Wednesday, April 3, 2013

a lot of birds

Yesterday I did some birding in the garden and forest on the farm...the Swainson's Thrushes are all over and also today during a birding trip in the cloud forest they were everywhere. Still a Hawk migration, not so huge as last time , but we did see more mixed groups , then only big groups of broad winged Hawks.
The common Potoo was really alive a few days ago on the farm, when it was full moon. What a pretty sound , I love it!!!
Today birding with a nice English couple, they were more birdwatchers then that they thought they were.
Now it get's slower with bird watchers..they want to be at home and watch the birds in their country... I still think that this time it is really one of the best birding in Panama..., the birds  are singing, migrants in full colors, they start to sing also, a lot of them are already couples and fly as a couple to the States...
Big Hawk migrations...
I am busy to update our farm bird list,  fun work to do...I hope I will finish it tomorrow.

The bird list of today...
3th of April 2013
black Vulture
Swallow tailed Kite
Northern Harrier
broad winged Hawk
short tailed Hawk
Swainson's Hawk
ruddy ground Dove
white tipped Dove
white collared Swift
green violet Ear
rufous tailed Hummingbird
snowy bellied Hummingbird
white throated mountain Gem
Resplendent Quetzal female male
red crowned Woodpecker
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
olive striped Flycatcher
torrent Tyrannulet
common tody Flycatcher
tufted Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
black Phoebe
great Kiskadee
social Flycatcher
gray capped Flycatcher
boat billed Flycatcher
golden bellied Flycatcher

Piratic Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
yellow winged Vireo
brown capped Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
yellow green Vireo
blue and white Swallow
gray breasted wood Wren
plain Wren
Ochraceaous Wren
black faced Solitair
ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
white throated Thrush
long tailed silky Flycatcher
Tennessee Warbler
mourning Warbler(female)
slate throated Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
black cheeked Warbler

common bush Tanager
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager
scarlet thighed Tanager(Female)
red legged Honeycreeper
buff throated Saltator
yellow thighed Finch
rufous collared Sparrow
flame colored Tanager(Female)

black thighed Grosbeak
bronzed Cowbird
thick billed Euphonia

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