Hello everybody, yes the wettest month is October... loads of people complain...not me...
I love it and enjoy it...why Terry why!?
Well there is always a dry spot..a dry moment to go out and see birds (migration is in full swing!), enjoy the fresh air, get wet and see the plants grow, the streams are full, the sound of the streams are loud and see the clouds come in and out and before rain starts, the birds are very active, that is fun too. And wearing a coat or my new poncho from Ecuador! It's probably my Dutch blood...
Of course it is low season now, we did good for September/October but since this week it is quiet for a few weeks...so dentist hairdresser extra cleaning in the house and maintaining and some nice outings and hikes in the nature around us. Did go last Tuesday (9th of October) with a birding friend to the low lands, see some shore birds and ate a nice fish. A few days before and yesterday I did that with my husband.
The picture above you see a Woodstork, (l) snowy Egret, (center) roseated Spoonbill, (R) a great Egret.
Last Tuesday we did see a nest of a Savanna Hawk, the immatures were still very tiny. Both parents were pretty busy with them.
And I thought the picture with all white birds is pretty cool (great and Cattle Egrets and Woodstorks). And yesterday before the rain also in David (rice fields) two pearl Kites, stepped out of the car and took this picture.
Still find it such a great thing that in less then one hour, we are from the cloud forest into the wetlands...
Did visit a couple of times the last weeks other areas outside our farm ... good birds!
I am not a fabulous picture taking person but this immature ornate Hawk Eagle turned out to be nice:
Who is watching who... :)
And this early morning I did go high up into the clouds and mist and had 2,5 "kind of dry" hours. It was hard to see the birds but in the forest you can spot them, more contrast. This paltry Tyrannulet "oh no" it has now a different name "mistletoe Tyrannulet"...anyway it gives an idea how misty it was...
They are so cute and so beautiful in the mist!!
On the farm it is busy, when I am outside it is with my binoculars, my ears are open all the time....very "not" relaxing...but I cannot resist to listen all the time...because of the sounds of the migrant birds. Yesterday was the first time that there was a small group of them passing by. It is starting slow comparing with last year. Wilson's Warblers the most spotted.
Then American Redstarts and black and white Warblers. Probably it will come next week... "Our birds" are pretty active and I am pleased that the stripe throated Wren and Acorn Woodpeckers decided to be birds on our farm!
On our other farm I did spot and heard a black faced Antthrush, a new bird on that farm( Finca Potoo)
I did not tell about our trip to Quito https://terryboquetebirdstory.blogspot.com/2018/09/black-tailed-trainbearer-hummingbird-in.html
We did visit mostly the city but of course we did see birds, for me mostly new ones..although the rufous collared Sparrows...they are everywhere there!!! It was great to be on a higher elevation and yes this bird is stunning the Vermillion Flycatcher
They are common there, but for me it was really super to watch him! And on an altitude of 4150 m you will see this, the stout billed Cinclodes

And a plumbeous Sierra Finch, for me it was great to see this one....
Well I think it will be not the last time that we will visit Ecuador, somebody ask me, you go and live there? No Panama is really in our hearts, but so once in a while a trip to another country is always nice.
So this was my story for now... greetings from Terry
(picture totally above..Barn Swallows migrating)
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