Then also a trip with new bird watchers in the cloud forest, cloudy weather, no wind
The list....
Bird list 29th of June 2013
Bat Falcons
ruddy ground Dove
white throated mountain Gem
Scintillant Hummingbird
respendent Quetzal female (T)
prong billed barbet
red crowned Woodpecker
red faced Spinetail
ruddy Treerunner
streak headed Woodcreeper
yellow bellied Elaenia
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
tufted Flycatcher (T)
black Phoebe
great Kiskadee
social Flycatcher
Piratic Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
gray breasted Wood Wren
House Wren
Ochraceous Wren
American Dipper
Bat Falcons
ruddy ground Dove
white throated mountain Gem
Scintillant Hummingbird
respendent Quetzal female (T)
prong billed barbet
red crowned Woodpecker
red faced Spinetail
ruddy Treerunner
streak headed Woodcreeper
yellow bellied Elaenia
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
tufted Flycatcher (T)
black Phoebe
great Kiskadee
social Flycatcher
Piratic Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
gray breasted Wood Wren
House Wren
Ochraceous Wren
American Dipper
black faced Solitair (Lot of immatures)
orange billed nightingale Thrush
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
white throated Thrush
slate throated Redstart
black cheeked Warbler
three striped Warbler
common bush Tanager
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
silver throated Tanager
spangle cheeked Tanager
Scarlet thighed Dacnis
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
variable Seedeater
yellow thighed Finch
chestnut capped brush Finch
rufous collared Sparrow
bronzed Cowbird
elegant Euphonia
thick billed Euphnia
yellow bellied Siskin