Saturday, October 31, 2015

day out in the province Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro(Palo Seco Bosque protector) 31th of October 2015

Today it is our day, Hans and me...39 years together. Tradition is to go a day out.
And so my sweet partner was out of his bed at 5.15am.. (he loves me a lot :) )
We did arrive early in Palo Seco area around 6.45 am (1200m to 600 m)

copy from Lonely Planet: "Set high in the Talamanca range, the 1600-sq-km Bosque Protector de Palo Seco is a lush cloud forest home to monkeys, sloths, armadillos and butterflies. Bird-watching is superb – keep an eye out for rarities such as the bat falcon, the wedge-billed woodcreeper and the golden-winged warbler. Unique to this area are ashy-throated bush-tanagers. It’s 29km south of Chiriquí Grande on the road to David (also called ‘Fortuna Rd’)."

It was still "cold", but when the sun came out, it warmed up and we did see and also heard...nice birds.
We  did start with this cute little Flycatcher..rough legged Tyrannulet (Zeledoni):
a Thorntail male:
keel billed Toucan:

Collared Aracari, big group:

when we returned to Boquete , we could not resist to stop again in Palo seco, because I did see a mixed flock from the car;
A mixed flock with Emerald Tanager, silver throated Tanagers, chestnut sided Warblers, yellow Warbler, Philadelphia Vireo, was great.

Around 10am the clouds came in and it started to drizzle and we moved on to the Bocas del Toro side, where it rained also a little bit...we did not mind and did find our dry spots. Lovely to have only a temperature of 22 degrees C in Bocas(around 400m)...probably the people there were "freezing"

Checking out the river...

tricolored Heron... immature

Spotted Sandpiper..

on the way back towards Palo Seco...a nice Palm tree with Passerini Tanagers in the rain.....

almost home..taken from the car..

and very close to home on the Wilson's bridge.. the couple of Bat Falcons...a very nice "dessert" at the end of this beautiful day...

The lists:
Reserva Forestal Palo Seco, Ngäbe-Buglé, PA
Oct 31, 2015 6:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Protocol: Traveling
5.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     first Sunny, 18 C, later around 9.30 clouds and drizzel rain.
55 species (+1 other taxa)

Black Vulture  X
Barred Hawk  1
Broad-winged Hawk  1
Ruddy Pigeon  1
Vaux's Swift  X
Green Hermit  1
Green Thorntail  3
Garden Emerald  1
Crowned Woodnymph (Violet-crowned Woodnymph)  1
Orange-bellied Trogon  1     heard
Collared Trogon  1     heard
Collared Aracari  8     in Cecropia tree, very good view (picture blog)
Keel-billed Toucan  4
Red-crowned Woodpecker  2
Smoky-brown Woodpecker  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Blue-headed Parrot  2
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  9
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  1     heard
Tawny-winged Woodcreeper  1     never did see this Woodcreeper on the continental divide road, but I had a good view and he did do his song
Streak-breasted Treehunter  1
Rough-legged Tyrannulet (Zeledon's)  1
Olive-sided Flycatcher  2
Western Wood-Pewee  3     calling to each other
Tropical Pewee  1
Bright-rumped Attila  1     heard
Tropical Kingbird  2
Philadelphia Vireo  1
Azure-hooded Jay  2
House Wren  1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  X
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Golden-winged Warbler  1
Tennessee Warbler  2
Mourning Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  1
Bay-breasted Warbler  1
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Yellow Warbler  1
Chestnut-sided Warbler  2
Three-striped Warbler  1
Wilson's Warbler  1
Slate-throated Redstart  2
White-lined Tanager  1
Passerini's/Cherrie's Tanager  3
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Emerald Tanager  3
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis  1
Green Honeycreeper  4
Bananaquit  2
Buff-throated Saltator  2
Common Chlorospingus  4
Scarlet-rumped Cacique  4
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2
Tawny-capped Euphonia  5

rio Guarumo, Bocas del Toro, PA
Oct 31, 2015 10:45 AM - 11:55 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     cloudy and sometimes light rain, 24 C
39 species (+1 other taxa)

Neotropic Cormorant  2
Great Egret  1
Snowy Egret  3
Tricolored Heron  1
Cattle Egret  5
Green Heron  1
Black Vulture  X
Roadside Hawk  1
American Coot  1
Northern Jacana  1
Spotted Sandpiper  2
Solitary Sandpiper  2
Greater Yellowlegs  1
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Ringed Kingfisher  2
Amazon Kingfisher  2
Black-cheeked Woodpecker  1
Blue-headed Parrot  5
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Panama Flycatcher  1
Great Kiskadee  2
Tropical Kingbird  3
Masked Tityra  2
Yellow-throated Vireo  1
Philadelphia Vireo  2
Black-chested Jay  3
House Wren  1
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Tropical Mockingbird  1
Prothonotary Warbler  1
Bay-breasted Warbler  1
Yellow Warbler  3
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Passerini's Tanager  3
Blue-gray Tanager  2
White-collared Seedeater  2
Buff-throated Saltator  2
Montezuma Oropendola  3
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  5

You are very welcome to stay with us in the Tinamou cottage

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

bird trip 28th of October 2015

We were heading directly to the cloud forest on the 1800 meter level
We started slow...but already after half an hour the birds were warming up and there he was the immature ornate Hawk Eagle, happy ! And the adult was calling him ..a fantastic view.

A lot of birds were high up in the trees... it was for the cloud forest pretty warm , maybe because of that...
This red headed Barbet was showing of , in a little bit dark spot , but we could see hem very well...The picture is somewhat blurry. But the Barbet we can see on it.
And a cicade...
The lists...
Bajo Mono, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 28, 2015 7:20 AM - 11:35 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.2 kilometer(s)
Comments:     sunny, warm no wind , only cloud forest aprox 1800m
41 species (+1 other taxa)

Black Vulture  14
Ornate Hawk-Eagle  2
Broad-winged Hawk  1
Short-billed Pigeon  1
Ruddy Ground-Dove  2
White-collared Swift  2
Green Violetear  6     heard more, seen 6
Magnificent Hummingbird  2
Purple-throated Mountain-gem  1
White-throated Mountain-gem  2
Scintillant Hummingbird  1
Resplendent Quetzal  1
Red-headed Barbet  1
Prong-billed Barbet  3
Emerald Toucanet  1
Acorn Woodpecker  5
Red-crowned Woodpecker  2
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  15
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper  1     heard
Mountain Elaenia  5
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Tufted Flycatcher  2
Dark Pewee  2
Western Wood-Pewee  1
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Yellowish Flycatcher  2
Brown-capped Vireo  2
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  4     or more heard
Black-faced Solitaire  2     heard
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush  2     heard
Mountain Thrush  6
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
Black-cheeked Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  2
Slate-throated Redstart  3
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Flame-colored Tanager  3
White-winged Tanager  2
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  1
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  1     heard more , high in a tree
Yellow-bellied Siskin  2     heard more, singing high in a tree

Bajo Mono, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 28, 2015 11:55 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments:     driving through Bajo mono loop , heading to Boquete
13 species (+1 other taxa)

Black Vulture  2
Ruddy Ground-Dove  1
Green Violetear  1
Dark Pewee  1
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Black Phoebe  2
Tropical Kingbird  2
American Dipper  1     heard
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Tropical Mockingbird  3
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Rufous-collared Sparrow  3
Eastern Meadowlark  1

And you are very welcome to stay in Tinamou cottage:)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

the last couple of days...

We are heading to November! Time flies!
This is the time that I cannot sit on our balcony very relaxed...everytime I hear another sound of the migrants coming through, need to check it out.. (see balcony list down below)
Finally the Philadelphia Vireo's and Tennessee Warblers are here on the farm.
I was thinking yesterday that they are always coming later in October...
Yesterday even 2 Tennessee Warblers on our feeder...
The Crimson back Tanager is still is only one..he keeps his secret(our feeder) for himself..normally they are in groups, I see the groups often more in the small  community, 5 minutes from our farm.
The blue crowned Motmots ..the are ready for a new season, they look beautiful. There is a couple who is always around the creek next to our house. Every year they have a nest in the bank there.
And very nice  2 fiery billed Aracari's landed in front of our nose in a Cecropia Tree.

Yesterday (around!!!) we were in Gualaca and since we like rivers...we had a coffee along the river and discover a big colonie of neotropic  Cormorants.
Trees full, on the picture is only one tree to have the idea.
Lot of immatures.
And I could not resist to take a picture of this nice Butterfly...
Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 23, 2015 4:50 PM - 6:05 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     view on coffee farm and garden from balcony , cloudy, bright sky 
39 species

Gray-headed Chachalaca  7     fly by
Black Vulture  2
Long-billed Starthroat  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  2
Blue-crowned Motmot  2
Fiery-billed Aracari  2
Red-crowned Woodpecker  2
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Cocoa Woodcreeper  1
Sepia-capped Flycatcher  1
Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  2
Lance-tailed Manakin  X     heard
Philadelphia Vireo  1
Rufous-breasted Wren  1
Tropical Gnatcatcher  2
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  1
White-throated Thrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Tennessee Warbler  3
American Redstart  1
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
Wilson's Warbler  2
Slate-throated Redstart  1
Crimson-backed Tanager  1     only 1 comes to our feeder..foto blog 
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Bay-headed Tanager  1
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Red-legged Honeycreeper  2
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Streaked Saltator  1
Black-striped Sparrow  2
White-winged Tanager  2
Baltimore Oriole  1
Thick-billed Euphonia  13     they are on our feeder and around, sleep in the coffee farm
You are welcome to  stay .....

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

sendero Los Quetzales 21th of October 2015

this morning clouds in the sky ..only in the area of Palo Alto...but around the Volcano Christal clear as around our farm..
Up to the mountains!...I must say it was a "hard" decision because all over our farm I did 
hear sounds of birds and of course while feeding the horses, I had my Binoculars nearby.
Did see Summer tanager, Wilson's Warbler, a rose breasted Grosbeak, golden winged Warbler..and more of our birds. But I did go..somewhat late towards the Quetzal trail.
The birds acted there like this Acorn Woodpecker...
Hiding!!! So I had a big work today to see them, but I had time and found them. As a reward..almost nearby the ranger station at the end a nice mixed flock ..thank you!
Of course the Flycatchers are easy to see..but then the migrants oh oh everytime a big work to ID, fortunately sometimes they give little calls..that helps a lot with the ID!
This is an eastern Wood Pewee...fortunately he gave me a nice call :
I love these flowers and leaves(Hummingbirds too):
Finally I did found a Frog with more color... :
I don't know a lot about frogs..I like them though...but in the cloud forest most Frogs do not have a lot of color, what I until now did see is mostly brown colors, so this one is 
These two ..ahhhh and the nice cloud forest behind them beautiful!

And the list:

Sendero Los Quetzales (entrada por Boquete), Chiriquí, PA
Oct 21, 2015 8:50 AM - 1:10 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     Sunny, last hour partly cloudy..birds were hiding a lot
58 species

Black Vulture  3
Turkey Vulture  3
White-collared Swift  32
Vaux's Swift  14
Green Violetear  1
White-throated Mountain-gem  2
Scintillant Hummingbird  1
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird  2
Prong-billed Barbet  3
Acorn Woodpecker  3
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  1     in front of ranger station
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  12
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  1
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper  1
Spotted Barbtail  1
Ruddy Treerunner  2
Red-faced Spinetail  2
Mountain Elaenia  2
Olive-striped Flycatcher  2
Tufted Flycatcher  2
Dark Pewee  2
Western Wood-Pewee  1
Eastern Wood-Pewee  1     ID on the call and sighting
Willow Flycatcher  1
Yellow-winged Vireo  2
Brown-capped Vireo  2
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  3
Ochraceous Wren  2
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  2     heard more, 2 seen
Black-faced Solitaire  3     3 seen heard more
Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush  1     heard song
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush  1
Swainson's Thrush  2
Mountain Thrush  3
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher  5
Golden-winged Warbler  1
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Flame-throated Warbler  3
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
Black-cheeked Warbler  5
Three-striped Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  7
Slate-throated Redstart  1
Collared Redstart  1
Speckled Tanager  7
Silver-throated Tanager  4
Blue-black Grassquit  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Common Chlorospingus  3
Rufous-collared Sparrow  5
Yellow-thighed Finch  3
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  2
Eastern Meadowlark  1
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  5     seen 5 heard much more
Lesser Goldfinch  4     did see 4, heard much more

Sunday, October 18, 2015

fishing Ospreys 18th of October 2015

This morning it was such a beautiful weather that I decided to go to the small lake nearby and hope to see Ospreys.

 Last time I was there for 5 minutes , just to have a fast peek and I did see an Osprey , which I never did see before there.
And yes today there were two fishing, I was staring to this sighting for at least an hour...great!
I did make some small movies ..two with succes..Osprey in the water. As soon I have the link I will add it to this blog.

And then of course when I look around a bit there are other birds, 3 fork tailed Flycatchers were dancing in the sky in front of me. ..the "dance " look like black and white small Quetzales in the sky.
Other birds around me(see also my list...)northern Jacana...
                                                      Turkey Vultures...
                                                        Green Heron.....
Huh and a black bellied Whistling Duck, only 1..on the left of the great Egret, never did see a Duck there..
For the first there no Grebes...maybe they are not happy with those Ospreys.
And a little surprise ..a sapphire throated Hummingbird. I did see this bird lower land ..and in Caldera around the 600 m, but on this altitude  never.
and more ..see list:
lago la Estrella, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 18, 2015 7:20 AM - 9:55 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.1 kilometer(s)
Comments:     clear sky, sun.
50 species (+1 other taxa)

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  1     only 1 (picture on my blog)
Great Blue Heron  1
Great Egret  1
Cattle Egret  32
Black Vulture  4
Turkey Vulture  9
Osprey  2     fishing
Roadside Hawk  3
Northern Jacana  6
Ruddy Ground-Dove  3
Garden Emerald  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  2
Sapphire-throated Hummingbird  1     never did see it there..last time in Caldera a little bit lower in altitude , very good view on the bird, no doubts
Red-crowned Woodpecker  2
Yellow-headed Caracara  3
Brown-throated Parakeet  6     fly by
Yellow Tyrannulet  1
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  1
Mountain Elaenia  1
Sepia-capped Flycatcher  1
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Bran-colored Flycatcher  1
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Black Phoebe  3
Great Kiskadee  1
Social Flycatcher  2
Tropical Kingbird  5
Fork-tailed Flycatcher  3
Philadelphia Vireo  1
Black-chested Jay  5
Gray-breasted Martin  3
Barn Swallow  2
House Wren  3
Plain Wren  1
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Tennessee Warbler  3
Mourning Warbler  1
Yellow Warbler  1
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Blue-gray Tanager  4
Bay-headed Tanager  1
Red-legged Honeycreeper  2
Blue-black Grassquit  1
Variable Seedeater  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  3
Buff-throated Saltator  2
Streaked Saltator  2
Black-striped Sparrow  2
Great-tailed Grackle  1
Thick-billed Euphonia  1
Lesser Goldfinch  4
I was ready for coffee and when we had that cup... birds all over and a nice surprise..a Crimson backed Tanager in our garden , that is not often.
And a nice female Baltimore Oriole..
and the Crimson backed Tanager happy on our feeder..

Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 18, 2015 10:35 AM - 10:45 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     from our balcony.. partly cloudy,  
20 species

Black Vulture  3
Stripe-throated Hermit  1
Long-billed Starthroat  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  2
Red-crowned Woodpecker  1
Brown-throated Parakeet  3     fly by
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Philadelphia Vireo  1
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  1
Tennessee Warbler  1
Bay-breasted Warbler  1
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Slate-throated Redstart  1
Crimson-backed Tanager  1
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  1
Red-legged Honeycreeper  2
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Baltimore Oriole  1
Thick-billed Euphonia  5

Friday, October 16, 2015

16 October 2015 birding cloud forest

a morning trip today with brand new birdwatchers and yes they are !
First time going out for birdwatching and a lot of patience and passion, great!
It was a cloudy morning and pretty "cold". We did stop at 2 spots, 1250 m and 1700 m
with my last weeks of birding, it was slower then ever... but it was great for us, because we could observe the birds well , did have a few mixed flocks in the cloud forest, but that after 3 hours and the birders were used to the binoculars and finding the birds.
The black and white Warbler has a new name...zebra bird!
And on our way back nearby the Culebra trail, we had great views on a huge mixed group of different Swallows flying low over the ground..(before rain started). Very nice practice to ID Swallows
A great morning.

We did start with a nice Baltimore Oriole singing high up in a tree...

A nice black throated green Warbler...

On the way to the town...A female scintillant Hummingbird..first picture ..see the arrow...there she was sitting....

And so an other birding morning "flew by"

The lists:
Bajo Mono, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 16, 2015 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.1 kilometer(s)
Comments:     cloudy .."cold" 17 C
31 species

Black Vulture  4
Ruddy Ground-Dove  2
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  2
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  1
Western Wood-Pewee  1
Tropical Kingbird  1
House Wren  1
Plain Wren  1
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Northern Waterthrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Yellow Warbler  1
Cherrie's Tanager  4
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Blue-black Grassquit  2
Variable Seedeater  2
Yellow-bellied Seedeater  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Rufous-collared Sparrow  3
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  1
Baltimore Oriole  2
Yellow-bellied Siskin  2

Sendero Culebra, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 16, 2015 8:45 AM - 11:55 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.2 kilometer(s)
Comments:     cloudy 16C ..after a long  night rain 
50 species

Black Vulture  5
Vaux's Swift  9
Green Violetear  1
White-throated Mountain-gem  2
Scintillant Hummingbird  2
Prong-billed Barbet  3
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  7
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  2
Streak-breasted Treehunter  1     heard
Red-faced Spinetail  2
Mountain Elaenia  2
Torrent Tyrannulet  2
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Eye-ringed Flatbill  1
Western Wood-Pewee  1
Yellow-winged Vireo  1
Brown-capped Vireo  1
Southern Rough-winged Swallow  3     probably more in a mixed group of Swallows..before rain, low over the ground, great views! very clear whitish band on rump
Barn Swallow  2     1 on the wire, and 1 in sky low over the ground, white spots on tail as a band in flight
Cliff Swallow  5     very clear ... buff forehead and orange/cinnamon throat
House Wren  1
Plain Wren  1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  X     heard
Black-faced Solitaire  2     heard
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush  1     heard
Mountain Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Tropical Mockingbird  2
Northern Waterthrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Tropical Parula  1
Bay-breasted Warbler  1
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
Slate-throated Redstart  3
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  5
Blue-black Grassquit  2
Yellow-bellied Seedeater  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Common Chlorospingus  13
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch  1     heard
Rufous-collared Sparrow  2
Yellow-thighed Finch  2
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  1
Eastern Meadowlark  2     heard
Lesser Goldfinch  1

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

birding morning Caldera 13 October 2015 Rose throated Becard and more

Up early and to Caldera, 20 minutes later I was there....beautiful sunrise by the way:
On the road  13 southern rough winged Swallows chilling out on the wire:

The this morning both male and female rose throated Becards... I did see them nearby this area last January and February probably I must say now...winter residents??? !!!

The list:
caldera, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 13, 2015 6:35 AM - 10:05 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.1 kilometer(s)
Comments:     sunny
63 species

Cattle Egret  3
Black Vulture  16
Turkey Vulture  3
Roadside Hawk  2
Swainson's Hawk  2     together with a group Vultures, flying over
Gray-necked Wood-Rail  6
Pale-vented Pigeon  1
Ruddy Ground-Dove  4
White-tipped Dove  3
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Groove-billed Ani  7
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  2
Blue-crowned Motmot  2
Red-crowned Woodpecker  1
Lineated Woodpecker  2
Crested Caracara  3
Yellow-headed Caracara  2
Orange-chinned Parakeet  6
Blue-headed Parrot  2
Red-lored Parrot  4
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  3
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet  1
Yellow Tyrannulet  1
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  1
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher  2
Sepia-capped Flycatcher  1
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  3
Western Wood-Pewee  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  1     ID thanks to call
Acadian Flycatcher  1
Dusky-capped Flycatcher  1
Great Kiskadee  1
Social Flycatcher  2
Streaked Flycatcher  1
Tropical Kingbird  5
Rose-throated Becard  2     female and male  together... in same area. (seen 28th of Jan and 23 of Feb 2015 in same area...winter resident....?!)
Red-eyed Vireo  7
Scrub Greenlet  2     very upset with the rose throated Becard
Lesser Greenlet  3
Black-chested Jay  3     seen 3 , was a bigger group(heard more)
Southern Rough-winged Swallow  11
House Wren  3
Plain Wren  1
Tropical Gnatcatcher  2
Swainson's Thrush  6
Clay-colored Thrush  X     20+
Tropical Mockingbird  1
Northern Waterthrush  1
Tennessee Warbler  1
Bay-breasted Warbler  1
Yellow Warbler  2
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Crimson-backed Tanager  8
Blue-gray Tanager  6
Buff-throated Saltator  2
Summer Tanager  1
Baltimore Oriole  1
Crested Oropendola  1
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2
Lesser Goldfinch  3

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday morning 11th of October 2015..."Summer signs"

This morning cloud forest... I did hike to 2500 meters..(start 1650 m) of course with the hope to see some higher altitude birds and that was a succes..
A kind of surprised I was to see the silver throated Jays. I only did see them on the Quetzal trail untill today
3 male Quetzales, the hormones were already running through their veins. A nice show.
Then the scintillant Hummingbirds, a lot and a lot of them were busy collecting nest material.
Since a week we have already the group Cattle Egrets sleeping in a tree nearby the Wilson bridge...
And since 2 weeks the green violet Ears are doing their "songs"
All "Summer signs" and then I get so confused as a Dutch girls to see all those heavy Oak trees...

I did start early, 5.15am I was totally awake,  breakfast...feeding the horses and on my way.
The weather was o.k..view from the Wilson bridge nearby our farm.Some clouds higher up the mountains, but that was o.k..
6.45 I did start my hike. Some views were stunning..
Did see the ornate Hawk Eagle in flight(not good view , but the sound was clear) and a nice red tailed Hawk was hunting...hard to see like this, the sky was very bright.But later he flew away..great bird!
I did see only one band tailed Pigeon, wow..last time they were all over the place.. 
Loads of Acorn Woodpeckers (well that is logic with all the Oak trees), loads of Wilson's Warblers.
Only four Swainson's Thrushes ...yesterday a huge amount (different area..different trees)
Oh and I did start my hike with a pair of Red headed Barbets.
It was a great morning, did end in somewhat smooth rain, what was great, because the birds were coming  totally out of the hiding places in the cloud forest.

Bajo Mono, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 11, 2015 6:35 AM - 12:05 PM
Protocol: Traveling
10.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     hike...cloudy, no wind some rain at the end. Start 1500m to around 2100m
69 species (+1 other taxa)

Spotted Wood-Quail  3
Ornate Hawk-Eagle  1
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Band-tailed Pigeon  1
Ruddy Pigeon  2
White-collared Swift  2
Green Violetear  5     heard more
Magnificent Hummingbird  1
White-throated Mountain-gem  6
Scintillant Hummingbird  11     2 with nest materal
Violet Sabrewing  1
Resplendent Quetzal  3     1 fly over ..2 ..terretorial dance in the sky(The male wows the female with elaborate flight displays, that involves flying above the canopy and then ascending while singing loudly.
Orange-bellied Trogon  2
Red-headed Barbet  2
Prong-billed Barbet  5
Emerald Toucanet  4
Acorn Woodpecker  20     prob more, heard much more
Hairy Woodpecker  2
Barred Parakeet  5
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  23     maybe same groups...flying around
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  1
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1     heard
Plain Xenops  1
Lineated Foliage-gleaner  3
Spotted Barbtail  2
Red-faced Spinetail  1
Mountain Elaenia  3     heard more
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Tufted Flycatcher  1
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  1
Willow Flycatcher  1
Yellowish Flycatcher  2
Bright-rumped Attila  1
Black-and-white Becard  2
Yellow-winged Vireo  1
Brown-capped Vireo  1
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  2
Silvery-throated Jay  2     2 seen heard more
House Wren  1
Ochraceous Wren  3
Plain Wren  1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  2     2 seen, heard more
Black-faced Solitaire  3     3 seen, heard more
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush  1
Swainson's Thrush  4
Mountain Thrush  5
Tropical Mockingbird  1
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher  13     heard  much more
Golden-winged Warbler  1     first one this season
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Flame-throated Warbler  3
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Wilson's Warbler  13     I think I did see more, but they were everywhere..lost count
Slate-throated Redstart  5
Collared Redstart  1
Silver-throated Tanager  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  7
Common Chlorospingus  5
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch  2
Rufous-collared Sparrow  10     did see more , did not count further
Yellow-thighed Finch  3
White-naped Brushfinch  6
Summer Tanager  2
Flame-colored Tanager  7
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  3     first ones this season
Baltimore Oriole  1
Elegant Euphonia  2
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  5     big group , did see 5
Yellow-bellied Siskin  X     singing high up in the tree, big group