Hi everyone, finally some time and sense to write. Despite the Covid times, which of course we are still in, but now with 4 vaccines in our body, we feel a lot safer and since December we have actually been working nicely. Not abundant but nice to be back to work. I've done quite a few bird watching tours and they were all fun. Many beginners, but also many people who were fierce bird watchers with target lists, so nice variety. In addition, I regularly went out on my own.
My camera had fallen and so I used another camera which was okay... but from now on my pictures will get better again... I hope :)
I just wanted to tell you a little bit about the highlights of recent times...
Of course every bird I see is a highlight, but there are a few that stick with you.
I was with a German couple and they really wanted to see the resplendent Quetzal. I went with them to the place where I used to go often, it was nice to be there again. The couple were novices at birdwatching, but not anymore after that day :) .We saw a lot of birds and the binoculars they borrowed from me, they could handle them really well and wow they had a lot of patience and super eyes. And then you will be rewarded with a female Quetzal fight!!!... Of course I didn't have a good camera...no video of it ...no pictures ...sigh!
But so I didn't have that stress from taking pictures either and so we enjoyed it to the fullest.
It started with 3 females and 3 males. The men were singing, so were the women... I said to the couple... watch out, we're getting a show, you're in luck!
And yes, the females started fighting and the males flew above. An "ugly" female fight and after about 5 minutes 2 females flew away with 2 males and 1 man remained and 1 female...then the male went to a dead tree and was baiting her with an insect in his beak and sweet sounds. And then they flew away together ... super cool!
Here are some pictures of resplendent Quetzales from the past few months. I really saw a lot of them, because there was also a lot of demand from people... did see a few occupied nests..always nice...
What was very nice...also something to do with the Quetzal... I was on a tour also with one birdwatcher, we were on the Pipeline trail on a Sunday. It was pretty busy with people...normally I never go there but two weeks ago that was the best place to see Quetzales. And it was a request...
We did see a nice display of males and females and we could point out this event to people from all over the world and Panama city. I thought that was really nice.
Another highlight was a trip with very nice guests of us. They were so much into nature, it was a great pleasure to go out with them. My kind of birders, no recordings, lot of patience and yes then you do see a lot!
I am not so into posting a picture of myself...but this was with the one of the daughters...wow a fantastic birdwatcher... great girl too!
Her Dad, als a big birdwatcher, how fun for him to have a daughter like that!

Another highlight for me... I was on our other farm and a
golden crowned Warbler was acting like a Lapwing. She acted if she was hurt and tried to get me away from her nest...so cool to see. I never knew that this Warbler is doing that.
Then finally I took a picture of a brown-billed Scythebill, I was amazed that I could take one with my camera. I get always so excited when I see a Scythebill and even more when I did see that he was pretty clear on my picture!!
Another big thing for me was a pair of three wattled Bellbirds who were mating. I was alone in the forest with my dogs and no camera..only my phone and binoculars...not good pictures, but for sure a sight that I will not forget. It was like a dance...
We did have the migration of the birds...but I must say, not so much migrant Warblers and so came through. Every year I have the idea it is less .
I did enjoy the big tree with all Baltimore Orioles and a lot of Barn Swallows, that was fun too. But the Warblers...wow, not good!
Did hear for the first time in my life a Wilsons's Warbler singing and also a bay breasted Warbler, that was great!
Another highlight...uh well ...something I will not forget...was that I was standing on a bad snake (half May) . I always watch my feet and surroundings, but it happend. I did feel the Snake moving fast down below my rubber boots, I thought it was a big lizard ...but I did look down and was thinking "oops". Did not freak out, walked away . On a distance I took a picture and well I did suspect it was a Fer de lance. It was in the province Bocas del Toro, much more humid and warm jungle.
I always say, birdwatching is dangerous...I am so agree with myself... so watch your feet!
A Terciopelo (Bothrops asper):
I did go to an area on a friends farm with my dog Max and did took very high up in the cloud forest ...this picture of a buffy Tuftedcheek, I thought the picture is pretty cool...
A real cloud forest picture...
At this moment all the birds are singing and a lot of immatures are hatching and flying out. Fun times.
I learned that the family thick billed Euphonias, the immatures flew out 4 days ago, they come back every evening to their nest in the flowerpot on the balcony. It is the first time I do see that.
Always something new to learn and experience.
Up to the next post with new bird stories...
Greetings Terry