Normally I wait for Hans and the hikers and mostly I enjoy myself with the birds and a lot of times "singing" indigenous men working on the fields. Except when it rains, then I sit in the car ...sometimes for 3 hours. Well that is part of the deal.
Today it was good weather and Hans did start around 8.45am at the ranger station in Boquete and I started at 7.55am on the other side . ( after 1.5 hours drive)
My hope was to see the silvery throated Jays (around the 2350 m and higher)... when I hike the trail with birders, mostly we are too late to see them or mostly we do the trail for a day, but then the Boquete side. As a birder it is hard to go faster. I did see the Jays, lovely...not a good picture , because they were "angry birds", chasing each other...
It was nice to be on the trail on my own...I realized that we are visiting this trail already 22 years.
Still very beautiful and unspoilt. On the Cerro Punta side more intensive agriculture and sneaky some forest did disappear there..but the trail after Respingo ranger station is still the same.. nobody can touch that..only wind and rain.
I did not have the whole day...maybe next time and it was nice to hike also a bit... was amazed that the three wattled Bellbirds were so deep in the forest.
Everywhere Quetzales, this is the time that they do their displays. Even I did see already a pair making a nest will be a good year for the Quetzales and Bellbirds . A lot of Bambito fruit.
Fortunately Hans and the French hikers did see male Quetzales flying and took some pictures.
They were surprised to see me (they are guest in Tinamou cottage, so I met them already before ) and even more surprised that I had coffee for them and fresh baked Cookies ("speculaas" Dutch cookie).
I moved on ...some mixed flocks, but not a lot. Nice ruddy Treerunner eating a bug
And common Chlorospingus who was showing off for me...
I took some pictures on the trail..that I want to share:
My favorite spot....
Down below my list of this morning.... greetings from Terry
PN Volcán Barú--Sendero los Quetzales, Chiriquí, PA Feb 28, 2020 7:55 AM - 12:35 PM Protocol: Traveling 9.0 kilometer(s) Checklist Comments: from respingo(500 M down below ranger) to alto chiquero (ranger)... hike with goal the silvery throated Jay (succes), partly clouds 56 species Highland Tinamou X HO all over the trail songs Black Guan 5 Ruddy Pigeon 1 HO song Vaux's Swift X big group, not count , I was in forest Green Hermit 1 Lesser Violetear 2 Talamanca Hummingbird 1 Purple-throated Mountain-gem 1 White-throated Mountain-gem 1 White-tailed Emerald 1 Cattle Egret 2 Black Vulture 2 Turkey Vulture 1 Black Hawk-Eagle 1 Resplendent Quetzal 6 heard more..all over the trail...a lot of display calls and song..pair building nest Prong-billed Barbet 2 very active , a lot of songs Northern Emerald-Toucanet 2 Acorn Woodpecker 3 Hairy Woodpecker 2 Sulphur-winged Parakeet X HO Silvery-fronted Tapaculo 2 1 heard 1 seen on trail Spot-crowned Woodcreeper 2 Lineated Foliage-gleaner 1 HO song Ruddy Treerunner 1 Three-wattled Bellbird 3 heard much more... more spread out into the trail even around the quebrada silencio White-winged Becard 1 + song ..very high up... 2250 m Eye-ringed Flatbill 1 HO song Tufted Flycatcher 2 Yellowish Flycatcher 2 Yellow-winged Vireo 2 + song Brown-capped Vireo 2 Silvery-throated Jay 3 heard more songs..chasing each other (not friendly) Blue-and-white Swallow 4 Ochraceous Wren 2 Gray-breasted Wood-Wren X HO Black-faced Solitaire 2 heard songs all over the trail Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush 1 Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush 3 Mountain Thrush 2 heard songs too Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher 6 Golden-browed Chlorophonia 2 Elegant Euphonia 1 Yellow-bellied Siskin X Sooty-capped Chlorospingus 5 Common Chlorospingus 4 Rufous-collared Sparrow 3 Large-footed Finch 4 White-naped Brushfinch 2 Yellow-thighed Brushfinch 2 Wrenthrush 2 1 seen 1 heard only song Black-cheeked Warbler 7 Wilson's Warbler 8 Collared Redstart 4 Silver-throated Tanager 2 Slaty Flowerpiercer 2 1 seen 1 HO song Yellow-faced Grassquit 3