Monday, March 25, 2013

25th of March half a day one spot

new bird watchers, it was a good morning..sunny , no wind , not too hot 1300 m.
Bird list 25th of March 2013
little Tinamou
black Vulture
broad winged Hawk (adults and immature morph)
white tipped Dove
crimson fronted Parakeets
white collared Swift
Vaux's Swift
violet Sabrewing
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
long billed Starthroat
red crowned Woodpecker in flight
lesser Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
rufous Piha
social Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
Piratic Flycatcher
red eyed Vireo
yellow green Vireo
blue and white Swallow
house Wren
buff breasted Wren
plain Wren
house Wren
orange billed nightingale Thrush
white throated Thrush
clay colored Thrush
Tennessee Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
rufous capped Warbler
blue gray Tanager
bay headed Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
streaked Saltator
buff throated Saltator
blue black Grasquit
variable Seedeater
stripe headed Brush Finch !nice
black striped Sparrow
flame colored Sparrow
rose breasted Grosbeak
blue black Grosbeak
Baltimore Oriole
yellow throated Euphonia
lesser Goldfinch

Sunday, March 24, 2013

new bird fans

This morning I think I did created new bird fans..from England.They turned out (after first time using Binocs) to be very patient and great bird watchers..both Mother and daugther.
bird list 24th of March 2013
green Heron(T)
sulphur winged Parakeets(T)
black Hawk
stripe tailed Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird(T)
snowy bellied Hummingbird
red crowned Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
Piratic Flycatcher
gray capped Flycatcher
great Kiskadee
social Flycatcher(with him a thick billed Euphonia female)

black Phoebe
yellow bellied Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
tody Flycatcher
house Wren
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
 white throated Thrush
orange billed nightingale Thrush
yellow winged Vireo
brown capped Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
Mourning Warbler
rosy breasted Grosbeak
Baltimore Oriole(T)
red legged Honeycreeper
slate throated Redstart
scarlet thighed Dacnis
Elegant Euphonia
golden browed Chlorophonia
thick billed Euphonia
bay headed Tanager
spangle cheeked Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager(T)
Cherrie's Tanager
gray headed Tanager
common bush Tanager
buff throated Saltator
yellow bellied Siskin
yellow faced Grassquit
long tailed silky Flycatcher
rufous collared Sparrow
black Vulture
Swallow tailed Kite

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

big Hawk migration 19th of March 2013

It was great weather , no clouds in the sky, yesterday evening I did see aroud our house already the Hawk migration , I was looking forward to the bird trip this morning with people who did the second time in their lives bird watching trip.
Of course we did see a lot of Hawks, mainly broad winged, 2 red tailed Hawks and 1 gray Hawk.

 Everytime there were Broad winged Hawks sitting on the trees and taking a break, clean their feathers and we did see a few hunting...miracle that we did see a good amount of birds.

black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
broad winged Hawks
swallow tailed Kite
band tailed Pigeon, flew over
brown violet Ear
green violet Ear
snowy bellied Hummingbird
scintillant Hummingbird
white throated mountain Gem , female and male
red crowned Woodpecker
red faced Spinetail
yellow bellied Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
torrent Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher
tufted Flycatcher
black Phoebe
great kiskadee
socia; Flycatcher
gray capped Flycatcher
Piratic Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
yellow winged Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
yellow green Vireo(in flight, chasing each other)
plain Wren
ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
orange billed nightingale Thrush
black faced Solitair
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
tropical Mockingbird(on the road in the car)
long tailed silky Flycatcher
chestnut sided Warbler
black throated green Warbler
black and white Warbler
slate throated Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
common bush Tanager
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
bay headed Tanager
silver throated Tanager
spangle cheeked Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
yellow thighed Finch
flame colored Tanager
rose breasted Grosbeak(T)
Baltimore Oriole
thick billed Euphonia(female)
Elegant Euphonia(Female)
lesser Goldfich

Monday, March 18, 2013

Migration migration and a Wrenthrush on the Culebra trail

Big Hawk migration in Boquete.. a Wrenthrush on Culebra trail (1700m), Boquete.New on this trail, never saw him there and he was picture...too dark.
 Yesterday the first Clay colored Thrush that was making a nest.

morning birding on the 17th of March

No Bajareque , no wind , sunny ..up to the cloud forest.
Slow with the birds ...too warm...pfff always complaining  about the weather....
But this Prothonothary Warbler was giving a good show, a lot of pleasure to watch.
The list...

ruddy Pigeon in flight (heard and seen)
ruddy ground Dove
sulphur winged Parakeets in flight
white collared Swift
snowy bellied Hummingbird
white tailed Emerald
white throated mountain Gem
scintillant Hummingbird

brown violet Aer
blue throated Toucanet
red crowned Woodpecker
red faced Spinetail
yellow bellied Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
paltry Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher
dark Pewee
social Flycatcher
gray capped Flycatcher
boat billed Flycatcher
Piratic Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
brown capped Vireo
yellow green Vireo
black chested Jay
house Wren
plain Wren
Swainson's Thrush
clay colored Thrush
white throated Thrush
tropical Mockingbird
Tennessee Warbler
golden winged Warbler
tropical Parula
chestnut sided Warbler
black and white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
slate throated Redstart
mourning Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager
scarlet thighed Dacnis
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
white naped bush Finch
chestnut capped brush Finch
rufous collared Sparrow
flame colored Tanager
rose breasted Grosbeak
bronzed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole
Elegant Euphonia
thick billed Euphonia
yellow bellied Siskin

to David , some birds in 37C degrees

Always nice to see a Fregat bird and on the David Airport a nice fork tailed Flycatcher....
And on the David Boquete road along the river Cochea a nice Osprey

And then in Boquete with a beer on the balcony and staring to a clay colored Thrush(they start to sing now) and a nice Baltimore Oriole(a lot on the farm now)

12th of March 2013 a bird day

 We did go to different places, the wish was to go to the Quetzal trail, but it was bad weather over there. So we went to other(sun and dry) areas and had fun. (1300 m and 1650 m)

black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
white tipped Dove
ruddy ground Dove
crimson fronted Parakeets
sulphur winged Parakeets
Vaux's Swifts
green violet Ear
white crested Coquette

 rufous tailed Hummingbird
white tailed Emerald
scintillant Hummingbird
long billed Starthroat
blue crowend Motmot
blue throated Toucanet
red crowned Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
paltry Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher
bran colored Flycatcher
Dark Pewee(T)
yellow bellied Flycatcher
piratic Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
yellow green Vireo
barn Swallow
house Wren
 plain Wren
orange billed nightingale Thrush
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
white throated Thrush
golden winged Warbler(T)
Tennessee Warbler
chestnut sided Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
black and white Warbler
slate throated Redstart
rufous capped Warbler
golden crowned Warbler(T)
Philadelphia Vireo
crimson collared Tanager!
crimson backed Tanager
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
bay headed Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
streaked Saltator
buff throated Tanager
variable Seedeater
yellow faced Grassquit
slaty Flowerpiercer
white naped brush Finch...flying over
rufous collared Sparrow
flame colored Tanager
red crowned Ant Tanager(T)
black thighed Grosbeak
bronzed Cowbird
yellow billed Cacique
yellow throated Euphonia
lesser Goldfinch
white fronted Tyrannulet(sub spieces of rough legged Tyrannulet in book)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

on Thursday 7th of March on our finca by myself

So I did go on the farm with the dogs and the binoculars more or less then 2 hours , watching the birds...let's see what was going on.
Lately not too much time for that, but that day it was beautiful weather on the farm...horrible weather higher in the mountains...sun and no wind  on our farm , so nice always.
O.K. I am fighting with sprinklers, to keep the garden and meadows green...fortunately we have 3 springs on the farm, so we can keep some areas green. The birds and other critters  are happy with that.
Many Hummingbirds and Warblers(especial the Tennessee Warblers) and the Thrushes are bathing them selves in the misty sprinklers, fun to see.
I did try out my camera, to take some bird pics and was sitting on the bench in the forest, watching the birds in the many berries.Walked in the garden and on the meadow and in the coffee farm .
I did see 4 new birds on the farm...probably because it was such a bad weather in the mountains...
A tropical Parula and thick billed Seed Finch and golden crowned Warbler and the day before I did see the Wood thrush...probably because of the big storm in the Caribbean .
My list of these hours...
little Tinamou
Turkey Vulture
road side Hawk
yellow headed Caracara
white tipped Dove
ruddy Quail Dove
stripe throated Hermit
violet Sabrewing
rufous tailed Hummingbird
Magenta throated woodstar
blue crowned Motmot
red crowned Woodpecker
smoky brown Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
olivaceous Woodcreeper
mountain Elaenia
yellow bellied Elaenia
boat billed Flycatcher
Paltry Tyrannulet
tropical Pewee
bright rumped Attila
lance tailed Manakin
yellow throated Vireo
yellow green Vireo
lesser Greenlet
black chested Jay
rufous breasted Wren
House Wren
tropical Gnatcatcher
orange billed nightingale Thrush
white throated Thrush
clay colored Thrush
Tennessee Warbler
black and white Warbler
American Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
rufous capped Warbler
rosy Thrush Tanager

blue gray Tanager
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager

red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
thick billed Seed Finch

white naped brush Finch
black striped Sparrow

Summer Tanager

flame colored Tanager
red crowned Ant Tanager
Baltimore Oriole
thick billed Euphonia
Elegant Euphonia

Lesser Goldfinch
I did hear yesterday night 9th of March the Common Potoo again and in the night the mottled Owl...this time is so exciting!

a birding morning on the 10th of March 2013

Sometimes I wonder... we went to a place out of wind(1650 m) , it was sunny..until 9am not too warm...why are the birds so hiding...are they still cold from the week full of rain and winds in the mountains and hiding still a little bit? Well we did see some nice birds, but we had to work very hard....
 Swallow tailed Kite
sulphur winged Parakeets in flight
white collared Swift
green violet Ear
white tailed Emerald
magenta throated Woodstar
scintillant Hummingbird
hairy Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
olive striped Flycatcher
dark Pewee
yellowish Flycatcher
bright rumped Attila (T)
brown capped Vireo
house Wren(T)
gray breasted wood Wren(T)
black faced Solitair
orange billed nightingale Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
mountain Thrush
Tennessee Warbler
flame throated Warbler
black and white Warbler(T)
slate throated Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
golden crowned Warbler
common bush Tanager
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager(T)
chestnut capped brush Finch
flame colored Tanager
black thighed Grosbeak(wheee, he just turned around with his head)

elegant Euphonia (T)

2 trails in cloud forest on 9th of March 2013

 Not bad for somewhat rainy/bajareque...some sun ...1750 and 1800 M
 The Hawk migration is really starting now. A week ago already a big migration in Bocas del Toro and the 8th of March Hans did see a huge Hawk migration.
We did see some Hawks, but it was too misty...
The bird list...9th of March 2013
cattle Egret
black Vulture
red tailed Hawk(adult morph migrant face)
gray Hawk?
band tailed Pigeon in flight
white tipped Dove
white collared Swift
blue and white Swallow
Vaux's Swift
green Hermit
violet sabrewing
snowy bellied Hummingbird(T)
stripe tailed Hummingbird
purple throated mountain Gem
white throated mountain Gem
prong billed Barbet
red crowned Woodpecker
hairy Woodpecker
red faced Spinetail
ruddy Treerunner(T)
Streak headed Woodcreeper
mountain Elaenia
olive striped Flycatcher
paltry Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher

tufted Flycatcher
dark Pewee
black Phoebe
yellowish Flycatcher
great Kiskadee
Piratic Flycatcher
Philadelphia Vireo
Rufous browed Peppershrike
gray breasted wood Wren
American Dipper
black faced Solitair
Ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
clay colored Thrush
mountain Thrush
white throated Thrush
black and yellow silky Flycatcher
long tailed silky Flycatcher
golden winged Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
black throated green Warbler
black burnian Warbler
black and white Warbler
northern Waterthrush
slate throated Redstart
collared Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
black cheeked Warbler
common bush Tanager
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
silver throated Tanager
spangle cheeked Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator(T)
yellow faced Grassquit
yellow thighed Finch
slaty Flowerpiercer
chestnut capped brush Finch
black striped Sparrow(T)
flame colored Tanager
Elegant Euphonia
lesser Goldfinch fly over

Bird morning 8th of March 2013

Bird list 8th of March 2013
a lot of rain clouds and bajareque and wind high in the mountains..see picture...

...thank you for the micro climates... we went to a dry sunny spot out of the wind(1300 m).. was a good morning.
black Vulture
White tipped Dove
crimson fronted Parakeet in flight
blue headed Parrot in flight
stripe throated Hermit (T)
snowy bellied Hummingbird on nest

rufous tailed Hummingbird
red crowned Woodpecker
yellow bellied Elaenia
lesser Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
tropical Pewee
acadian Flycatcher(T)
boat billed Flycatcher
gray breasted Martin
House Wren
rufous breasted Wren
rufous and white Wren
white throated Thrush(T)
clay colored Thrush
rufous caped Warbler

Tennessee Warbler
black and white Warbler(T)
Prothonotary Warbler
northern Waterthrush(T)
slate throated Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
crimson backed Tanager
blue gray Tanager
bay headed Tanager
streaked Saltator(T)
buff throated Saltator
blue black Grassquit
variable Seedeater

white naped brush Finch
orange billed Sparrow (not a very good time better)

red crowned Ant-Tanager
indigo Bunting

yellow throated Euphonia
Elegant Euphonia in  flight
lesser Goldfinch

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wood thrush lost... on his way to the States

Probably the big storm did distract this nice Wood thrush on his way to the States.. a new bird on our Farm....
And a nice yellow bellied Flycatcher on the farm...also on his way to The States...
My dogs know when they have to be silent and not moving when I am bird watching on our farm.

Monday, March 4, 2013

2 birding spots around Boquete down town

Today it was all over the higher mountains , Bajareque, (drizzel )...wind.
So we went to dry , no windy area's. Was a good choice.

Bird list 4th of March 2013
great blue Heron
cattle Egret
broad winged Hawk
Swallow tailed Kite
yellow headed Caracara
white tipped Dove
ruddy ground Dove
Squirrel Cuckoo
green violet Ear
brown violet Ear
garden Emerald
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
long billed Starthroat
Magenta throated Woodstar
red crowned Woodpecker
yellow bellied Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
Torrent Tyrannulet(T)
social Flycatcher
gray capped Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
Piratic Flycatcher
Philadelphia Vireo
plain Wren
Tennessee Warbler
chestnut sided Warbler
black and white Warbler
American Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
rufous capped Warbler
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
white naped brush Finch
chestnut capped brush Finch
rufous collared Sparrow
flame colored Tanager
rose breasted Grosbeak
bronzed Cowbird
yellow billed Cacique
Baltimore Oriole
yellow throated Euphonia
thick billed Euphonia
yellow crowned Euphonia
 elegant Euphonia
lesser Goldfinch

Sunday, March 3, 2013

cold bird morning

 Lot of wind and drizzel rain(Bajareque) today in the town and mountains.
We went to a spot on a level of 1050m and 1700m
Out of the wind , on the 1700 M cold and splashes of drizzel. The birds were hiding , did see some cool birds though. A nice green crowned Emerald , I see the bird for the first time in this spot.

Cattle Egret
black Vulture
great tailed Grackle
green violet Ear
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
green crowned Emerald
white throated mountain Gem
long billed Starthroat
magenta throated Woodstar
scintillant Hummingbird
orange bellied Trogon
streak headed Woodcreeper
torrent Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
yellow green Vireo(T)
southern rough winged Swallow(T)
rufous breasted Wren
clay colored Thrush
white throated Thrush in flight
golden winged Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
chestnut sided Warbler
bay breasted Warbler
slate throated Redstart
Mourning Warbler
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator(T)
blue black Grassquit
variable Seedeater(on picture together with a long billed Starthroat)

 slaty Flowerpiercer
white naped brush Finch in flight
red crowned Ant Tanager(T)
Baltimore Oriole
Elegant Euphonia
Yellow crowned Euphonia
thick billed Euphonia
lesser Goldfinch

Saturday, March 2, 2013

same spots today as yesterday

But today 2th of March it was everywhere around Boquete...even in Caldera ...rainy.
But we started with some dry but cloudy first hour. After that it started to rain softly. The birds were hiding, but we did see some cool birds....

Swallow tailed Kite
black Vulture
ruddy ground Dove
Vaux's Swift
violet Sabrewing
snowy bellied Hummingbird
white throated mountain Gem
long billed Starthroat
scintillant Hummingbird
blue throated Toucanet
red crowned Woodpecker
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
torrent Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher
tufted Flycatcher
black Phoebe
social Flycatcher
golden bellied Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
brown capped Vireo
yellow green Vireo
blue and white Swallo
rufous and white Wren
house Wren
gray breasted Wood Wren
American Dipper
black faced Solitairs
orange billed nightingale Thrush
white throated Thrush
clay colored Thrush
mountain Thrush
black and yellow silky Flycatcher
long tailed silky Flycatcher
Tennessee Warbler
black throated green Warbler
slate throated Redstart
collared Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
common bush Tanager
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
silver throated Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
yellow thighed Finch
white naped brush Finch
rufous collared Sparrow
flame colored Tanager(T)
rose breasted Grosbeak
great tailed Grackle
Baltimore Oriole (T)
thick billed Euphonia
golden browed Chlorophonia

Friday, March 1, 2013

1th of March 2013...misty cloud forest birding

 Today 2 spots ..mist in the cloud forest , nice and refreshing. The Thrushes all kinds are really start to sing now... like in Holland , so it is  really a Spring feeling.
A lot of birds are fighting singing...hormones are in the air...

Bird list 1th of March 2013

black Vulture
white tipped Dove
Ruddy ground Dove 

Vaux's Swift
green violet Ear
garden Emerald
snowy bellied Hummingbird
white throated mountain Gem 

long billed Starthroat
sintillant Hummingbird (T)
Resplendent Quetzal

prong billed Barbet
red crowned Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
paltry Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher
tufted Flycatcher
black Phoebe
yellowish Flycatcher
great Kiskadee
social Flycatcher
gray capped Flycatcher
Piratic Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
brown capped Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
yellow green Vireo
blue and white Swallow
house Wren
plain Wren
American Dipper
black faced Solitair
orange billed nightingale Thrush
ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
white throated Thrush 

 clay colored Thrush
mountain Thrush
long tailed silky Flycatcher

Tennessee Warbler
Black burnian Warbler(T)
Bay breasted Warbler(T)
northern Waterthrush
slate throated Redstart
mourning Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
black cheeked Warbler
common bush Tanager
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
yellow thighed Finch
\white naped brush Finch
rufous collared Sparrow
flame colored Tanager
thick billed Euphonia
yellow bellied Siskin