Saturday, December 31, 2016

almost 2017

4.30 PM... After a day hard work, side by side on the couch, staring with a cup of tea. Suddenly this magenta throated  Hummingbird (male) far away in the garden on a branch. Quickly a picture .. zoom in .... sip tea ... think ...

Simple life this Hummingbird, sitting, singing on a twig, hoping he is the boss of the garden and that he can convince a nice chickie to get away with having an affair.

I look at my Sweetie, now 40 years together ... phew! healthy and happy ...

Think of my parents, bummer... again the other truth, no parents and yes there are our friends coming in my head, he will die, probably his last Christmas and also another couple in the same situation. And the thinking goes on, while the Hummingbird is still sitting there ... how is it going with the world, that negative in the people, it is so black and white what a lot of people think. Many people get blond and orange hair and think differently, harder ... Oh no that thinking is not good ... Think positive ... then I look at my sweetie ... The Hummingbird is gone, but he is there ...

Have a good and birdy 2017! Greetings Terry

Monday, December 19, 2016

18th of December 2016 Christmas count Volcan Panama

Yes.. this is how my day started on the 18th of December 2016
Wind from north, means summer day.
I was up at 4.30am and ready to go  to Volcan, I can do that in 1 hour from Boquete and so I did.
Was nice to see the other people standing there. I signed myself in to go to Hartmann farm.
Did go there a few Christmas counts. The group was not too big and that is what I like.
The road to Hartmann is always a kind of a challenge... a lot of curves. So I have to pay attention more to the road then to birds. But we did start with some nice Crested Caracara's the road...
One of the members of the group did offer to make the that was great, safes time. So specially the first hour she got almost mental.. because it was raining bird names in her ears!
I think my highlights of the day was to be there with these birders. Nice and relaxed. Great kids!

The birds of the day...that is my "problem" ...I like them all.
Nice was a group of white ruffed Manakins.. 3 females and 1 lucky male.
A nice double toothed Kite last time I did see him was in Bocas del Toro, on the Continental Divide, years ago, so that was nice. (better picture is maybe coming)

But on the way back home, my agenda was to stop have some lunch and see some birds..(and then home and work my butt off) it was hot..but the clouds were there, which was great.. and  I did see quit a bit of birds. A very nice display of a orange collared Manakin
He was pretty busy, it's a miracle that I have him on the picture. The female was hiding good and probably enjoying his dancing moves and funny...odd sound.

No pictures of (yes I admit) my bird of the day... a pair of great Curassow
At first I thought , that they were crested Guans, I do see them there on a regular base. But I thought they were huge and with my binoculars I did see every detail, great. A lifer for me! I did see great Curassow in Tikal, Guatemala...ages ago... 

So that was a great end of a good day! Down below the lists of this day..
Merry Christmas , greetings Terry

Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Dec 18, 2016 4:45 AM
Protocol: Incidental
2 species

Tropical Screech-Owl  1     only heard
Common Potoo  1     only heard

Volcan to finca hartmann, Chiriquí, PA
Dec 18, 2016 6:45 AM - 12:40 PM
Protocol: Traveling
32.7 kilometer(s)
Comments:     to and from finca Hartmann, 2 hours birding on the farm during traveling a few stops.  sunny.  Yearly Christmas count.
91 species (+1 other taxa)

Little Blue Heron  2
Cattle Egret  25
Green Heron  1
Black Vulture  10     prob more
Turkey Vulture  4
Double-toothed Kite  1
Roadside Hawk  3
Broad-winged Hawk  2
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  1
Ruddy Ground-Dove  1
Long-billed Starthroat  1
Scaly-breasted Hummingbird  2     nearby the river Chiriquí Viejo (bridge) + song 1 Heard and 1 seen  maybe the same one
White-tailed Emerald  2
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  2
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  4     approx
Prong-billed Barbet  1
Fiery-billed Aracari  1
Yellow-throated Toucan  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  4
Smoky-brown Woodpecker  1     heard only
Crested Caracara  3     from car, 10 min outside of town Volcan, towards Hartmann farm
Yellow-headed Caracara  3
Laughing Falcon  2     only heard
Orange-chinned Parakeet  2
Blue-headed Parrot  14     approx
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  12
Olivaceous Woodcreeper  1
Ruddy Foliage-gleaner  1     heard only
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  1
Slaty-capped Flycatcher  1
Paltry Tyrannulet  5     2 seen 3 heard
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  1
Eye-ringed Flatbill  1
Yellow-margined Flycatcher  1
White-throated Spadebill  1
Bran-colored Flycatcher  1
Dark Pewee  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  2     1 heard 1 seen
Empidonax sp.  1     Did look like a female white winged Becard, but with gray head and conspicuous 2 brown wing bars
Black Phoebe  1
torrent Tyrannulet 1
Dusky-capped Flycatcher  2     1 heard 1 seen
Social Flycatcher  1
Gray-capped Flycatcher  1
Tropical Kingbird  2
White-ruffed Manakin  7
Lesser Greenlet  2     1 heard 1 seen
Yellow-throated Vireo  5     2 seen  at least 3 heard
Philadelphia Vireo  2
Blue-and-white Swallow  5
Gray-breasted Martin  1
House Wren  1
Rufous-breasted Wren  3     1 seen at least 2 heard
White-breasted Wood-Wren  2     1 heard 1 seen
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  3     at least 3 only heard
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  3
Tennessee Warbler  12     approx
Mourning Warbler  1
American Redstart  2
Tropical Parula  2     1 seen 1 heard
Blackburnian Warbler  2
Chestnut-sided Warbler  5
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
Rufous-capped Warbler  1
Wilson's Warbler  1
Cherrie's Tanager  12     approx
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Palm Tanager  2
Golden-hooded Tanager  5     approx
Speckled Tanager  4
Bay-headed Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  10     approx
Green Honeycreeper  1
Blue-black Grassquit  1     + song
Variable Seedeater  1
Bananaquit  2
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Buff-throated Saltator  4
Black-striped Sparrow  1
Orange-billed Sparrow  3     only heard approx
White-naped Brushfinch  1
Summer Tanager  4     approx, heard more
White-winged Tanager  2
Great-tailed Grackle  4
Crested Oropendola  12     approx
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  1
Thick-billed Euphonia  2
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  2
Lesser Goldfinch  2     heard more
Yellow-bellied Siskin  3

rio Majagua, Chiriquí, PA
Dec 18, 2016 1:40 PM - 3:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
0.5 kilometer(s)
Comments:     cloudy
38 species (+1 other taxa)

Little Tinamou  1     only heard
Great Curassow  2     unfortunately no pictures, 2 x very good view through my binoculars, first time in Panama !! for me
Black Vulture  3
Roadside Hawk  1
Broad-winged Hawk  1
Garden Emerald  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  1     heard only
Lineated Woodpecker  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  2
Blue-headed Parrot  4
Yellow Tyrannulet  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  2
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Tropical Kingbird  1
Orange-collared Manakin  2
Yellow-throated Vireo  1
swallow sp.  1     group , too high to ID
Rufous-breasted Wren  2
Tropical Gnatcatcher  1
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  1     heard only
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Tennessee Warbler  2
Chestnut-sided Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  1
Cherrie's Tanager  3
Blue-gray Tanager  1
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Blue-black Grassquit  2
Thick-billed Seed-Finch  1
Variable Seedeater  2
Bananaquit  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Buff-throated Saltator  2
Summer Tanager  1
Indigo Bunting  1     non breeding male
Crested Oropendola  1
Lesser Goldfinch  5

Saturday, December 17, 2016

New bird on the farm...slaty Flowerpiercer

Yes it's been a while that I did post something, but before the high season , we  always have a lot to do. We did have several guests, very nice... all birdwatchers and I did go on my own and with some other birdwatchers on trips. Good birds!
This week we did see the first rainbow and the Summer seems to start now. Today a strong wind from north, means on our farm a lot of birds, because we are in a valley, so protected for the wind. That means while inspecting our trails in the forest, a lot of birds did greet me!
And I did see the female of the slaty Flowerpiercer working on flowers, I had to look a couple of times to be sure...and I am , know this bird very well, but never seen on our farm...
Yes!!! so we can add that one on our  bird list

This male slaty Flowerpiercer was taken by Hans ( alto Chiquero Boquete 1800 m):

Have to move on now..up into the coffee farm...picking coffee!
Greetings Terry

The list of this morning:
Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Dec 17, 2016 9:20 AM - 11:00 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 kilometer(s)
Comments:     forest.. sunny
43 species

Black Vulture  6
Ruddy Quail-Dove  1
Common Pauraque  1     on trail.. yesterday evening song at dawn
Lesser Violetear  1
Garden Emerald  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  2
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  4
Gartered Trogon  1     only heard
Lesson's Motmot  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  2     heard only
Blue-headed Parrot  4
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant  1
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  1
Dusky-capped Flycatcher  1
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Tropical Kingbird  1
Philadelphia Vireo  1
Black-chested Jay  5
Rufous-breasted Wren  1     +song
Tropical Gnatcatcher  2
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Tennessee Warbler  6     approx.
American Redstart  1
Chestnut-sided Warbler  2
Rufous-capped Warbler  1
Buff-rumped Warbler  2     + call
Wilson's Warbler  1
Slaty Flowerpiercer  1     new bird on farm in forest working on flowers
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  1     heard more
Buff-throated Saltator  2
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  1
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager  3
Baltimore Oriole  1
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2
Thick-billed Euphonia  3
Lesser Goldfinch  2

List of 2 days ago:
Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Dec 15, 2016 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     sun balcony great Tinamou cottage
20 species

Gray-headed Chachalaca  6
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Violet Sabrewing  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  2
Lesson's Motmot  1
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  2
Dusky-capped Flycatcher  2
Lance-tailed Manakin  1
Rufous-breasted Wren  1
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  3
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Rufous-capped Warbler  1
Wilson's Warbler  1
Bay-headed Tanager  15
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Black-headed Saltator  2
Summer Tanager  1
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  5     approx., prob. more

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

but this morning 29th of November 2016, forest birds

Yes this morning the volcano was clear, no clouds. I was not planning to go birding. Took my dog and there I did go, a nice hike with good birds...
Stepped out of my car and this was my "welcome"

Of course cloud forest is not cloud forest without clouds... they came in around 10am
I took a video to show you how clouds are starting...

Down below the list...
greetings from Terry
1700/1800 meters altitude, cloud forest
Nov 29, 2016 8:10 AM - 11:20 AM
Protocol: Traveling
5.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     sun, last hour clouds came in. Hiking in cloud forest
66 species

Black Vulture  2
Ornate Hawk-Eagle  2     heard 1, seen 1 soaring
Broad-winged Hawk  1
Band-tailed Pigeon  3
Ruddy Pigeon  2
White-tipped Dove  1
Brown Violetear  1
Lesser Violetear  6     heard more
Magnificent Hummingbird  1
White-throated Mountain-gem  2
Scintillant Hummingbird  3
Violet Sabrewing  1
White-tailed Emerald  3
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  7
Emerald Toucanet  2
Acorn Woodpecker  2
Barred Parakeet  6 fly over
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  4     heard 3 seen 1
Brown-billed Scythebill  1
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper  1     only heard
Lineated Foliage-gleaner  1     only heard
Streak-breasted Treehunter  2
Spotted Barbtail  3     2 seen 1 heard
Red-faced Spinetail  4
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
White-throated Spadebill  2
Dark Pewee  2
Yellowish Flycatcher  2
Bright-rumped Attila  1     only heard song
Great Kiskadee  2
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Tropical Kingbird  1
Barred Becard  1
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  2     1 seen 1 heard song
Yellow-throated Vireo  1
Yellow-winged Vireo  2     1 heard 1 seen
Brown-capped Vireo  3
Ochraceous Wren  1     heard more
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  3     3 seen heard more
Black-faced Solitaire  2     +song
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush  1
Mountain Thrush  1
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher  13
Golden-winged Warbler  1
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Flame-throated Warbler  2
Tennessee Warbler  5
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
Black-cheeked Warbler  3
Golden-crowned Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  10     at least 10 seen and heard, prob more , lost count
Slate-throated Redstart  3
Gray-headed Tanager  2     Ant swarm
Silver-throated Tanager  7
Variable Seedeater  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  4
Common Chlorospingus  3
Rufous-collared Sparrow  4
Yellow-thighed Finch  3
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  5
White-winged Tanager  3
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  1     heard only , high up in tree, more then 1
Yellow-bellied Siskin  3

Monday, November 28, 2016

28th of November 2016, national Holiday... clouds fog rain...but birds too!

Today ... national holiday in Panama, independence day (of Spain). The whole day drums in the town Boquete, from early morning to late evening. We hear the school children playing the drums already from beginning of July. A lot of practicing, it's a big thing in Panama.
For our guests today , they did love to watch them. For me after 20 years... it's "sufficiente"..I rather watch birds with far away on the background the drums...
Unfortunately early rain, I felt sorry for all the kids who practice so hard.

For me it was a great was misty and darkish and yes it did start to rain around 10 am in the area  where I was. But great birds, very active before rain...they know.
This broad winged Hawk was trying to dry his feathers, I think very tough today!

This dark Pewee was very busy not with catching insects...but fighting with another dark Pewee..territorial issues.
I think he was already full with food, because ...Pfff I know...insects enough today!
As you see, the weather  was dark, so dark pictures...

This last week I did go out birding a few times...
I am kind of proud of this picture of the grey capped Flycatcher, turned out quite good:

And this grey breasted Martin..not too bad..he looks huge:
And these black bellied Whistling Ducks , I do see them more and more here in Boquete..(Estrella lake)
As you see, I don't have a lot to write, hope this coming days more to tell with maybe a little bit more 
The list of today ..see down below.
Greetings Terry

la India, Chiriquí, PA
Nov 28, 2016 7:35 AM - 10:05 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     misty, cloudy
70 species (+1 other taxa)

Little Tinamou  2
Roadside Hawk  2
Broad-winged Hawk  2
White-tipped Dove  1
Squirrel Cuckoo  2
Lesser Violetear  5
Scintillant Hummingbird  4
Garden Emerald  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  2
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  1
Acorn Woodpecker  3
Red-crowned Woodpecker  2
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Pale-breasted Spinetail  1
Yellow Tyrannulet  1
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  2
Mountain Elaenia  3
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher  1
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  1     heard only
Eye-ringed Flatbill  1
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  1
Bran-colored Flycatcher  1
Dark Pewee  2
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  1     + call
Dusky-capped Flycatcher  1
Social Flycatcher  2
Tropical Kingbird  2
Lance-tailed Manakin  2
Yellow-throated Vireo  2
Philadelphia Vireo  1
Brown-capped Vireo  3
House Wren  2
Rufous-breasted Wren  1
Isthmian Wren  1     only heard
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  3     2 heard , 1 seen
Swainson's Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  1
Golden-winged Warbler  2
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Flame-throated Warbler  1
Tennessee Warbler  5     prob more, heard more
Mourning Warbler  1
Tropical Parula  3
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Golden-crowned Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  2
Slate-throated Redstart  2
Cherrie's Tanager  3
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Bay-headed Tanager  5
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Variable Seedeater  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  2     seen 1 male , heard at least 1 more
Buff-throated Saltator  1
Black-striped Sparrow  2
Rufous-collared Sparrow  3
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Summer Tanager  2
Flame-colored Tanager  1
White-winged Tanager  3
Black-thighed Grosbeak  1     + call
Great-tailed Grackle  3
Lesser Goldfinch  2
Yellow-bellied Siskin  5

Monday, November 21, 2016

21th of November 2016 after rain

rainy night and day...but around 3 pm it stopped raining and then it is nice to drink a coffee on the balcony and watch the birds... took some time to take some pictures and even video's..
                                                 silver throated Tanager

                                                      clay colored Thrush
                                                            thick billed Euphonia
A very smart lazy red legged Honeycreeper ...male (winter plumage ) was drinking out of the Hummingbird feeder. ( video  )

My list of the afternoon see down below...
Greetings Terry

Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Nov 21, 2016 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     after rain balcony (garden)
39 species

Gray-headed Chachalaca  8
Black Vulture  1     flew by
Broad-winged Hawk  1     already for 2 weeks now on the farm
Gray-cowled Wood-Rail  1     heard in forest
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  3
Lesson's Motmot  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  3
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Blue-headed Parrot  8     flew by
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  1
Slaty-capped Flycatcher  1
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  3     very active last 3 days, clearly some territorial issues
Panama Flycatcher  1     + song
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Lance-tailed Manakin  1
Yellow-throated Vireo  2
Blue-and-white Swallow  2
Rufous-breasted Wren  1     +song
Tropical Gnatcatcher  2
Clay-colored Thrush  3
Tennessee Warbler  3
American Redstart  1
Chestnut-sided Warbler  2
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  1
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Palm Tanager  2
Bay-headed Tanager  1
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Red-legged Honeycreeper  3   on Hummingbird feeder
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Black-striped Sparrow  1
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  1
Baltimore Oriole  1
Thick-billed Euphonia  9

Sunday, November 20, 2016

before the rain starts.. good birds this morning 20th of November 2016

last post... I did write that the dry season is coming...looks like I did got a warning from mother nature..."no lady you get first more rain"... well that was happening from 16th of November until 19th we had almost continue rain... so birding from balcony , that was you understand I was this morning totally ready to go birding. It was dry until 11.30am! And yes what a great birds I did see!
In this tree... there were a lot of birds and one bird was a yellow billed Cuckoo, not a new bird for me , but for sure a bird that we don't see often nearby our farm! Unfortunately the bird flew out when I was going closer to the tree... the tree is beautiful and you can see it was pretty cloudy... the Cuckoo is somewhere in the tree:
The view on Volcan Baru this morning at around 7.30 am:
                                           view on the area la Estrella:

Anyway, for me  and the birds the weather was great..lot of food for them. (some insects for me :) )
A nice meeting with a little Tinamou and a crested Bobwhite, my morning was already good.
Then in a high grassy field I did hear the song of the Masked Yellowthroat.
I did start with a nice female and then a very curious juvenile male (still rufous on top of head , nape and side) I took a picture of him and a video , placed it on youtube:  you will hear his call too.
Later I did see 2 more males... singing
And I was almost at home (around 11am) and there was a big army Ant Swarm, not too much birds around this Swarm, probably the birds were already full with food. But some cool insects ...who were freaking out...:

Also a cool video on youtube of the Ant swarm

Down below my list of this morning.
Greetings from Terry
Jaramillo Abajo, Chiriquí, PA
Nov 20, 2016 7:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     cloudy, mist... before rain 
69 species (+1 other taxa)

Little Tinamou  1
Crested Bobwhite  1
Black Vulture  2
Roadside Hawk  1
Gray-cowled Wood-Rail  2
White-tipped Dove  3
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Yellow-billed Cuckoo  1     first I thought it was a Squirrel Cuckoo, but he was moving slower.. more elusive and was smaller and did see more white. White spots in tail and not rufous above like Squirrel Cuckoo..had a good view on him, first time here in Jaramillo! Picture was against the light.. the Cuckoo flew away after taking the picture...
White-collared Swift  20     approx
Magenta-throated Woodstar  1
Scintillant Hummingbird  3
Violet Sabrewing  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  3
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  5
Lesson's Motmot  3
Acorn Woodpecker  7
Red-crowned Woodpecker  5
Lineated Woodpecker  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Blue-headed Parrot  8     Tinamou cottage when I left for the hike, eating fruit in trees
Brown-throated Parakeet  6
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1
Lesser Elaenia  1
Mountain Elaenia  2
Paltry Tyrannulet  2
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  1
Great Kiskadee  3
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Social Flycatcher  2
Tropical Kingbird  3
White-winged Becard  1
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  1     + song
Yellow-throated Vireo  2
Philadelphia Vireo  2
Blue-and-white Swallow  4
Southern Rough-winged Swallow  10     can be more, it was a mixed group
Barn Swallow  10     can be more, mixed group
swallow sp.  3     very dark Swallow in mixed group, I could not see any color, very dark on breast..did not have V in tail, was more round
House Wren  4
Rufous-and-white Wren  1
Isthmian Wren  2
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  1     only heard
Clay-colored Thrush  3
White-throated Thrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Tennessee Warbler  15     at least 15 in a1 tree
Masked Yellowthroat  4     males singing..on picture juvenile male + call (still  rufous on top the head and nape/side)
Tropical Parula  2
Black-throated Green Warbler  4
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  2
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Palm Tanager  2
Bay-headed Tanager  1
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Red-legged Honeycreeper  3
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  2     heard more
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Streaked Saltator  1
Black-striped Sparrow  1
White-naped Brushfinch  4
Summer Tanager  2
Flame-colored Tanager  2
White-winged Tanager  1     only heard , high up in tree
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager  3
Baltimore Oriole  1
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2
Thick-billed Euphonia  5
Lesser Goldfinch  5

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mostly birding at Tinamou cottage Boquete ..the first 2 weeks of November 2016

The sunny mornings are getting longer in time to paint, working in the garden and yes in maybe 2 weeks time picking. Big flocks of migration birds went through, we did enjoy them very much in the morning  from our balcony sipping a cup of coffee. Now it is getting more quiet, for sure not the amount of different birds, that is still going great!
But migration is getting slower which is normal for the time of the year. Summer Tanagers, rose breasted Grosbeaks, Baltimore Orioles, mixed flocks of different migrant Warblers are eating themselves full after a big journey ...but of course also our birds....
Very carefully they start to sing a little bit and get ready for the coming breeding(dry) season. Specially the Tropical Screech Owls are very active (breeding season in Jan- July) and this week we heard every night the song of the common Potoo.
A guest and me found this Potoo on the farm on July 9th 2014 (feels like yesterday), to cheer this blog post up, I will place this great picture again...
 Also the common Pauraque's  are busy with their territory...since a few days (full moon) and when it is getting darker , they are sitting on the ground in the open area in front of the little Tinamou cottage
and they do their "push up's " They are hopping up and down and  after a few times, they fly steep up and land again  and do the same. The other one is flying over,  almost a dive over the other bird. Males are making the calls, so this is clearly to defend a territory and maybe the females like their macho behaviour. (breeding season Febr.- May)
Also it is really interesting to see them catching insects, they even can run with their short!But also they will fly steep up in the sky to catch insects.

My best picture of these last weeks is a picture of the black Guan higher up in the mountains...
And these Bat Falcons  picture is ...o.k.took this one 5 minutes from our farm , they are living already for years there:

At this moment I watch birds when feeding the horses (of course always with my Binculars around my neck) or working in the garden at this moment , so no pictures...not too much outings... it will come again...first we have to prepare everything for the high season!!
Greetings from Terry
I will add my list of this morning ..see down below.
For more birding lists , just go to

Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Nov 15, 2016 8:20 AM - 8:40 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     sun  around horse stable
37 species

Black Vulture  1
Turkey Vulture  1
Roadside Hawk  3     soaring(loud voice) above the meadow, also attacking a short tailed Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk  1     flew by, fast, hunting.. followed by 2 rufous tailed Hummingbirds
Short-tailed Hawk  1
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Magenta-throated Woodstar  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  2     chasing a broad winged Hawk
Gartered Trogon  1     with song
Lesson's Motmot  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  2
Blue-headed Parrot  6     in fruit tree
Panama Flycatcher  1
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Lance-tailed Manakin  1
Yellow-throated Vireo  1
Rufous-breasted Wren  1
Swainson's Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Tennessee Warbler  2
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  2
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Bay-headed Tanager  4
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  1     only heard in coffee
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  1
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager  5
Baltimore Oriole  1
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2
Lesser Goldfinch  1     heard only , high in tree song

Saturday, October 29, 2016

A hike to the other farm ( finca Potoo)

This morning sunny and I decided to go for a hike... mostly a slow hike and yes I did come back home around 12.30 pm.
The clouds came in around 9 am already, but I kept it dry..what a great morning. Took the dogs, they love that hike. I did start with a nice Summer Tanager and then it did go on and on!!
Our other farm is situated in  a different micro climate and so somewhat different birds to watch.
Like crested Oropendola and Cocoa Woodcreeper (although sometimes they visit our farm (Tinamou cottage) , but only in certain times of the year) and slaty Spinetail and black Phoebe, Meadowlark, Cherries Tanager, American Dipper (the Dipper was new in that area of la Estrella(finca Potoo) , never did see a Dipper there).
This lineated Woodpecker was pecking nearby our farm (Tinamou cottage) where we did start. I did not zoom in , they are absolutely not shy at all.

This Acorn Woodpecker was in a tree behind the lineated Woodpecker, I had to zoom him in... he was in the big Acacia tree where you see the red arrow.
This Meadowlark was singing beautiful, I love their song!
I took this Lark picture 15 minutes after that I took the pictures of the Woodpeckers...I was surrounded by clouds, it amazes me every time how fast that goes ! 
And then this Cherrie's Tanager on our other farm, his red looks great in those clouds!
On the Tinamou cottage farm we don't see Cherrie's Tanagers but Crimson backed Tanagers, but then 2 km further up, you see them everywhere. 
And a nice present was today the two laughing Falcons doing their song...
I took a small video, put it on our Tinamou facebook and Youtube...
My dog Max was not coping well with the song that they did make, you will see on the video :)
Down below you will see the links and the list of today.
Greetings from Terry  laughing falcons and Max
road from Tinamou cottage to finca Potoo, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 29, 2016 7:50 AM - 12:20 PM
Protocol: Traveling
5.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     hike, first sun then clouds, but dry.
73 species (+1 other taxa)

Spotted Wood-Quail  2     heard more
Cattle Egret  5
Black Vulture  2
Turkey Vulture  1
Roadside Hawk  3
Short-tailed Hawk  1
White-tipped Dove  3
Squirrel Cuckoo  2     + call
Stripe-throated Hermit  1
Long-billed Starthroat  1
Violet Sabrewing  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  2
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  6     common in this area
Acorn Woodpecker  5
Red-crowned Woodpecker  4
Lineated Woodpecker  1
Laughing Falcon  2
Brown-throated Parakeet  2
Cocoa Woodcreeper (Lawrence's)  1     common in this area ( la Estrella)
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  2
Slaty Spinetail  1
Yellow Tyrannulet  1
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  1
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  2
Western Wood-Pewee  1
Eastern Wood-Pewee  3
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  1
Black Phoebe  1
Dusky-capped Flycatcher  2
Great Kiskadee  1
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Social Flycatcher  3
Tropical Kingbird  2
Lesser Greenlet  1
Yellow-throated Vireo  1
Black-chested Jay  5
House Wren  4
Rufous-breasted Wren  1     only heard song
Rufous-and-white Wren  1
Isthmian Wren  2
Tropical Gnatcatcher  1
American Dipper  1
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  2
Swainson's Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Tropical Mockingbird  1
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Tennessee Warbler  10     at least 10 , I did not count them after that
Mourning Warbler  1
Tropical Parula  2
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  1
Cherrie's Tanager  5
Blue-gray Tanager  6
Bay-headed Tanager  1
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Blue-black Grassquit  1
Variable Seedeater  3
Yellow-faced Grassquit  4
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  1     only heard
Buff-throated Saltator  2
Streaked Saltator  2
Black-striped Sparrow  2
Rufous-collared Sparrow  1
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  1
White-winged Tanager  2
Eastern Meadowlark  1
Baltimore Oriole  1
Thick-billed Euphonia  2
Lesser Goldfinch  3

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

24/25th of October 2016 I love October!

Yes I love October... a lot of people are complaining about rain, well maybe they have to turn themselves into birdwatchers and they will be October fans too!
Mostly in the morning there are clouds sometimes rain, sometimes rainstorms.
Yesterday (24th) suddenly wind from the north and yes rain in the Caribbean (they were complaining about NO rain there) here sun on the farm and we heard the wind but that is more like as  in December/January and February behind the farm, we are situated  in a valley and we don't get the wind, so that is what the birds knew..they were on our farm :) and I was surrounded by them. Loads of migrant birds. Finally groups of Tennessee Warblers, so now migration really starts! Keep my eyes open for rare transients, but all the birds are welcome!of course.

I will add my bird list of yesterday to this blog..see down below. I am sure I did miss a lot of other birds, but  like to ID the migrant Warblers if they are male or female, so that  is "work", especially Warblers are moving a lot and fast. I took some pictures, but  did not go well, blurry and so...  just quit with that and took my time to ID them well.

Very nice was the moment that I did see Tennessee Warblers, flame colored Tanager, Scarlet Tanager, red crowned Woodpecker, rufous capped Warbler  taking a bath in a little stream nearby the stable. I could hide myself and observed them, fun!

In the afternoon Hans and I did go for a ride, checking out the little lake in Estrella, not too much birds, but these gray breasted Martins and blue and white Swallows were fun to observe when they were catching mosquitoes out of the water. And cleaning themselves after that:
We decided to check out the river nearby Paja de sombrero:
Sunny weather  as you see...some cormorants, Cattle Egrets, Amazon Kingfisher and this cool ringed Kingfisher, I took this one through my scoop:

He looks almost not real... :)
It was really quiet everywhere (21 C so not hot weather)....our theory was that the birds did eat so much food that they were already hiding and sleeping. This blue black Grosbeak was just sitting there and staring at us:
And so around 6 pm we were almost back home and decided to stop on the bridge nearby our farm. We did see the Bat Falcon hunting and catching a big bug and there were two Otters !!! The light was good enough to take a small video, but the pictures  were blurry. You can see the video on the Tinamou cottage facebook...
All the cattle Egrets are roosting there like every year...when the whole group is back, like on the picture...the dry season will start soon! 
What a great end of our day, the Otter  and the whole day busy with birds and being in the nature and I had a very nice conversation with this little boy about the Egrets, the clean water of the river and the nice Otters. He is definitely a birdwatcher/nature lover! He did see the play full Otters through my binoculars, wow... that was good! for the Otter video....

Today 25th of October, had to work in the meadow and it was my lucky day..a harpy Eagle flew over, fortunately I did have my binoculars with me and he or she was singing !! No camera or phone with me ...! Auch!
Greetings from Terry

The bird list...:
Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 24, 2016 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     Partly clouds, loads of migration birds came through, coffeefarm\horsestable
45 species (+2 other taxa)

Black Vulture  1
Gray-cowled Wood-Rail  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  2
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  2
Lesson's Motmot  2
Red-crowned Woodpecker  3
Brown-throated Parakeet  6
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  2
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher  1
Sepia-capped Flycatcher  1
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  2
Eastern Wood-Pewee  3
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  1
Willow Flycatcher  1
Panama Flycatcher  1
Yellow-throated Vireo  2
Philadelphia Vireo  1
House Wren  1
Rufous-and-white Wren  1
Tropical Gnatcatcher  2
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  2
Clay-colored Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  1
Golden-winged Warbler  2
Black-and-white Warbler  5
Tennessee Warbler  9
Mourning Warbler  1
Blackburnian Warbler  2
Chestnut-sided Warbler  4
Bay-breasted/Blackpoll Warbler  1
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Wilson's Warbler  2     Heard more
Blue-gray Tanager  2
flame colored Tanager 1
Palm Tanager  2
Bay-headed Tanager  3
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2
Buff-throated Saltator  4
Streaked Saltator  2
Summer Tanager  2
Scarlet Tanager  1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  1
Baltimore Oriole  2
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  1     Heard more
Thick-billed Euphonia  3

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

loads of birds 12th of October 2016

Well I was ready to cut the grass with our machine but when I was feeding the horses... the bird sounds were there . I did try to NOT listen, but I did go home...I took my Binoculars and did go to the meadow and got stuck in between a lot of birds..At around 11 am my husband he shouted from the balcony... COFFEE!!!! well then I dragged myself out of this bird party and drunk my coffee... then it did start to rain, so that makes me that I have to cut grass...tomorrow with my ears and eyes closed :)

Next to the bird sounds...this juvenile lineated Woodpecker was also guilty that I did not cut the grass  this morning:
Two adults were with the juvy... I guess the parents...

Then a lot of migrants came through, like this black burnian Warbler female:
                                            Swainson's Thrush
                                           Wilson's Warbler male:

And this cute yellow olive Flycatcher (our bird) is always around the stable:
I did make a small video, it's on Tinamou cottage Facebook...
The list...
Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 12, 2016 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.1 kilometer(s)
Comments:     cloudy
51 species

Little Tinamou  1     heard
Gray-headed Chachalaca  2
Black Vulture  1     eating a dead Armadillo
Roadside Hawk  1
Gray-cowled Wood-Rail  4     heard at least 2 in forest , seen 2
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  5
Lesson's Motmot  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  5
Golden-olive Woodpecker  1     +call
Lineated Woodpecker  3     calling
Blue-headed Parrot  5
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  1
Mountain Elaenia  2
Sepia-capped Flycatcher  1
Paltry Tyrannulet  2
Common Tody-Flycatcher  1     heard
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  1     +call
Eastern Wood-Pewee  1     +call
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  1
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Social Flycatcher  1
Lance-tailed Manakin  1
House Wren  2
Rufous-breasted Wren  1
Rufous-and-white Wren  1
Tropical Gnatcatcher  2
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  1
Swainson's Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  4
White-throated Thrush  1
Golden-winged Warbler  2
Black-and-white Warbler  3
American Redstart  3
Blackburnian Warbler  4
Chestnut-sided Warbler  2
Rufous-capped Warbler  4
Wilson's Warbler  3
Blue-gray Tanager  4
Bay-headed Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  4
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  3     heard more
Buff-throated Saltator  3
Streaked Saltator  2
Black-striped Sparrow  2
Summer Tanager  2
Flame-colored Tanager  2
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager  3
Baltimore Oriole  5
Thick-billed Euphonia  5
Lesser Goldfinch  3

Greetings Terry

Sunday, October 9, 2016

17th of September to 30th of September 2016 birds in the Netherlands

Yes I was ready to see some Dutch birds, this time the last almost 2 weeks in September, beautiful weather, all the time... so a little bit less activity in migration, I think the birds were enjoying the weather as we did...
But still we did see nice birds, stayed this time more in the north of Holland.
The province of Groningen was on our list and we will be back!
We did have a great time there, stayed in a nice B& a very typical Dutch village Garnwerd, nearby all the birding hotspots
Loads of Barnacle Goose  (Brandganzen) around us! Nearby is the "Waddenzee" ( ), very important area! We did spend a lot of time there, also around national park Lauwersmeer . 
( )
Since I am not so often on the shore, it was great to have all the help of my Husband Hans. I was busy with my bird book, while Hans was telling me the details and put the scoop on the bird... those Ducks and Gulls  and Hawks with all their Winter..summer...1th year.. 2th year...3th year plumage....OMG!

I never did see so much common Buzzards (Buizerds) in Holland as during this trip and also common Kestrels (Torenvalk):
In one field in the National Park we did see 9 Buzzards  in the grass, sitting there and hunting. Here a sign of a catch, he/she was not in the mood for these intestines, I don't blame him/her:

Not only for the Buzzards was a lot of food...for the Starlings, Blackbirds ,Tits etc.. a lot of insects and fruit and berry's.
This blue Tit in the village Garnwerd was just sitting and "burping"
We did also stay in "het land van Maas en Waal" , we know that area very well, because we did live there close by. It is the area in between two rivers..the Maas and the Waal:
Around castle "Doddendael" a lot of protected beautiful nature... the Goldfinches ( Putters) were happy there:

And this is how it has to be...protected land with a lot of flowers...
We did see a lot of Frogs, this green Frog (born last Spring)  was looking for a safe place...
Of course loads of  gray Herons ( blauwe Reigers) and yes also more and more great white Egrets (grote Zilver Reiger) , this year I did see more great white Egrets then former years, they do spread out over the country.
I cannot resist to put this picture of early morning around Castle Doddendael on the 29th of September:
In the center a group of Euresian Spoonbills (lepelaars)  migration..

Then of course we did visit my favorite place ..also because it is in the area where our family lives...
Landje van Gruijters, I knew that they builded a week before a small island in the water for the Avocet (Kluut),  they can breed there.
So now I could see that for myself.. good job!
And it was nice to see the common Snipes (Watersnippen)and much more birds...

Talking about the common Snipes.. we did visit a ring station (excursion) in the Dunes on 24th of September. That was already a long wish of me and it was even better then I was expecting!!!
Such an important work and what an enthusiastic  people over there!
The netting:
They catch the birds in the nets, very respectful ..they check the netting very good so that birds are not "hanging" there a long time. Then they go in small cotton bags and then it is ring time!:  BlueTit..Pimpelmees
 Checking feathers it a first  Also checking how much fat they have... you blow on the breast of the bird and you check the fat, specially for migrant birds very important, they need fat to survive the journey:
But also weigh:
And then fly away!!!
Of course some  pics ...meadow Pipit (Graspieper):
A Robin (Roodborst):
A Reed Warbler (kleine Karekiet):
A Blackcap male (Zwartkop man):
A Blackcap female (Zwartkop vrouw):

European Stonechat(Roodborsttapuit): his Summer plumage is almost gone!

A Chiffchaff (a Tjiftjaf ):

And here they are both... a common Snipe (Watersnip) on the left  and a Woodcock(Houtsnip)

Also fantastic to see them flying away! 
It was a super morning!

We did stay in a B&B in the province Noord Holland..nearby Wormer en Jisperveld  and much more very nice areas ( ), it is very close to Amsterdam, but every time I am amazed how busy the area is, still plenty of birds to see.

In total we did stay 4 nights in B&B Woodsidelodge in Velsen, North of Holland. We did stay there before in former is such a pleasure to see that the area get more and more birds! The habitat is getting better and better...
Also this B&B is close by the coast and so we did go to the "Noordpier" in IJmuiden and check out some Sea birds... sometimes you can bump to some really rare and cool birds over there.
 (for sure after storm..not in our case) Our bird of the day were two Shags(Kuifaalsgolvers), flying over very closeby!!
Some pictures.. Red Knots (Kanoet):
Loads of Turnstones (Steenlopers) and a Oystercatcher (Scholekster):
One Turnstone had a ring, could not see the numbers unfortunately:
Those Gulls...look at these...
                                         There we go again...

                                        Uh I think it is time for a coffee, I start to see funny things...
back in Panama... everywhere I hear and see migrants.. back to Warblers, Euphonias and Hummingbirds!!!
 To check out my bird lists..go to Ebird (region)Netherlands .. 17th to 30th September 2016
Greetings Terry

Some Bird lists in Dutch: Westzaan... (19 Sept. 9.30-10, 19 Sept 18.30-19.30, 21 Sept. 17.30-1900)
Grauwe Gans
witte Kwikstaart
wilde Eend
zwarte Kraai
blauwe Reiger
grote bonte Specht
Turkse Tortel

Around Woodside Lodge Velsen 23 September 2016 9.30-11
Grote Bonte Specht
grote Mantelmeeuw overvlieg
 grauwe Gans overvlieg
Kokmeeuw overvlieg