A birdwatcher who lives in Boquete, Panama, since 1998, likes to tell her bird stories
Friday, March 31, 2017
a pair of black chested Jay's courtship mating dance
Black-chested Jay
making a nest in the forest in top of tree on the opposite of the great Tinamou cottage. For two weeks they have a "thing" (courtship) in front of the windows of all the cottages also our house, throwing out plants out of planters... and are making the same"dances" and movements and sounds I had to take it secretly, as soon they will see me , they stop and fly away...
greetings Terry
Saturday, March 25, 2017
long billed Starthroat feeding immatures
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Resplendent Quetzal turns into blue color in shade in Boquete Panama
Friday, March 10, 2017
bird songs on 1000 meter western highlands Chiriqui province Panama
blue black Grosbeak...striped Cuckoo, white tipped Dove, rufous capped Warbler, orange billed Nightingale Thrush, Ruddy Foliage-Gleaner. 1 Song is still not ID
Greetings Terry
me and the blue black Grosbeak
Yesterday I decided to go out of my bed early and to be in a place(1000 meters altitude) where different birds are.. I did go there 2 times more. One Time on my own, one time with Hans to show him how beautiful (3 days ago) and now me and the birds only. Also because I did hear a bird song when I was with Hans , that I heard before long time ago...I could not remember which one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqgiwzwx1kc&feature=youtu.be
At 5.45am I left the house by car and 6.30 sharp I was there. Beautiful weather and a lot of bird songs and later birds to see.. And yes also my secret bird and yes after half an hour ...I found him !!! Blue black Grosbeak. No picture by me but one from Joao Quintal:
He was hiding in long grass, but he popped out...
Another view on a bird that I only did see once, lower land though, is the stripe breasted Wren at the small river. Heard him, he popped out and gave me a look and he was gone!
This is a picture of Jorge Arollo:
Yesterday evening I was busy the whole evening listen to the bird sounds, because another bird is getting me now. Sounds like an Antbird or Shrike or so...but I cannot find it. I have to go back, nobody knows what it is until now. (when somebody has an idea, don't be shy...) And yes Edwin Calderón did help me , it is a ruddy Foliage Gleaner . Did see this bird before , but never heard this call.
I wonder myself sometimes...why? am I putting so much effort in this, listening the whole evening to bird sounds ... sitting in the nature with an apple and water and eat and drink it fast otherwise I cannot see them, why not longer in my bed, why cannot sleep too good of excitement to go out to watch birds?
Answer: I like them and it is interesting to see the behaviour, relaxing(yes yes), my mind is just busy with them, I do like little surprises like the blue black Grosbeak, love to see how 2 yellow face Grass quits are building a nest, love to see how birds can hide for the sun or rain and on and on..
Now I am writing this...I have the conclusion.. I always did love surprises and you always get them with Bird watching, always!
Down below the bird list of yesterday morning and totally down below some pictures that I took the last weeks during birding outings.
Ornate Hawk Eagle
female red headed Barbet
scintillant Hummingbird
black throated Jay
Elegant Euphonia male and female
resplendent Quetzal
three wattled Bellbird
continuing story: American Dipper...picture nest, they are breeding
At 5.45am I left the house by car and 6.30 sharp I was there. Beautiful weather and a lot of bird songs and later birds to see.. And yes also my secret bird and yes after half an hour ...I found him !!! Blue black Grosbeak. No picture by me but one from Joao Quintal:
He was hiding in long grass, but he popped out...
Another view on a bird that I only did see once, lower land though, is the stripe breasted Wren at the small river. Heard him, he popped out and gave me a look and he was gone!
This is a picture of Jorge Arollo:
Yesterday evening I was busy the whole evening listen to the bird sounds, because another bird is getting me now. Sounds like an Antbird or Shrike or so...but I cannot find it. I have to go back, nobody knows what it is until now. (when somebody has an idea, don't be shy...) And yes Edwin Calderón did help me , it is a ruddy Foliage Gleaner . Did see this bird before , but never heard this call.
I wonder myself sometimes...why? am I putting so much effort in this, listening the whole evening to bird sounds ... sitting in the nature with an apple and water and eat and drink it fast otherwise I cannot see them, why not longer in my bed, why cannot sleep too good of excitement to go out to watch birds?
Answer: I like them and it is interesting to see the behaviour, relaxing(yes yes), my mind is just busy with them, I do like little surprises like the blue black Grosbeak, love to see how 2 yellow face Grass quits are building a nest, love to see how birds can hide for the sun or rain and on and on..
Now I am writing this...I have the conclusion.. I always did love surprises and you always get them with Bird watching, always!
Down below the bird list of yesterday morning and totally down below some pictures that I took the last weeks during birding outings.
Portrerillos, Chiriquí, PA Mar 9, 2017 6:30 AM - 10:45 AM Protocol: Traveling 0.3 kilometer(s) Comments: sun 77 species Little Tinamou 1 1 seen, heard more Spotted Wood-Quail 3 3 seen, heard more, 1 group Cattle Egret 3 Black Vulture 12 approx Turkey Vulture 2 White-tailed Kite 1 Roadside Hawk 1 Pale-vented Pigeon 1 Scaled Pigeon 1 Ruddy Ground-Dove 2 White-tipped Dove 10 prob more, stopped counting Groove-billed Ani 2 Striped Cuckoo 1 Squirrel Cuckoo 1 Garden Emerald 2 Snowy-bellied Hummingbird 2 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird 2 Lesson's Motmot 2 Keel-billed Toucan 2 +song Olivaceous Piculet 1 Red-crowned Woodpecker 2 Yellow-headed Caracara 2 Blue-headed Parrot 1 Crimson-fronted Parakeet 50 approx in 3 groups Plain Antvireo 1 + song Dusky Antbird 1 1 seen heard more Streak-headed Woodcreeper 1 Pale-breasted Spinetail 2 Slaty Spinetail 1 Yellow Tyrannulet 5 Yellow-bellied Elaenia 2 Ochre-bellied Flycatcher 1 Paltry Tyrannulet 1 Common Tody-Flycatcher 2 Bran-colored Flycatcher 1 Bright-rumped Attila 1 heard only Dusky-capped Flycatcher 1 Panama Flycatcher 1 Boat-billed Flycatcher 2 Gray-capped Flycatcher 3 Piratic Flycatcher 1 Tropical Kingbird 3 Fork-tailed Flycatcher 1 Orange-collared Manakin 2 Yellow-throated Vireo 1 Black-chested Jay 2 Barn Swallow 1 House Wren 2 Rufous-breasted Wren 3 Stripe-breasted Wren 1 seen + song Riverside Wren 1 Tropical Gnatcatcher 2 Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush 2 1 seen 1 heard Tropical Mockingbird 1 Black-and-white Warbler 2 Mourning Warbler 2 Chestnut-sided Warbler 4 Rufous-capped Warbler 2 Cherrie's Tanager 5 Blue-gray Tanager 4 Golden-hooded Tanager 2 Bay-headed Tanager 2 Silver-throated Tanager 3 Red-legged Honeycreeper 2 Blue-black Grassquit 1 Variable Seedeater 2 Bananaquit 1 Yellow-faced Grassquit 4 Buff-throated Saltator 7 Streaked Saltator 6 approx Black-striped Sparrow 4 heard more Orange-billed Sparrow 1 heard only song Blue-black Grosbeak 1 seen + song https://youtu.be/sqgiwzwx1kc Melodious Blackbird 1 heard Crested Oropendola 3 Thick-billed Euphonia 2 Lesser Goldfinch 7
2 sounds with a ??
Ornate Hawk Eagle
female red headed Barbet
blue headed Parrot
orange bellied Trogonscintillant Hummingbird
black throated Jay
Elegant Euphonia male and female
resplendent Quetzal
three wattled Bellbird
continuing story: American Dipper...picture nest, they are breeding
Greetings Terry
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Monday, March 6, 2017
elegant Euphonia female and male
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Resplendent Quetzal in Boquete cloudforest in the wind
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