So I did go on the farm with the dogs and the binoculars more or less then 2 hours , watching the birds...let's see what was going on.
Lately not too much time for that, but that day it was beautiful weather on the farm...horrible weather higher in the mountains...sun and no wind on our farm , so nice always.
O.K. I am fighting with sprinklers, to keep the garden and meadows green...fortunately we have 3 springs on the farm, so we can keep some areas green. The birds and other critters are happy with that.
Many Hummingbirds and Warblers(especial the Tennessee Warblers) and the Thrushes are bathing them selves in the misty sprinklers, fun to see.
I did try out my camera, to take some bird pics and was sitting on the bench in the forest, watching the birds in the many berries.Walked in the garden and on the meadow and in the coffee farm .
I did see 4 new birds on the farm...probably because it was such a bad weather in the mountains...
A tropical Parula and thick billed Seed Finch and golden crowned Warbler and the day before I did see the Wood thrush...probably because of the big storm in the Caribbean .
My list of these hours...
little Tinamou
Turkey Vulture
road side Hawk
yellow headed Caracara
white tipped Dove
ruddy Quail Dove
stripe throated Hermit
violet Sabrewing
rufous tailed Hummingbird
Magenta throated woodstar
blue crowned Motmot
red crowned Woodpecker
smoky brown Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
olivaceous Woodcreeper
mountain Elaenia
yellow bellied Elaenia
boat billed Flycatcher
Paltry Tyrannulet
tropical Pewee
bright rumped Attila
lance tailed Manakin
yellow throated Vireo
yellow green Vireo
lesser Greenlet
black chested Jay
rufous breasted Wren
House Wren
tropical Gnatcatcher
orange billed nightingale Thrush
white throated Thrush
clay colored Thrush
Tennessee Warbler
black and white Warbler
American Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
rufous capped Warbler
rosy Thrush Tanager
blue gray Tanager
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
thick billed Seed Finch
white naped brush Finch
black striped Sparrow
Summer Tanager
flame colored Tanager
red crowned Ant Tanager
Baltimore Oriole
thick billed Euphonia
Elegant Euphonia
Lesser Goldfinch
I did hear yesterday night 9th of March the Common Potoo again and in the night the mottled Owl...this time is so exciting!
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