Thursday, December 19, 2013

bird trip 19th of December 2013

Today a lot of wind and clouds in the mountains. It is summer...the first rainbow... so we did go to my "summer bird quarters"...with success...the wind was blowing around us, but we had sun and no wind and the birds were there...happy birds...happy people.... On the picture , two brown throated Parakeets and one Elegant Euphonia male. (click on the picture , to watch them better...)
Turkey Vulture
black Vulture
brown throated Parakeet
green violet Ear
snowy bellied Hummingbird
white tailed Emerald
long billed Starthroat
prong billed Barbet
blue throated Toucanet
red crowned Woodpecker
hairy Woodpecker
scaly throated foliage cleaner
olive striped Flycatcher
dark Pewee
yellowish Flycatcher
Philadelphia Vireo
gray breasted Wood-Wren
plain Wren
black faced Solitair
mountain Thrush
Tennessee Warbler
chestnut sided Warbler
bay breasted Warbler
black and white Warbler
slate throated Redstart
rufous capped Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
golden crowned Warbler
blue gray Tanager
silver throated Tanager
white winged Tanager
flame colored Tanager
rose breasted Grosbeak
Elegant Euphonia
yellow crowned Euphonia
thick billed Euphonia
lesser Goldfinch
tropical Mockingbird

Terry van Niekerk

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