Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February 2025 almost done...

 Hello everyone, February 2025 is almost over, just an update about this month.

It was a busy month with many guests... I think 80% of the guests were coughing, had a cold and some were sitting on the terrace in a warm blanket watching the birds. I felt very sorry. Thank God they were not staying in a hotel room and were still in the fresh nature. Many were worried about the weather... because we even had some good rain showers, which is unusual for this time of year, which was fantastic. They later confirmed that. Because of that the birds were very active and when the northerly wind blew (which is normal for this time of year) higher up in the mountains, they were nicely sheltered from the wind and we saw even more birds. For Hans and me it was important not to catch a virus, so the bottle of antibacterial gel was always with us :)

I did not have to irrigate much, the meadows are still green, horse is happy and my flowers are blooming nicely. The Thrushes are even starting to sing softly and there is already a pair of thick billed Euphonias making a nest in my flower pot on the terrace. Higher up in the mountains it is also quite busy with the three wattled Bellbirds. This was a record for me in the 27 years that we live here, so many arrived at the beginning of February, I think because we have had quite a bit of sun that the fruit is ready for them earlier.

At the moment the resplendent Quetzales are also quite active at about 1750m, here in Boquete. The best place to see them at the moment is the Pipeline trail (Bajo mono). Almost all our guests have seen them there. Me and Ann (friend) went last Monday, I never go there to guide, people can go there on their  own and I always explain to them where to go and to look out for. Sit on the bench at the sign "habitat de Quetzal" or at the "big old tree" and you will see them...be patient, stay there for a long time. When Ann and I were there we saw a pair making a nest and 2 other males. Also many other birds. We only wanted to have the goal that day to see the Quetzales and then you have to walk, as birdwatchers, that is difficult... because you see quite a lot on the way. But if you also stop a lot on the way you will not make it to the "Quetzal" spot. So successful. I had a day off, no guiding, so Ann did the honors and made a lot of people happy with the Quetzal. See photo, Ann is on the left in the front pointing out where the Quetzales were and a two toed Sloth with a baby.

For me super relaxing :) At 3.15 pm we did have a late lunch. That was a good day. Howler Monkeys with babies and also Mottled Owl and a pair barred Becards were making a nest... absolute the highlights.

Another interesting thing is that a streaked Flycatcher has decided to settle on our farm. I saw him a few times last year, but now he has been singing and calling for 2 weeks. This is a bird that actually lives in lower areas, but we are getting more and more birds from lower areas on the farm, it is getting warmer.
The yellow-green Vireos are back, singing everywhere...it is officially summer.

 I have not heard or seen a Piratic Flycatcher on the farm yet.

The lessons Motmots are very active and I think I found a nest in the riverbank on the farm this morning.

 All in all a "spring" feeling and we are heading towards March! Hope for more rain showers and no drought. Good for the migrants that are going to move north, the mixed groups are already getting bigger, nice!! There will be more surprises coming, ... until the next story!

Greetings Terry



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