Friday, December 29, 2023

White throated Crake has breakfast

Mostly you hear them , but we were lucky that due road blokkade(protest against copper mine a few weeks ago), a farmer dumped platanos (kind of banana) That load was over ripe and not to sell anymore. Very sad for the farmer... but great for us and the crakes and sparrows and butterflies, morphos. There were a lot of flies and the crake was eating the fermented fruit. Taken on continental divide / Palo seco bosque protector in Panama
Greetings Terry

Sunday, December 17, 2023

three toed Sloth...very good hiding spot

I was  checking out some birds, was already for a while in this area and then 
suddenly you see this Sloth, always a nice surprise.
Greetings Terry

My bird of today... Snowcap male

Today I did go very early to the continental divide (bosque protector Palo seco) You can see there a lot of times birds that you don't see every day. It is an area where you can see birds from Caribbean side and Pacific side. One of my favorite areas here in Panama. I don't have a lot of times birds, but today I was almost convinced that I could see the Snowcap, because this is the time of the flowers and nesting of the Hummingbirds. Of course I was checking out a lot of other birds and sounds...but suddenly there he was... the male Snowcap. Not a lifer, but every time a great bird to see. And "every time" is not often... Greetings Terry

Sunday, December 3, 2023

neotropic Cormorants fly out, large colony

Big colony of neotropic Cormorants...
when they were roosting , I did not see that there were so many...what a nice surprise and beautiful  sight when the flew out.

GREEN cloud forest Boquete in Panama

Green, with a big G cloud forest .
With bird sounds...
ochraceous Wren, gray breasted Wood Wren, lineated Foliage Gleaner.

long billed Starthroat singing

It is that time of the year (December/January) that a lot of Hummingbirds are going to sing ..als this long billed Starthroat, but the Isthmian Wrens are louder. Boquete Panama

long billed Starthroat singing, it is summer

long billed Starthroat is showing is that time of the year :) Summer started... Boquete Panama