Saturday, December 28, 2019

last pictures of 2019

Hello everybody, I thought maybe nice to share my "best" pictures of the last month of the year 2019..before the big 2020 starts...
Here they come: gartered Trogon:

                                                           Brown violet Ear:

                                                                                  ornate Hawk Eagle immature:                                                                                                                    
ochraceous Wren:
olive striped Flycatcher:
three wattled Bellbird of this morning..not the best, but I was happy with it:

Greetings from Terry 
(this morning  list see down below)

1900m altitude private property, Chiriquí, PA
Dec 28, 2019

Highland Tinamou  1     HO song
Spotted Wood-Quail  X     HO
Ruddy Pigeon  1
White-tipped Dove  3
Squirrel Cuckoo  1     HO
Lesser Violetear  X     + songs
Talamanca Hummingbird  2
Purple-throated Mountain-gem  1
White-throated Mountain-gem  1
Scintillant Hummingbird  2
Violet Sabrewing  1
Black Vulture  X
Ornate Hawk-Eagle  1     HO
Resplendent Quetzal  2
Northern Emerald-Toucanet  4
Acorn Woodpecker  3
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Barred Parakeet  X     HO fly over
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  X
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  1     HO
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper  1
Red-faced Spinetail  1
Three-wattled Bellbird  6
Masked Tityra  2
Barred Becard  1
Mountain Elaenia  2
Mistletoe Tyrannulet  1
Tufted Flycatcher  2
Dark Pewee  2
Yellowish Flycatcher  2
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  1     HO
Brown-capped Vireo  1
Ochraceous Wren  1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  4     heard also songs
Black-faced Solitaire  1     + song
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  1     HO
Mountain Thrush  X
White-throated Thrush  2
Clay-colored Thrush  1     HO call
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher  5     fly over
Elegant Euphonia  2
Yellow-bellied Siskin  1
Common Chlorospingus  3
Rufous-collared Sparrow  2
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Flame-throated Warbler  1
Tennessee Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  2
Golden-crowned Warbler  1
Wilson's Warbler  X
Slate-throated Redstart  4
Flame-colored Tanager  4
White-winged Tanager  1     HO
Black-thighed Grosbeak  1
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Slaty Flowerpiercer  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

magenta throated Woodstar female in the house...

24th of December 2019

Merry Christmas everybody!
this afternoon a  female magenta throated Woodstar flew into our house... fortunately I could catch her and my camera was very close by...very quick a's not every day that you have such a small beautiful Hummingbird  in your hands...
I gave her some sugar water from one of the feeders and she did drunk it ...
She did remind me that I have to get rid of some spiderwebs  in our house... I did clean her a bit and there she "zoomed " into the forest... she will be fine! and will make baby's...lot's of males in the farm.
Greetings from a relieved Terry

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ransuil boom 16 11 19 long eared Owl the Netherlands

Hello everybody, another story, this time from the Netherlands(Holland). Hans and I decided to go in the autumn to Holland, in November. That was a long time ago and yes we do remember now again what "water cold" means...
A lot of people around us who did have a cold and so we received the cold virus also, bummer!
Next time our visits will be in somewhat warmer times in Holland and also when the days are longer, that is what we did miss the most. I am mostly awake around 6ish am and so that happens in Holland too, and now I had to wait to go outside  until it was daylight...around 9am.
It was great to see Redwings that was a long time ago and also big groups of  Goldcrests and of course Fieldfares, so happy to hear their calls!!!

But as you see above movie of the "bird" highlight of the trip was in the north of Holland 2 trees full with long eared Owls (Ransuil in Dutch), they roost together in groups during the day in the Autumn and winter. I did see this before in the center of Holland, nearby where we did live before Panama. Then there were "only" 8 Owls together.
This time in just a little village in the north of Holland in an area with houses, two trees were filled with 12 long eared Owls. I can tell you, I got tears in my eyes. Also very special that I was with Hans and our good friends. So it was nice to share this moment with them.

So exciting!

Also very nice to see the common Buzzard in his white feathers, that was also a long time ago ...totally different bird then when you see them in the spring...

More and more rose-ringed Parakeets to see in Holland:

For my lists and other bird pictures, you can check them out on E-bird.
We were in Holland  from 6th of November to the 18th of November 2019.
A few days we were also in Germany, mainly  in Wetzlar , Wiesbaden and Frankfurt. Also to let my  Binoculars repaired with succes!
This was Germany in Autumn colors...: 

This was Holland in the autumn colors:

Those cold beautiful autumn days were fantastic! It was a good vacation, despite the sneezing and coughing ... Greetings from warm..sunny Boquete😉


Sunday, December 8, 2019

ornate Hawk Eagle immature Boquete Mountains in Panama

Hello all , here a nice video of the immature ornate Hawk Eagle that we did see
(who was watching who.....?)
Down below two of very nice pictures of this nice bird..that Mr. Ross Thomson did make, a nice last birding morning for him and his wife in Boquete highlands.
Greetings from Terry

(Thank you again Ross ..also for the other pictures... as you offered me ..."you can use them on your blog" here they come...I did put your name on them... well no one will believe that I did make them.. 😉)

                                                            roadside Hawk
                                                                blue headed Parrot
                                                         rufous tailed Hummingbird

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

23th of October 2019 sendero los Quetzales

Hello everybody, today I was birdwatching on the Quetzal trail, yes we did see a Quetzal and much more.
Still we did see some immatures from silver throated Tanagers and rufous collared Sparrows. I took a cute picture of them that I love to share on my blog with you....

It was a good is the list...Highland Tinamou  1     HO
Spotted Wood-Quail  X     HO songs
Ruddy Ground Dove  3
White-collared Swift  20     approx
Purple-throated Mountain-gem  3     2 female purple or white throated.....
White-throated Mountain-gem  1
Scintillant Hummingbird  1
Violet Sabrewing  1     HO
Black Vulture  2
Resplendent Quetzal  1
Red-headed Barbet  1
Prong-billed Barbet  4
Acorn Woodpecker  1     HO
Barred Parakeet  X     fly over HO
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  X     HO
Crimson-fronted Parakeet  50     approx, big groups flew over
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  2     HO
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper  1
Lineated Foliage-gleaner  1
Ruddy Treerunner  1
Red-faced Spinetail  2
Barred Becard  1
Olive-striped Flycatcher  1
Mountain Elaenia  2
Mistletoe Tyrannulet  1
Tufted Flycatcher  2
Dark Pewee  1
Yellowish Flycatcher  1
Bright-rumped Attila  1     HO
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  1     HO
Yellow-winged Vireo  2
Brown-capped Vireo  4
Ochraceous Wren  2
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  2     heard more calls and songs
Black-faced Solitaire  2     heard more songs
Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush  2     HO song
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush  1     HO
Swainson's Thrush  4
Mountain Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher  1     HO
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  1     HO
Elegant Euphonia  1
Yellow-bellied Siskin  X     HO
Common Chlorospingus  5     (common bush Tanager)
Costa Rican Brushfinch  2
Rufous-collared Sparrow  7     approx
White-naped Brushfinch  1
Yellow-thighed Brushfinch  5
Golden-winged Warbler  2
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Flame-throated Warbler  2
Blackburnian Warbler  5
Black-cheeked Warbler  3     approx
Costa Rican Warbler  2     ( 3 striped Warbler)
Wilson's Warbler  3
Slate-throated Redstart  X
Collared Redstart  3
Flame-colored Tanager  1     HO
Black-thighed Grosbeak  1
Spangle-cheeked Tanager  3
Silver-throated Tanager  X

The birdwatcher who joined me is participating in the meeting of the western shorebird group in Panama city the coming 4 days(organized by Audubon Panama)... a lot of people from all over the world (including Holland) are coming. Unfortunately we have work, love to  participate ... I can see on the E-bird lists that there are a lot of birdwatchers in Panama city as we speak...and of course they take advantage to spot some great birds...good time to be in Panama to see the birds!!! 

Last Saturday it was the big day (E-bird) Panama not so popular as in May, but we did good. Hans and I did go to the Palo seco reserve, did see nice birds, it was also great weather. Still have 3 calls of birds...that we heard, but not ID yet. I did ask other birdwatchers...but they don't know it also ... did listen on internet a lot to calls... well I don't give up...
crimson collared Tanager
broad winged Hawk
black cheeked Woodpecker female
lineated Foliage-gleaner

Here are the lists of last Saturday:
Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 19, 2019 5:40 AM
Protocol: Incidental
2 species

Little Tinamou  1     Heard only
Spotted Wood-Quail  1     heard only
Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 19, 2019 5:55 AM - 6:25 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.1 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments:     stable garden coffee farm meadow..cloudy
43 species

Little Tinamou  X     HO
Gray-headed Chachalaca  X     HO
Spotted Wood-Quail  X     HO
White-tipped Dove  1
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  2
Gray-cowled Wood-Rail  1     HO
Cattle Egret  5
Lesson's Motmot  2
Red-crowned Woodpecker  1
Lineated Woodpecker  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Lance-tailed Manakin  1     HO
Lesser Elaenia  1     HO
Mistletoe Tyrannulet  1     HO
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Tropical Kingbird  1     HO
Black-chested Jay  2
Rufous-breasted Wren  1     HO
Rufous-and-white Wren  1
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  2     HO
Swainson's Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  3
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  1     HO
Thick-billed Euphonia  3
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  1     HO
Black-striped Sparrow  1
White-naped Brushfinch  2
Baltimore Oriole  1
Black-and-white Warbler  1
American Redstart  1
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Rufous-capped Warbler  2
Summer Tanager  1
Flame-colored Tanager  1
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager  X     HO
Crimson-backed Tanager  1
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Palm Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Red-legged Honeycreeper  2
Yellow-faced Grassquit  1
Buff-throated Saltator  2

alto Boquete, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 19, 2019 6:50 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Checklist Comments:     from car
1 species

White-winged Dove  1     common in this area

Camino de la Divisoria Continental, Ngäbe-Buglé, PA
Oct 19, 2019 8:25 AM - 1:05 PM
Protocol: Traveling
11.0 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments:     several stops 1250 m to 750 m partly clouds, 3 different songs not 100% ID yet
86 species (+4 other taxa)

Black-breasted Wood-Quail  1     immature or molting , feathers were not fully developed
Short-billed Pigeon  1
Groove-billed Ani  4
Green Hermit  1
Green Thorntail  1
White-bellied Mountain-gem  1
hummingbird sp.  2     chasing each other too fast for ID
Magnificent Frigatebird  1
Black Vulture  7
Ornate Hawk-Eagle  1
White Hawk  2
Broad-winged Hawk  3
Short-tailed Hawk  1     dark Morph + song (sound will follow)
Broad-billed Motmot  1
Keel-billed Toucan  2
Black-cheeked Woodpecker  1
Barred Parakeet  6     2 groups flew over , 1 group only heard, second group seen
Fasciated Antshrike  1
Russet Antshrike  1     HO
Dusky Antbird  1
Zeledon's Antbird  1
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  1     HO
Long-tailed Woodcreeper  1
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper  1
Lineated Foliage-gleaner  1
Red-faced Spinetail  1
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher  1
Slaty-capped Flycatcher  1
Rufous-browed Tyrannulet  1     in mixed flock
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  1
Mistletoe Tyrannulet  1
Tufted Flycatcher  1
Eastern Wood-Pewee  3
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  2
Empidonax sp.  1
Dusky-capped Flycatcher  1
Great Kiskadee  1
Boat-billed Flycatcher  1
Tropical Kingbird  2
Red-eyed Vireo  2
swallow sp.  X
Long-billed Gnatwren  1
Tropical Gnatcatcher  2
House Wren  2
Ochraceous Wren  1     HO song
Band-backed Wren  3
Stripe-breasted Wren  1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  X     HO songs
Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush  1     + song
Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush  1
Swainson's Thrush  5
Pale-vented Thrush  4
Clay-colored Thrush  1
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  3     heard more
White-vented Euphonia  2
Tawny-capped Euphonia  2     2 males singing
Yellow-throated Chlorospingus  2
Ashy-throated Chlorospingus  3
Common Chlorospingus  2
Black-striped Sparrow  1
Costa Rican Brushfinch  1
Baltimore Oriole  1
Tennessee Warbler  3
Mourning Warbler  1
Olive-crowned Yellowthroat  1     + song
Tropical Parula  1
Blackburnian Warbler  5
Buff-rumped Warbler  1     HO
Canada Warbler  1
Slate-throated Redstart  2
Hepatic Tanager  2
Summer Tanager  1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  3
Blue-black Grosbeak  1
Crimson-collared Tanager  3
Scarlet-rumped Tanager (Passerini's)  7
Blue-gray Tanager  4
Palm Tanager  2
Golden-hooded Tanager  2
Plain-colored Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  4
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis  2
Blue Dacnis  1
Green Honeycreeper  2
Blue-black Grassquit  1
Variable Seedeater  3
Slate-colored Seedeater  1
Bananaquit  2
Slate-colored Grosbeak  1

Fortuna forest reserve, Chiriquí, PA
Oct 19, 2019 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Checklist Comments:     clouds came in, before rain
17 species (+1 other taxa)

White-tipped Dove  1
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
Black Vulture  3
Red-crowned Woodpecker  1
Yellow-headed Caracara  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  1
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Tropical Kingbird  1
Scaly-breasted Wren  1     HO song
Swainson's Thrush  2
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  1     HO
Eastern Meadowlark  2
Tennessee Warbler  4
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Rufous-capped Warbler  1
Blue-gray Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Buff-throated Saltator  5

In the morning when we were on our way ... the volcano (Baru) was very clear
when we came back in Boquete, there was a tropical storm and no birding anymore  for this nice a well-deserved chocolate milk and pastry and making my bird lists 👍

Greetings from Terry

Thursday, October 10, 2019

the last couple of weeks

10 October 2019

Hello everybody, we are living the peak of the wet season... only the mud where the horses (and me) are having their most steps are not fun, but this month is one of my favorites because of the activity in nature. Migration birds are coming through, some are singing and a lot of twinkling calls of Warblers in the forest, meadow, garden, coffee farm. My ears(and eyes) are constantly open .. Yesterday the first Tennessee Warbler..only one... blackburnian Warblers, black and white Warblers, scarlet Tanagers, Summer Tanagers, Wilson's Warblers, American Redstarts, Northern Waterthrush, Baltimore Orioles.. more will follow...yes and yesterday a nice Townsend's Warbler..not a lifer for me, but a new bird on our farm...
Yesterday I still did see just fledged immatures of Palm Tanagers and buff throated Saltators . 
Two days ago Hans and I checked out some wetland birds in the rice fields in David, not too much, we were early in the afternoon. Some greater (picture) and lesser Yellowlegs and bigger amounts of black necked Stilts
Did see a nice family of Savanna Hawks (immature on the left)
and always there is the great Egret:

Next to the jobs around the house and in the house(always something to do!) we did have guests.And I did have birding trips. Youngest birdwatcher ever... 4 years old:
Every day I check the birds on our farm and  a few times I did go out alone, but it is hard to leave the farm, so much is happening here.
Here some pictures that I took in the garden... every day I do see now the crimson backed Tanagers, that is since a half year a official new bird on the farm...

red legged Honeycreeper female

Another new picture yet, is the southern beardless Tyrannulet, he is now two weeks very busy on the farm, specially the meadow and forest edges. 
The meadow birds did change over the years, more and more we get birds that we never did see in the meadow before... tropical Kingbird,Panama Flycatcher, not always..but great Kiskadee regular visitor. Common tody Flycatcher...since a few years. Regular ask question is of course, do you notice changes in birds on the farm? ( climate change)
Well I can say now, yes I do , specially when I am standing in the meadow and now with the song of the southern beardless Tyrannulet I feel sometimes like I am in Caldera on the 900 meters... 

Well time to go outside... until next time...down below my fast birders lunch when I was in Caldera last week to check out some birds there on my own... never have time or patience to eat then, there is always a bird flying by...well birdwatchers know how that works 😉

Greetings from Terry

Friday, September 20, 2019

Today I did see and heard the Costan Rican Pygmy- Owl 20 September 2019

Hello everybody, yesterday I was again checking out birds in the rice fields and this morning I was suddenly very motivated to check out the cloud forest birds.
So Spot (the birding dog) and me were up early and up we went...
The sky was blue, no clouds wind...
I stepped out of the car and there I did see a nice black burnian Warbler...
After that a Wilson's Warbler..then a white throated Mountain Gem female and there I did hear the song of a Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl . I walked into dense forest and checked out the trees ... I did found him. First even higher in the tree. Fortunately he came down a bit, so I could see him even better. After checking him out with my Binoculars ..I thought oh maybe nice to take a picture. That was hard to get him sharp. As most of you know now...I am not the best picture taken person in the world. But as you see... I even took a video.
And here some pictures...

Pygmy Owls are totally cute!

Still the three wattled Bellbirds are all around and resplendent Quetzales  too. A lot of fruit (Bambito) is present.You can see around this female Quetzal the fruit...
It is a weird season with the fruit...also on our farm we have a lot of Guava beans hanging in the trees...normally the white faced Capuchin Monkeys  ( and Kinkajous) eat them all, mostly in June July and August. This year they showed up only to play on the roofs off the cottages...but not to eat the Guava beans.. there is so much food for them. I never did see so much "fat" beans on the trees. This afternoon they were eating the beans...but not for long.

I wonder how it will be next breeding season(Febr.- July) with the fruit for Quetzales and  three wattled Bellbirds....

Well I come back to that next year.

It was a good morning.. me and Spot had a good time! Such a good birding dog!
 Down below the list of this morning...more lists of the former days on E-bird
                                              Greetings  from Terry

 private property 1900 m altitude, Chiriquí, PA
Sep 20, 2019 7:50 AM - 11:10 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.5 kilometer(s)
Comments:     sun , last half hour clouds came in
56 species

Highland Tinamou  1     HO
Band-tailed Pigeon  5
White-tipped Dove  1
Chiriqui Quail-Dove  1
White-collared Swift  1
Lesser Violetear  4     4 seen heard more songs
White-throated Mountain-gem  2
Scintillant Hummingbird  2
Violet Sabrewing  5
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird  1
White-tailed Emerald  2
Black Vulture  2
Ornate Hawk-Eagle  1     soaring + song
Red-tailed Hawk  1 (immature)

Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl  1 
Resplendent Quetzal  2
Northern Emerald-Toucanet  1
Acorn Woodpecker  7
Hairy Woodpecker  2
Barred Parakeet  X     HO flew over
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  1     HO
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper  1
Lineated Foliage-gleaner  1
Three-wattled Bellbird  5     heard more , all over.. 2 young males were chasing each other too far  for picture..still loads of food for them, unusual for this time of year
Barred Becard  1
Mountain Elaenia  6
Dark Pewee  2

Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Yellowish Flycatcher  3
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  1     + song
Brown-capped Vireo  2
Ochraceous Wren  2
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  3
Black-faced Solitaire  2     + song
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush  1     HO call
Swainson's Thrush  2     first ones this season
Mountain Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  5     together in a berry tree, very high up for this Thrush (1900 m)
Golden-browed Chlorophonia  3
Elegant Euphonia  3
Yellow-bellied Siskin  6
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  1     HO
Common Chlorospingus  2
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch  4
Rufous-collared Sparrow  2
White-naped Brushfinch  1

golden crowned Warbler 2
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Flame-throated Warbler  2

Blackburnian Warbler  1
Black-cheeked Warbler  5
Wilson's Warbler  7
Slate-throated Redstart  2
Flame-colored Tanager  4
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Yellow-faced Grassquit  3