Friday, June 8, 2012

a succes full trip from Boquete to Almirante on the 8th of June 2012

First time that it was not really hot during this trip..lovely for this Boquete girl and for Peggy and Gordon, the two other birders .
It did start very misty on the divide, what  a pitty, but we got a reward later... 15 lifers for Gordon and Peggy and 2 lifers!! for me.
The bank Swallow and a long tailed Tyrant.
The weather was cloudy and sometimes the sun came, the rain came.
Hard to take pictures, but I will place them anyway...
Thanks Peggy and Gordon for the great company!

Here we go....
Muscovy Ducks (3)(picture was taken out of the car, was nearby Gualaca, they were very shy and they flew fast away.

black bellied Whistling Duck
gray headed Chachalaca (T)
great Egret
cattle Egret
black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Swallow tailed Kites(a lot around divide)
short tailed Hawk ( juv.)

crested  Caracara
yellow headed Caracara
southern Lapwing
northern Jacana
Crimson fronted Parakeet
brown throated Parakeet
smooth billed Ani
groove billed Ani
blue and white Swallow
white collared Swifts
rufous tailed Hummingbird
white necked Jacobin Female
purple crowned Fairy
ringed Kingfisher
green Kingfisher
collared Aracari
Keel billed Toucan
black cheeked Woodpecker
lineated Woodpecker
paltry Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher
long tailed Tyrant (first picture..third tip from the right..ha ha)

rufous Mourner(T)
great Kiskadee
tropical Kingbird
Cinnamon Becard
black crowned Tityra

lesser Greenlet
Azure hooded Jay
blue and white Swallow
Bank Swallow
gray breasted Martin
house Wren
clay colored Thrush
crimson collared Tanager
Passerini's Tanager
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
bay headed Tanager
silver throated Tanager(T)
golden hooded Tanager
scarlet thighed Dacnis female
green Honeycreeper
buff throated  Tanager
blue black Grassquit
black striped Sparrow
great tailed Grackle
scarlet rumped Cacique
Montezuma Oropendola

plain colored Tanager

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