Wednesday, August 18, 2021

wedge tailed Grass Finch in Boquete Panama

Hello all....
a wedge tailed Grass Finch in Boquete Panama... 7th of May 1999 I did see this grass Finch in Boquete for the last time. This area where I did see him did not burn the last 2 years and that means that more different grasses survived. And yes it is a very nice habitat for these kind of birds.
It was a nice late afternoon..after a rainy afternoon the sky did go open and it was so beautiful.
Here some give you an idea... Greetings from Terry (you can find my bird list on E-bird)
                                            Jaramillo area (where our farm is)
                                            Volcan Baru
                                            white winged Dove
                                            the surprise of the day wedge tailed Grass Finch
                                            a cute House Wren
                                            yellow faced Grassquit male

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Our other farm...

 Hello readers!!

Our other farm..."finca Potoo", 25 hectares... 22 years ago it was mainly pasture with cows... now it is happy with it! Now with the climate problems, I really am happy that we can do something... well actually it grows by itself... over the years I see more and more birds on this farm which makes sense. I occasionally throw around some other seed from other areas of forest in Boquete. We have quite a few different types of oak trees. And other species sometimes come out of nowhere. Probably through birds and other animals. It's a joy to be there. And it is also a "feel good" forest ...especially in the times we live in now.

Greetings from Terry

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Bird watching on the coast

 Hello everyone, it's time for a story...actually every day I do watch birds and make my daily list. At the moment there are many young birds with their sometimes confusing plumage and of course the adult birds that are molting. Today is August 1th... and THE month where is the chance of seeing migration birds present again. Who will I see first!!! I'm betting on a black and white Warbler....

Last week I went to the coast again...rice fields and sniffed the sea! The road to the coast has been improved so I was actually at my destination in an hour from our farm/home. A few days before a Cattle Tyrant had been seen, I had never seen that one before, so I hoped for that too...but it's always nice to see the "normal" coast birds again...the different types of herons, Jacana's , Wood Storks... you name it... nice to see some Glossy Ibises and a few Inca Doves again. And well I haven't seen the Tyrant ...but I did see a new bird for me in Panama... the Limpkin...

He/she flew over, at first I thought of a glossy Ibis, but his bill was different, less curved and a bit more heavier and orange with a black at the end...quickly looking further some white stripes in the neck and then quickly a photo... unfortunately blurry and too far away.

Next time I hope to see him in the field on two legs. It reminded me a bit of the Crane in the Netherlands.

I will add my "best" photos of that morning to this story. All in all... it was a nice morning.

In the afternoon I picked my photos and made my list... I'll add it to my story.

Until next time.

Greetings from Terry

More lists on E-bird

Playa La Barqueta--Pantanos, Chiriquí, PA
Jul 29, 2021 8:10 AM - 10:30 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.5 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments:     cloudy 24C
60 species

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  40     approx amount...also 15 chicks 1 nest
Inca Dove  2
Plain-breasted Ground Dove  1
Ruddy Ground Dove  4
Smooth-billed Ani  4
Lesser Nighthawk  1

Purple Gallinule  3
Limpkin  1     first I thought it was a glossy Ibis, but the beak was different , somewhat curved  orange/yellowish the end dark and I did see some white spots nearby head and in neck. I took a fast picture...but it was over
Black-necked Stilt (Black-necked)  2     pair
Southern Lapwing  7
Northern Jacana  X
Willet  2
Laughing Gull  1     dead immature
Wood Stork  9

Magnificent Frigatebird  2
Anhinga  3
Neotropic Cormorant  9
Brown Pelican  1
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron  1     through car window
Great Egret  X     a lot , did not count...approx 100
Snowy Egret  3
Little Blue Heron  2
Cattle Egret  15
Green Heron  5
Black-crowned Night-Heron  4

White Ibis  2

Glossy Ibis  2     flew over together
Pearl Kite  1
Roadside Hawk  1
Ringed Kingfisher  2
Green Kingfisher  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  3
Crested Caracara  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  3
Laughing Falcon  1
Bat Falcon  2
Orange-chinned Parakeet  8
Red-lored Parrot  2
Brown-throated Parakeet  6
Common Tody-Flycatcher  2
Great Kiskadee  5
Rusty-margined Flycatcher  1
Tropical Kingbird  3
Fork-tailed Flycatcher  1
Scrub Greenlet  1
Southern Rough-winged Swallow  4
Gray-breasted Martin  5
House Wren  1
Tropical Mockingbird (Tropical)  3
House Sparrow  1
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2
Eastern Meadowlark  1
Red-breasted Meadowlark  3
Great-tailed Grackle  3
Blue-gray Tanager  4
Palm Tanager  3
Blue-black Grassquit  5
Variable Seedeater  3
Morelet's Seedeater  4
Yellow-bellied Seedeater  2

And a very nice... very Panamanian scene...on the back ground loads of great Egrets/Cattle Egrets: