Sunday, October 3, 2021

Migration of the birds, exciting times!

 October 3, 2021 

Hello dear readers, I'm hyper again, while I'm working outside you can hear the Migrant Warblers, Flycatchers and Swainson's Thrushes everywhere. 

Also "our" birds are quite active in defending their territory. That's not easy with this "invasion". Yesterday I treated myself again to a day of birding somewhere further away. This time I chose the continental divide area. I enjoyed a day in the Fortuna reserve. It is a long road of 11 km and at the end you end up more in the Caribbean side. 

I stayed the longest at the beginning of the road, about 3 hours and then drove on and stopped now and then. This road is so much fun because you deal with different altitudes and micro climates. This also means different bird opportunities. Also an area with many other cool plants and trees. All in all with the 23 years that I have been coming there, it is still a good entertainment. I am 100% happy when I am there. Hans takes care of the horses and dogs, so I don't have to go to the horses in the early morning (which I really like, but it saves time) I roll out of bed, make coffee, fill my thermos and take my bowl of fruit I'll eat that when I'm on the spot. It is about a little over 1 hour drive. I arrived  at 7.15am.

Above my first bird of that day, a Louisiana Waterthrush

 I drive away when it is a bit light, it also saves time and then I can see what the weather is like, I wanted to go a month ago, but then it was intensely dark  cloudy in that area and so I went the other way. was a good choice, because that day I heard that it had rained quite a bit in that area. It does that a lot there, that's why it's so green and lush. I haven't had any rain this day, just a few splashes. Did start with some fog, but I managed to see the birds quite good. 

                                           A keel billed Toucan in the mist

As soon as I drove down, it got warmer and sunnier. So around 1pm I retreated into the woods and successfully, bird wise.

a red tailed Hawk above
Above you can see ..loads of forest and a cute immature black Vulture and adult
This was half way ... going down on the road.
And more at the end of the road you can see the caribbean sea:

above ..always there is a Sloth to see.

Above a brown billed Scythebill, different ..I was confused...because of the spots on the belly, but the bill was clear...maybe a mix??? with spotted  Woodcreeper and a Scythebill????

During the day, Barn Swallows and other Swallows were constantly around me. Really a lot! They love that road. Yes, the migration is really underway!

Down below my list of  this day.
Enjoy this nice time of year!
greetings from Terry

Camino de la Divisoria Continental, Ngäbe-Buglé, PA
Oct 2, 2021 7:15 AM - 3:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
11.0 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments:     all kinds of weather... Fortuna reserve... loads of Swallows and blackburnian Warblers
82 species (+3 other taxa)

Short-billed Pigeon  1
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Green Hermit  3
Stripe-throated Hermit  2
Green-crowned Brilliant  1
White-bellied Mountain-gem  1
Violet-headed Hummingbird  1
Crowned Woodnymph  1
White-throated Crake  1     heard only
Black Vulture  X
Turkey Vulture  2
Red-tailed Hawk (costaricensis)  1
Collared Trogon (Orange-bellied)  2
Broad-billed Motmot  1     heard only
Keel-billed Toucan  3
Merlin  1     hunting ..good view on him
Fasciated Antshrike  2
Black-crowned Antshrike  1
Russet Antshrike (Tawny)  3     2 heard 1 seen
Zeledon's Antbird  1     heard only
Ochre-breasted Antpitta  1
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  1     heard only
Rufous-breasted Antthrush  1     heard only
Spotted Woodcreeper (Berlepsch's)  1
Brown-billed Scythebill  1     first I thought it was the spotted Woodcreeper, because of the spots on the belly..then I did see the bill.. I almost think it is a mix between a scythebill and spotted Woodcreeper
Lineated Foliage-gleaner  2
Spotted Barbtail  1
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant  2     1 seen 1 heard
Mistletoe Tyrannulet  1
Tufted Flycatcher  1
Western Wood-Pewee  2     + songs, all very close together in same area
Eastern Wood-Pewee  3
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  4
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  1     + calls
Empidonax sp.  1
Golden-bellied Flycatcher  2
Tropical Kingbird  2
Red-eyed Vireo  4
Bank Swallow  X
Barn Swallow  X
Barn Swallow (American)  X
Long-billed Gnatwren  1
Scaly-breasted Wren  1     heard only
House Wren  1
Band-backed Wren  2
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  5
Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush  2     1 seen 1 heard
Swainson's Thrush  5     heard more calls
Clay-colored Thrush  2
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  X     heard only
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2     heard more
Olive-backed Euphonia  2
Tawny-capped Euphonia  5
Common Chlorospingus  X
Black-striped Sparrow  1
Orange-billed Sparrow  1
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch  1
White-naped Brushfinch (Yellow-throated)  2
Louisiana Waterthrush  1
Northern Waterthrush  3
Golden-winged Warbler  1
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Mourning Warbler  3     1heard 2 seen
American Redstart  1
Tropical Parula  2
Blackburnian Warbler  X     lost count..mostly males ..3 females only
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Costa Rican Warbler  5
Canada Warbler  3
Slate-throated Redstart  2
Summer Tanager  4
White-winged Tanager  X     heard only
Tawny-crested Tanager  5
White-lined Tanager  4
Scarlet-rumped Tanager (Passerini's)  4
Blue-gray Tanager  4
Palm Tanager  4
Golden-hooded Tanager  3
Silver-throated Tanager  4
Green Honeycreeper  1
Blue-black Grassquit  2
Yellow-bellied Seedeater  1
Bananaquit  3
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Buff-throated Saltator  4

Monday, September 20, 2021

Resplendent Quetzal in cloud forest Boquete (Panama)

Hello again.......It was a "cold" morning, a lot of birds and a nice silhouette of the resplendent Quetzal (male) don't see the colors, but still he is stunning and special.

shooooort video collared Manakin male

Yes a very short video of a nice male orange collared Manakin (Male) While watching a blue-black Grosbeak, he popped out of the brush...very quick I took a video. Such a stunning bird.

western Wood-Pewee ...the first migrant bird on our farm this season....

Hello readers....and so.... not the black -and-white Warbler is the first migrant  bird this season...but the western Wood-Pewee. 
Since last week a lot of blackburnian Warbler are coming through and of course the sweet black-and-white Warblers(mostly females), did see already some Wilson's Warblers(males) and  also Canadian Warblers (Males) 
Because it is wet season now, in the afternoon we do have showers. But the last 4 days also dry late afternoons and then it is super! to watch the birds. They love those afternoons.... like me... "our" birds are in these days more alive, because they don't like all those" strangers". So I did see some ugly fights. 
Even a nice cute white browed Gnatcatcher was chasing away a female black-and-white Warbler.
You understand, I am a lot outside with my binoculars. Great times in birdy wonderland.
Greetings  from Terry

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

wedge tailed Grass Finch in Boquete Panama

Hello all....
a wedge tailed Grass Finch in Boquete Panama... 7th of May 1999 I did see this grass Finch in Boquete for the last time. This area where I did see him did not burn the last 2 years and that means that more different grasses survived. And yes it is a very nice habitat for these kind of birds.
It was a nice late afternoon..after a rainy afternoon the sky did go open and it was so beautiful.
Here some give you an idea... Greetings from Terry (you can find my bird list on E-bird)
                                            Jaramillo area (where our farm is)
                                            Volcan Baru
                                            white winged Dove
                                            the surprise of the day wedge tailed Grass Finch
                                            a cute House Wren
                                            yellow faced Grassquit male

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Our other farm...

 Hello readers!!

Our other farm..."finca Potoo", 25 hectares... 22 years ago it was mainly pasture with cows... now it is happy with it! Now with the climate problems, I really am happy that we can do something... well actually it grows by itself... over the years I see more and more birds on this farm which makes sense. I occasionally throw around some other seed from other areas of forest in Boquete. We have quite a few different types of oak trees. And other species sometimes come out of nowhere. Probably through birds and other animals. It's a joy to be there. And it is also a "feel good" forest ...especially in the times we live in now.

Greetings from Terry

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Bird watching on the coast

 Hello everyone, it's time for a story...actually every day I do watch birds and make my daily list. At the moment there are many young birds with their sometimes confusing plumage and of course the adult birds that are molting. Today is August 1th... and THE month where is the chance of seeing migration birds present again. Who will I see first!!! I'm betting on a black and white Warbler....

Last week I went to the coast again...rice fields and sniffed the sea! The road to the coast has been improved so I was actually at my destination in an hour from our farm/home. A few days before a Cattle Tyrant had been seen, I had never seen that one before, so I hoped for that too...but it's always nice to see the "normal" coast birds again...the different types of herons, Jacana's , Wood Storks... you name it... nice to see some Glossy Ibises and a few Inca Doves again. And well I haven't seen the Tyrant ...but I did see a new bird for me in Panama... the Limpkin...

He/she flew over, at first I thought of a glossy Ibis, but his bill was different, less curved and a bit more heavier and orange with a black at the end...quickly looking further some white stripes in the neck and then quickly a photo... unfortunately blurry and too far away.

Next time I hope to see him in the field on two legs. It reminded me a bit of the Crane in the Netherlands.

I will add my "best" photos of that morning to this story. All in all... it was a nice morning.

In the afternoon I picked my photos and made my list... I'll add it to my story.

Until next time.

Greetings from Terry

More lists on E-bird

Playa La Barqueta--Pantanos, Chiriquí, PA
Jul 29, 2021 8:10 AM - 10:30 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.5 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments:     cloudy 24C
60 species

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  40     approx amount...also 15 chicks 1 nest
Inca Dove  2
Plain-breasted Ground Dove  1
Ruddy Ground Dove  4
Smooth-billed Ani  4
Lesser Nighthawk  1

Purple Gallinule  3
Limpkin  1     first I thought it was a glossy Ibis, but the beak was different , somewhat curved  orange/yellowish the end dark and I did see some white spots nearby head and in neck. I took a fast picture...but it was over
Black-necked Stilt (Black-necked)  2     pair
Southern Lapwing  7
Northern Jacana  X
Willet  2
Laughing Gull  1     dead immature
Wood Stork  9

Magnificent Frigatebird  2
Anhinga  3
Neotropic Cormorant  9
Brown Pelican  1
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron  1     through car window
Great Egret  X     a lot , did not count...approx 100
Snowy Egret  3
Little Blue Heron  2
Cattle Egret  15
Green Heron  5
Black-crowned Night-Heron  4

White Ibis  2

Glossy Ibis  2     flew over together
Pearl Kite  1
Roadside Hawk  1
Ringed Kingfisher  2
Green Kingfisher  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  3
Crested Caracara  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  3
Laughing Falcon  1
Bat Falcon  2
Orange-chinned Parakeet  8
Red-lored Parrot  2
Brown-throated Parakeet  6
Common Tody-Flycatcher  2
Great Kiskadee  5
Rusty-margined Flycatcher  1
Tropical Kingbird  3
Fork-tailed Flycatcher  1
Scrub Greenlet  1
Southern Rough-winged Swallow  4
Gray-breasted Martin  5
House Wren  1
Tropical Mockingbird (Tropical)  3
House Sparrow  1
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2
Eastern Meadowlark  1
Red-breasted Meadowlark  3
Great-tailed Grackle  3
Blue-gray Tanager  4
Palm Tanager  3
Blue-black Grassquit  5
Variable Seedeater  3
Morelet's Seedeater  4
Yellow-bellied Seedeater  2

And a very nice... very Panamanian scene...on the back ground loads of great Egrets/Cattle Egrets:

Saturday, July 10, 2021

lesson's Motmots in our garden

greetings Terry :)

fork tailed Flycatcher in Boquete (Panama)

Hello's been a while... for now this nice video of the fork tailed Flycatcher
And this week I will post a new's about time... :)
Greetings Terry

Monday, May 31, 2021

golden crowned Warbler distraction display

Hello ...this morning on our other farm, without realizing it, I walked past a golden crowned Warbler's nest (somewhere). What I have never seen of this bird is that she was able to distract me well. I had seen that from  Lapwings and other water birds and some Nighthawks, but never from such a small bird.
greetings from Terry (my list of this morning you can see on E-bird)

Monday, May 17, 2021

pair thick billed Euphonias feeding 4 immatures

 Hello everybody...normally thick billed Euphonias often have 2 to 3 immatures, but this pair of thick billed Euphonias have done their best ... 4 immatures! And I found another dead baby bird on our terrace, so they had 5! Hard work! You can clearly see on this video that the parent birds have a large crop, that saves a lot of flying back and forth, very efficient.
greetings from Terry

Friday, May 14, 2021

14th of May 2021 release of an Olingo


Hello all, this Olingo is a arboreal animal and has lived with humans for 6 months, which is prohibited by law in Panama. Probably because it's a wild animal it became a problem and he or she ended up with Rosie, very skinny as you can see in the first picture in the video. He lived there for over 4 weeks in a large loft and ate himself fat and today it was the day for real freedom. 1800 meters altitude (5905 feet) in a protected environment ... no people around and with a lot of food. :)

Greetings from Terry

Este Olingo es un animal nocturno y ha convivido con humanos durante 6 meses, lo cual está prohibido por la ley en Panamá. Probablemente por ser un animal salvaje se convirtió en un problema y terminó con Rosie, muy flaca como se puede ver en la primera imagen en el video. Vivió allí durante más de 4 semanas en un gran loft y se comió gordo y hoy era el día de la verdadera libertad. 1800 metros de altitud (5905 pies) en un entorno protegido ... no hay gente y con mucha comida. :)

Deze Olingo is een nacht dier en heeft 6 maanden bij mensen gewoond , wat volgens de wet in Panama niet mag. Waarschijnlijk omdat het een wild dier is , werd het een probleem en hij of zij belandde bij Rosie, heel mager zoals je ziet op de eerste foto in de video. Daar heeft ie ruim 4 weken gewoond in een groot hok en zich vet gegeten en vandaag was het de dag voor de echte vrijheid. 1800 Meter hoogte(5905 feet) in een beschermde omgeving...geen mensen in de buurt en met veel eten. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

14th of April 2021 busy bird day on the farm

Hello everybody ...14th of April 2021... today was a typical April bird day on the farm...a lot of bird songs, nest making birds, fighting birds, upset birds and also birds who like to eat birds and eggs.... interesting times!
Greetings from Terry

Monday, April 12, 2021

two toed Sloth on the farm

Hello everybody, it's not a bird...but also a nice visitor on our farm. This 
nice two toed Sloth just had a big rain shower behind him...
and  now it was time to sleep.
I took this video at 7 pm, so it started to be darker,
but I must say enough light to see this nice animal.
Greetings  from Terry

Friday, March 26, 2021

releasing of an emerald Toucanet in Boquete Panama

Hello Everybody, 
March 26, 2021 today was the beautiful day for an emerald Toucanet and of course for us too. They brought an Emerald Toucanet to Rosie (bird sanctuary, works together with "miambiente", (national environmental authority), he was in a cage somewhere on the warm Panamanian coast, of course he came from the mountains, there people have taken his freedom away ... What is that about people? All the beautiful colorful birds around them, you only have to look in a tree here in Panama ... but no ... they have to put the bird in a cage and then they can "show" with it ... Probably this one was not so friendly and so I think people wanted to get rid of him ... luckily there are people with a good heart and so he came to Rosie. And Rosie looked after him like this for a week and a half, saw that he was eating himself and despite his clipped wings ... he could fly quite well. I had a good place in my mind for the release, where there are also many fruit trees and also a friend lives who could possibly keep an eye on it ... about 1750 m. Altitude. And besides many other birds, there are also many emerald Toucanets (formerly blue throated Toucanet) living there. The weather was just right, a little sun, a little drizzel ... I tried to make a movie of it, so have a look ...
Most of the time when I'm a little excited and happy, the videos go in all directions :), but it is still good to watch.
Greetings from Terry
By the way, there is a law in Panama that prohibits the possession of wild animals and birds, in cage or leash or whatever!

26 de Marzo de 2021 hoy fue un hermoso día para un Tucancito esmeralda y, por supuesto, también para nosotros. Le trajeron un tucancito esmeralda a Rosie (santuario de aves, trabaja con "miambiente", autoridad ambiental nacional), estaba en una jaula en algún lugar de la cálida costa panameña, por supuesto que venía de las montañas, la gente se lo ha llevado de su libertad. ... ¿Qué es eso de la gente? Todos los pájaros hermosos y coloridos que los rodean, solo hay que mirar en un árbol aquí en Panamá ... pero no ... tienen que poner al pájaro en una jaula y luego pueden "lucirse" con él ... Probablemente esto uno no era tan amistoso y creo que la gente quería deshacerse de él ... afortunadamente hay gente con buen corazón y por eso vino a Rosie. Y Rosie lo cuidó así durante una semana y media, vio que se comía él mismo y a pesar de sus alas cortadas ... podía volar bastante bien. Tenía un buen lugar en mi mente para la liberación, donde también hay muchos árboles frutales y también vive un amigo que posiblemente podría vigilarlo ... unos 1750 m. De altitud. Y además de muchas otras aves, también hay muchos Tucanes esmeralda (anteriormente Tucán de garganta azul) que viven allí. Hacía buen tiempo, un poco de sol, un poco de llovizna ... Traté de hacer una película, así que échale un vistazo ...
La mayoría de las veces, cuando estoy un poco emocionado y feliz, los videos van en todas direcciones :), pero aún así es bueno verlos.
Saludos de Terry
Por cierto, hay una ley en Panamá que prohíbe la posesión de animales salvajes y aves, ¡en jaula o correa o lo que sea!

26 Maart 2021 vandaag was het de mooie dag voor een emerald Toucanet en natuurlijk voor ons ook. Ze brachten een Emerald Toucanet  naar Rosie(vogel opvang, werkt samen met "miambiente", nationale milieuautoriteit), hij zat in een kooi ergens aan de warme Panamese kust, natuurlijk kwam hij uit de bergen , daar hebben mensen hem van zijn vrijheid ontnomen...Wat is dat toch met mensen? Alle mooie kleurige vogels om hen heen, je hoeft maar in een boom te kijken hier in Panama ...maar nee...ze moeten de vogel in een kooi stoppen en dan kunnen ze ermee "showen"... Waarschijnlijk was deze niet zo vriendelijk en dus denk ik dat mensen hem kwijt wilden...gelukkig zijn er mensen met een goed hart en dus kwam hij bij Rosie. En Rosie heeft hem zo anderhalve week verzorgd, zag dat hij zelf at en ondanks zijn geknipte vleugels... kon hij aardig vliegen. Ik had een goede plek in mijn gedachten voor de vrijlating , waar ook veel fruitbomen staan en ook een vriendin woont die eventueel een oog erop kan houden...ongeveer 1750 m.hoogte. En daar leven naast veel andere vogels ook veel emerald Toucanets( voorheen blue throated Toucanet). Het was precies goed weer, beetje zon , beetje drizzel... ik heb geprobeerd  een filmpje ervan te maken, dus kijk maar even... 
Meest van tijd als ik wat opgewonden en blij ben, gaan de filmpjes alle kanten op :), maar het is nog wel  goed te bekijken.
Groetjes van Terry
Trouwens er is een wet in Panama dat verbied wilde beesten en vogels in bezit te hebben, in kooi of aan de riem of wat dan ook!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

large footed Finch highlands Boquete Panama

4th of March 2021
"That's a large footed Finch" when I say that to people, they often laugh, but when they see the bird with those big feet throwing leaves up a few feet to find insects there, they are impressed. those big feet and yes they believe it immediately! They live at high altitudes 2150 to 3350 m.
Greetings from Terry.. my check list of my morning in the cloud forest you can find ...

resplendent Quetzales in love... Boquete Panama

4th of March 2020 
greetings from sunny Boquete... 
It's that time of year again when the resplendent Quetzales are very active ... the hormones are rushing through their bodies. The necessary court calls and flights are now clearly visible in the highlands of Boquete Panama. I did filmed this on a level of 2650m altitude in of course cloud forest.
greetings from Terry

Friday, February 26, 2021

an hour birdwatching Boquete Panama

Hello all, I got an e-mail today from a friend birdwatcher, she did ask me when my next post is coming....
Yes I admit , that is a long time I thought this afternoon... tonight I will post!
And yes here it is.
Covid virus makes me a bit different, like a lot of people. I watch birds a lot, but to take time (what I have) and sit and post...weird enough, I cannot concentrate. But after this post ...I promise  to post more. You can see, as always, my bird lists on E-bird, that goes on :) 
But everything is okay with us. It is a kind of weird that in our high season  ... our cottages and trips are closed. But safety first. As soon things are getting somewhat "normal", we will go open again.
Take we do...
Greetings  from Terry