Monday, February 4, 2019

time for respendent Quetzal in cloud forest Boquete Panama

Hello all, this morning a nice display show of 5 male resplendent Quetzales and the two female resplendent Quetzales , who were quiet watching those crazy males... includes enthusiastic Italian comments.... :) Sometimes my video is shaky because so much was happening , it gives a good impression of the happening... I never get used to this happening.

Of course also other birds this morning... it was really warm and dry in the cloud forest, so the birds were hiding a bit too...except these Quetzales :)

List of this morning ...see down below.

Greetings from Terry

Pipeline Trail, Chiriquí, PA
Feb 4, 2019 7:30 AM - 12:08 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.2 kilometer(s)
Comments:     sun...warm weather
56 species (+1 other taxa)

White-tipped Dove  1
Green Hermit  2
Lesser Violetear  5
Fiery-throated Hummingbird  1
White-throated Mountain-gem  2
Scintillant Hummingbird  1
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird  2
Black-bellied Hummingbird  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  1
Black Vulture  1
Turkey Vulture  2
Broad-winged Hawk  1
Resplendent Quetzal  7
Hairy Woodpecker  1     HO heard only
Golden-olive Woodpecker  1     HO call
Sulphur-winged Parakeet  X     HO
Slaty Antwren  2
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo  1     HO
Red-faced Spinetail  1     HO
Mountain Elaenia  X     all over
Mistletoe Tyrannulet  1
Bran-colored Flycatcher  1
Tufted Flycatcher  1
Yellowish Flycatcher  2
Bright-rumped Attila  1     HO song
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Three-wattled Bellbird  1     HO song
Barred Becard  1
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  1
Brown-capped Vireo  4
House Wren  1
Ochraceous Wren  1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren  X     HO
Black-faced Solitaire  2     heard more songs
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush  1     HO calls
Mountain Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  1
Clay-colored Thrush  2
Elegant Euphonia  1     heard more
Yellow-bellied Siskin  X
Black-striped Sparrow  1     HO song
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch  2
Rufous-collared Sparrow  1
Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush  1     HO
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Flame-throated Warbler  2
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Black-cheeked Warbler  3
Golden-crowned Warbler  4
Wilson's Warbler  3
Slate-throated Redstart  2
Flame-colored Tanager  1
White-winged Tanager  2
Black-thighed Grosbeak  1
Silver-throated Tanager  3
Blue-black Grassquit  2
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2