Sunday, December 18, 2011

today we went up the vulcano

...not to the top, but half way. Just a nice trip. Saw the Volcano Hummingbird, both male and female.
Made a picture, but well ...a blurry female...
A lot of usual the elegant Euphonia, golden browed Chlorophonia, Ochraceous Wren, gray breasted Wood Wren and what was nice and a kind of surprise..a whole bunch of Quetzales in love.
It sounded like February!
The sound of "pigeons" (I talk Quetzales) and finally I have it on tape. A male and female where sitting next to eachother and  "talking with each other" was all over the place, this sound. You don't hear it often.
I took a short video from a female Quetzal...she makes the sound , but the male did it also.

Well it was a good day, in the afternoon I had to work, could stay there for ever on that mountain. It was good to see my Quetzal friends. Tomorrow a birding trip, hope we will see good birds with 3 Dutch birders.
Unfortunately I did miss the Christmas bird count today...hope next year, but this made my day.
By the way , in my opinion a very early start of the Quetzal hormones!!!

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