Hello everybody, yes before we have the weekend in quarantaine I did go to the cloud forest to check out the birds there. I did do a lot of birdwatching this week, checking out what happens with the migrants. Two days ago it was really nice on our farm, a lot of migrants... the winners were blackburnian Warblers. Today I did see only one male and next to that a black and white Warbler and three western/eastern Wood Pewees and northern Waterthrushand more of "our" birds. I was happy this week to see migrant Warblers, so much bad news about migrant birds in the news... I will keep my eyes and ears open.
Today it was beautiful sunny weather in the morning and pretty "cold" the first hour, I started later, because birds are always later active higher up in the mountains. Started around 8.30am.
In the beginning of the trail there were two man, one police and one from the "Miambiente" (environment ministry) I did read two days ago in the newspaper that the national parks get more protection, by putting more police to guard..to avoid that people are going to do hunting, cutting trees away...that kind of things. So we did talk and they were both my kind of man, totally in the nature..enthusiastic and also frustrated by what they experience. But I said to them, you can do something about it for real... we did talk about bird /nature protection, growing coffee on high altitudes(a hype now...also because of the climate change and money). And illegal dumping chemicals into rivers, what was in the news yesterday in an area nearby Cerro Punta. They told me that they were going into the area to check what is happening... they did have a tip that there was illegal cutting of trees in Parque La Amistad, so they were on a mission and they are coming back in 2,5 days. Later I was on the trail and they passed me... with another man from Miambiente and 5 Policeman.
My morning was already a success after this good conversation!!! I must say that Panama is really busy to protect the areas, it always can better of course, always there are "bad people". Anyway, as usual I did not walk a lot, did watch for half an hour two green fronted Lancebill Hummingbirds going with the large bills into flowers.
It was a good morning!
Greetings from Terry
The bird list of today..for more bird lists.. ebird.org
Sendero Culebra, ChiriquÃ, PA
Sep 18, 2020 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 kilometer(s)
33 species (+2 other taxa)
Green-fronted Lancebill 2
White-throated Mountain-gem 1
Scintillant Hummingbird 1
Violet Sabrewing 1
Prong-billed Barbet 5
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo 1
Lineated Foliage-gleaner 1
Mistletoe Tyrannulet 1
Dark Pewee 1
Western Wood-Pewee 2 1 + call
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee 1
Yellowish Flycatcher 2
Brown-capped Vireo 1
Ochraceous Wren 1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren 6
American Dipper 2
Tropical Mockingbird 2
Black-faced Solitaire 4
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher 2
Golden-browed Chlorophonia 4
Lesser Goldfinch 2
Common Chlorospingus 6
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch 2
Rufous-collared Sparrow 2
White-naped Brushfinch 2
Yellow-thighed Brushfinch 2
Northern Waterthrush 1
Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush 1
Black-and-white Warbler 1
Blackburnian Warbler 1
Black-cheeked Warbler 6
Slate-throated Redstart 1
Collared Redstart 2
Spangle-cheeked Tanager 4
Silver-throated Tanager 2
Sep 18, 2020 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 kilometer(s)
33 species (+2 other taxa)
Green-fronted Lancebill 2
White-throated Mountain-gem 1
Scintillant Hummingbird 1
Violet Sabrewing 1
Prong-billed Barbet 5
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo 1
Lineated Foliage-gleaner 1
Mistletoe Tyrannulet 1
Dark Pewee 1
Western Wood-Pewee 2 1 + call
Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee 1
Yellowish Flycatcher 2
Brown-capped Vireo 1
Ochraceous Wren 1
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren 6
American Dipper 2
Tropical Mockingbird 2
Black-faced Solitaire 4
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher 2
Golden-browed Chlorophonia 4
Lesser Goldfinch 2
Common Chlorospingus 6
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch 2
Rufous-collared Sparrow 2
White-naped Brushfinch 2
Yellow-thighed Brushfinch 2
Northern Waterthrush 1
Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush 1
Black-and-white Warbler 1
Blackburnian Warbler 1
Black-cheeked Warbler 6
Slate-throated Redstart 1
Collared Redstart 2
Spangle-cheeked Tanager 4
Silver-throated Tanager 2
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