Monday, March 9, 2020

March 2020 did start.....

March started, exciting times will come soon , although..bird wise there is always something going on. We are in the second week of March...I must say..did have quit a bit of bird watching trips in different areas, but not too much migrant warblers...where are the big groups of Tennessee Warblers? It seems to get less... Ones in a while I do see a black burnian Warbler or a chestnut sided Warbler...but the big mixed flocks ...I miss them.

The amount of  resplendent Quetzales  and three wattled Bellbird  are overwhelming this season...huge amount of fruit on the trees for them, this will be a good year for them. The weather is a kind of crazy, we had some big showers in our dry season on the farm... so the garden, forest and meadows are green.. I did start with irrigation a few days ago. I am curious how our wet season will be....

Did met really nice birdwatchers. 2 Couples discovered that they were really birdwatchers and are totally hooked... and another couple was already hooked.

A lot of fun with students in the age of 20ish... they loved the cloud forest, always  a good feeling that I can show the richness, the beauty.

 When I tell about this forest and about the birds that we see and not see but hear, I feel so grateful that I can do this and that I live it!

Good sightings of young three wattled Bellbirds, see above video and down below 2 pictures, they are trying to do displays, it's funny how they sound, like a boy who is getting a heavier  puber voice.

and then suddenly a white faced Capuchin Monkey is staring at us, always surprises in nature:

And so a short story of my first week of March 2020...I end with these love birds:
a pair of flame colored Tanagers
 and a messy car.... :)

greetings from Terry

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