Yes I was ready to see some Dutch birds, this time the last almost 2 weeks in September, beautiful weather, all the time... so a little bit less activity in migration, I think the birds were enjoying the weather as we did...
But still we did see nice birds, stayed this time more in the north of Holland.
The province of Groningen was on our list and we will be back!
We did have a great time there, stayed in a nice B& a very typical Dutch village Garnwerd, nearby all the birding hotspots
Loads of
Barnacle Goose (Brandganzen) around us! Nearby is the "Waddenzee" ( ), very important area! We did spend a lot of time there, also around national park Lauwersmeer .
( )
Since I am not so often on the shore, it was great to have all the help of my Husband Hans. I was busy with my bird book, while Hans was telling me the details and put the scoop on the bird... those Ducks and Gulls and Hawks with all their Winter..summer...1th year.. 2th year...3th year plumage....OMG!
I never did see so much common
Buzzards (Buizerds) in Holland as during this trip and also common
Kestrels (Torenvalk):
In one field in the National Park we did see 9
Buzzards in the grass, sitting there and hunting. Here a sign of a catch, he/she was not in the mood for these
intestines, I don't blame him/her:
Not only for the Buzzards was a lot of food...for the Starlings, Blackbirds ,Tits etc.. a lot of insects and fruit and berry's.
blue Tit in the village Garnwerd was just sitting and "burping"
We did also stay in "het land van Maas en Waal" , we know that area very well, because we did live there close by. It is the area in between two rivers..the Maas and the Waal:
Around castle "Doddendael" a lot of protected beautiful nature... the
Goldfinches ( Putters) were happy there:
And this is how it has to be...protected land with a lot of flowers...
We did see a lot of Frogs, this green Frog (born last Spring) was looking for a safe place...
Of course loads of gray Herons ( blauwe Reigers) and yes also more and more
great white Egrets (grote Zilver Reiger) , this year I did see more great white Egrets then former years, they do spread out over the country.
I cannot resist to put this picture of early morning around Castle Doddendael on the 29th of September:
In the center a group of
Euresian Spoonbills (lepelaars) migration..
Then of course we did visit my favorite place ..also because it is in the area where our family lives...
Landje van Gruijters, I knew that they builded a week before a small island in the water for the Avocet (Kluut), they can breed there.
So now I could see that for myself.. good job!
And it was nice to see the
common Snipes (Watersnippen)and much more birds...
Talking about the common Snipes.. we did visit a ring station (excursion) in the Dunes on 24th of September. That was already a long wish of me and it was even better then I was expecting!!!
Such an important work and what an enthusiastic people over there!
The netting:
They catch the birds in the nets, very respectful ..they check the netting very good so that birds are not "hanging" there a long time. Then they go in small cotton bags and then it is ring time!:
Checking feathers it a first Also checking how much fat they have... you blow on the breast of the bird and you check the fat, specially for migrant birds very important, they need fat to survive the journey:
But also weigh:
And then fly away!!!
Of course some pics ...
meadow Pipit (Graspieper):
A Robin (Roodborst):
A Reed Warbler (kleine Karekiet):
A Blackcap male (Zwartkop man):
A Blackcap female (Zwartkop vrouw):
European Stonechat(Roodborsttapuit): his Summer plumage is almost gone!
A Chiffchaff (a Tjiftjaf ):
And here they are both... a
common Snipe (Watersnip) on the left and a
Also fantastic to see them flying away!
It was a super morning!
We did stay in a B&B in the province Noord Holland..nearby Wormer en Jisperveld and much more very nice areas ( ), it is very close to Amsterdam, but every time I am amazed how busy the area is, still plenty of birds to see.
In total we did stay 4 nights in B&B Woodsidelodge in Velsen, North of Holland. We did stay there before in former is such a pleasure to see that the area get more and more birds! The habitat is getting better and better...
Also this B&B is close by the coast and so we did go to the "Noordpier" in IJmuiden and check out some Sea birds... sometimes you can bump to some really rare and cool birds over there.
(for sure after storm..not in our case) Our bird of the day were two
Shags(Kuifaalsgolvers), flying over very closeby!!
Some pictures..
Red Knots (Kanoet):
Loads of
Turnstones (Steenlopers) and a
Oystercatcher (Scholekster):
Turnstone had a ring, could not see the numbers unfortunately:
Those Gulls...look at these...
There we go again...
Uh I think it is time for a coffee, I start to see funny things...
back in Panama... everywhere I hear and see migrants.. back to Warblers, Euphonias and Hummingbirds!!!
To check out my bird lists..go to Ebird (region)Netherlands .. 17th to 30th September 2016
Greetings Terry
Some Bird lists in Dutch: Westzaan... (19 Sept. 9.30-10, 19 Sept 18.30-19.30, 21 Sept. 17.30-1900)
Grauwe Gans
witte Kwikstaart
wilde Eend
zwarte Kraai
blauwe Reiger
grote bonte Specht
Turkse Tortel
Around Woodside Lodge Velsen 23 September 2016 9.30-11
Grote Bonte Specht
grote Mantelmeeuw overvlieg
grauwe Gans overvlieg
Kokmeeuw overvlieg