated Redstart
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager
yellow crowned Euphonia
thick billed Euphonia
Palm Tanager
blue gray Tanager
flame colored Tanager
Cherrie Tanager
buff throated Saltator
yellow throated brush Finch
black striped Sparrow
rufous collared Sparrow
variable Seedater
lesser Gold Finch
yellow faced Grassquit
gray breasted Martin
blue and white Swallow
white collared Swifts
great tailed Grackle
A birdwatcher who lives in Boquete, Panama, since 1998, likes to tell her bird stories
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Flu and birds
The last 3 weeks is slow...not with the birds...but with me.
I started with the Flu and got a Bronchitis. So I did watch the birds from my bedroom window. Got frustrated. On the farm a lot of birds because of the berrie tree is ripe(out of my sight) and so I hear a lot of birds there. Kind of cool was 2 days ago , a nice red tailed Hawk flew by, nice I did not need my Binocs to check him out.
Scaled Pigeons in the tree, they came probably for the berries.
Well I am recovering now, no fever yesterday and today.....I am soo ready to go out again.
Like with birding , I have to be relaxed, quiet, patient!!!
I started with the Flu and got a Bronchitis. So I did watch the birds from my bedroom window. Got frustrated. On the farm a lot of birds because of the berrie tree is ripe(out of my sight) and so I hear a lot of birds there. Kind of cool was 2 days ago , a nice red tailed Hawk flew by, nice I did not need my Binocs to check him out.
Scaled Pigeons in the tree, they came probably for the berries.
Well I am recovering now, no fever yesterday and today.....I am soo ready to go out again.
Like with birding , I have to be relaxed, quiet, patient!!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
bird of prey migration in Panama city

Para los curiosos y los no tanto, hasta el día de hoy, 10 de noviembre, llevamos contado 1,769,724 aves rapaces migratorias en el Cerro Ancón. Si observamos 813 rapaces más, rompemos nuestro propio récord de observaciones en el Cerro Ancón (el año pasado fue el mejor año, con 1,770,537 de rapaces observadas). Tenemos hasta el 18 de noviembre para lograrlo.
Just an update about the bird of prey count in Panama city, on the Ancon hill. They counted already 1,769,724 birds of pray , what a migration! When they count 813 birds more , then they set a record, they have time until 18th of November
Monday, November 7, 2011
Just a link
This is an article about the raptor migration on the Ancon hill 27th of October 2011.Half March until half April we will see such a big groups here in Boquete , great moments!!!
Les compartimos el excelente artículo escrito por Tamara del Moral en La Prensa de hoy. Explica muy bien las migraciones de rapaces en la Ciudad de Panamá y presenta datos númericos de las aves que se han contado en Cerro Ancón. Agradecemos a Laura, Daniel y a Ariel por colaborar con este artículo mientras trabajaban contando aves en el Cerro Ancón.
Cada año, en octubre y noviembre, el cielo panameño es testigo de un fenómeno natural que aún es poco conocido por muchos en el país: la migración de las rapaces.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Bird trip 6 November 2011
Today a bird trip with a Dutch couple, guest of the Tinamou cottage. We did go to several places in the highlands in Boquete, different areas, sun , clouds , the first summer wind this season and a little bit Bajareque(drizzel) higher in the mountains. It was a good morning!
The bird list....
Cattle Egrets
black Vulture
Hawk , no ID
yellow headed Caracara
black shouldered Hawk
white tipped Dove
ruddy ground Dove
brown throated Parakeets
snowy nellied Humming bird
scintillant Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
white throated mountain Gem
long billed Starthroat
buffy Tuftedcheek(two together )
emerald Toucanets
hairy Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
tropical Pewee
common tody Flycatcher
white fronted Tyrannulet
common tufted Flycatcher
house Wren
ochraceous Wren
rufous breasted Wren
brown capped Vireo
yellow winged Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
Philadelphia Vireo
Magnolia Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
yellow throated Vireo
bay breasted Warbler
black throated green Warbler
Baltimore Oriole
Wilson's Warbler
golden winged Warbler
Summer Tanager
Eastern Wood Pewee
red legged Honeycreeper
rufous capped Warbler
slate throated Whitestart
blue gray Tanager
yellow throated bruch finch
streaked Saltator
buff throated Saltator
variable Seedeater
yellow bellied Seedeater
blue black Grassquit
yellow faced Grassquit
rufous collared Sparrow
slate colored Seedeater
lesser Goldfinch
great tailed Grackle
blue and white Swallow
slaty Flowerpiercer
eatern Meadowlark
tropical Mockingbirds
My bird(s) of the day.
The two buffy tuftedcheeks, because most of the time you will see them solo.
And the baltimore Oriole, because it was the first time this season that I saw one.
The bird list....
Cattle Egrets
black Vulture
Hawk , no ID
yellow headed Caracara
black shouldered Hawk
white tipped Dove
ruddy ground Dove
brown throated Parakeets
snowy nellied Humming bird
scintillant Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
white throated mountain Gem
long billed Starthroat
buffy Tuftedcheek(two together )
emerald Toucanets
hairy Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
tropical Pewee
common tody Flycatcher
white fronted Tyrannulet
common tufted Flycatcher
house Wren
ochraceous Wren
rufous breasted Wren
brown capped Vireo
yellow winged Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
Philadelphia Vireo
Magnolia Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
yellow throated Vireo
bay breasted Warbler
black throated green Warbler
Baltimore Oriole
Wilson's Warbler
golden winged Warbler
Summer Tanager
Eastern Wood Pewee
red legged Honeycreeper
rufous capped Warbler
slate throated Whitestart
blue gray Tanager
yellow throated bruch finch
streaked Saltator
buff throated Saltator
variable Seedeater
yellow bellied Seedeater
blue black Grassquit
yellow faced Grassquit
rufous collared Sparrow
slate colored Seedeater
lesser Goldfinch
great tailed Grackle
blue and white Swallow
slaty Flowerpiercer
eatern Meadowlark
tropical Mockingbirds
My bird(s) of the day.
The two buffy tuftedcheeks, because most of the time you will see them solo.
And the baltimore Oriole, because it was the first time this season that I saw one.
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