Sunday, February 26, 2012

busy times

The last week was very busy, a lot of "new" bird watchers... and quit a bit of birds. 
 Exept on  the way to Bocas with two birders, we did leave very early from Boquete , but still not really a lot of birds.

I saw a lifer (unfortunately the birders with me ..did not see them) Saw them (two) very good. I had long time the chance to see them working on the leaves.
Nashville Warblers!!  And I had my camera in the car ......

Also nice, after passing the continental divide a mixed group with silver throated Tanagers and Emerald Tanagers..great view. On the continental divide not so birdie. When I came back in the afternoon , I did go to the same spot and still(around 5pm) not so birdie. I saw 3 birds flying in a brush and for a half hour I saw dark wings going up and down , but I could not see them...Thrush what a frustraton..I took a picture of the brush....
Enough flowers, but not so much Hummers

But there is always a nice tree to watch with Montezuma Oropendulas, busy building nests
I think the weather was too good on the continental divide, blue skies!! The birds were fast silent.
The bird list....17th of February....Caldera/Fortuna/Palo seco/comarca Ngobe bugle/Almirante
cattle Egrets
yellow headed Caracara
broad winged Hawk
fork tailed Flycatchers
pale vented Pigeon
sulphur winged Parakeets
brown throated Parakeets
rufous tailed Hummingbird
white tailed Emerald
black cheeked Woodpecker
golden bellied Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
chestnut sided Warbler
female scarlet Tanager 
three striped Warbler
Nashville Warbler
silver throated Tanager
emerald Tanager
palm Tanager
common bush Tanager
Montezuma Oropendola
white collared Swifts

18th of February Boquete 2 spots
American Swallow tailed Kite
ruddy ground Dove
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingingbird
green violet Ear
scintillant Hummingbird
white throated Hummingbird
violet Sabrewing
red faced Spinetail
ruddy Treerunner
red crowned Woodpecker
lesser Goldfinch
yellow bellied Elaenia
dark Pewee
great Kiskadee
social Flycatcher
black Phoebe
yellow bellied Elaenia
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
common Tody Flycatcher
common tufted Flycatcher
house Wren
black faced Solitair
white throated Thrush
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
long tailed silky Flycatcher
yellow winged Vireo
brown capped Vireo
red eyed Vireo
yellow green Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
Philadelphia Vireo
summer Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
collared Redstart
slate throated Redstart
bay headed Tanager
thick billed Euphonia
silver throated Tanager
blue gray Tanager
palm Tanager
scarlet rumped Tanager
flame colored Tanager
common bush Tanager
yellow thighed Finch
yellow faced Grassquit
collared Sparrow
variable Seedeater
great tailed Grackle
Turkey Vulture

Bird list Boquete 22th of February 2012
American Swallow tailed Kite
ruddy ground Dove
snowy bellied Hummingbird
scintillant Hummingbird
white throated mountain Gem
green violet Ear Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
resplendent Quetzal
emerald Toucanet
red crowned Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
social Flycatcher
great Kiskadee
black Phoebe
yellow bellied Elaenia
lesser Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
house Wren
clay colored Thrush
brown capped Vireo
yellow green Vireo
chestnut sided Warbler
 black and white Warbler
Wilson's Warbler(Terry)

summer Tanager
Baltimore Oriole
red legged Honeycreeper
slate throated Redstart
silver throated Tanager
blue gray Tanager

 Bird list 25th of February 2012
black Vulture
gray breasted Martin
blue and white Swallow
broad winged Hawk(T)
sulphur winged Parakeets
Squirrel Cuckoo
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
long billed Starthroat
scintillant Hummingbird
green violet Ear
violet Sabrewing
white tailed Emerald
blue crowned Motmot
red crowned Woodpecker
dark Pewee
boat billed Flycatcher
piratic Flycatcher
social Flycatcher
yellow bellied Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
gray breasted WoodWren
house Wren
clay colored Thrush
white throated Thrush
yellow green Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
black and white Warbler
blackburnian Warbler
northern Waterhrush(in flight)
Chestnut sided Warbler(T)
yellow throated Vireo(T)
summer Tanager(T)
red legged Honeycreeper
tropical Parula
golden crowned Warbler
slate throated Redstart
blue hooded Euphonia(Elegant  Euphonia)

thick billed Euphonia
yellow crowned Euphonia
blue gray Tanager
red crowned Ant Tanager(T)
common bush Tanager
buff throated Saltator
yellow throated brush Finch(white naped)
black striped Sparrow
lesser Goldfinch
variable Seed eater
great tailed Grackle
White collared Swift(T)
gray headed Cachalaca
Checking out a yellowish Flycatcher...on the left of the picture,above the hand of the birder... hard to see on the picture, you have to believe me....

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