Monday, January 23, 2012

Bird trip 23th of Jan

I took this one with my little camera and see the result...picture of yesterday was taken by Hans with his bigger camera  ha see the little long billed Starthroats very good....

Here is the bird list of today....went to 2 different sights, not too much wind and nice sunny weather
cattle Egret
great Egret
black Vulture
yellow headed Caracara
Squirrel Cuckoo (very much in love)
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
long billed Starthroat
scintillant Hummingbird
violet Sabrewing (female)
green violet Ear
stripe tailed Hummingbird
white tailed Emerald
streak headed Woodcreeper
blue crowend Motmot
tropical Kingbird
dark Pewee
social Flycatcher
boat billed Flycatcher
common tody Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
house Wren
black faced Solitair
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
orange billed nightingale Thrush
brown capped Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
black throated Green Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
black and white Warbler
American Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
yellow throated Vireo
summer Tanager
Baltimore Oriole
red legged Honeycreepers
slate throated Whitestart
three striped Warbler
yellow crowned Euphonia
silver throated Tanagers
thick billed Euphonia
flame colored Tanager
common bush Tanager
buff throated Saltator
black striped Sparrow
yellow faced Grassquit(female)
black Guan
great tailed Grackle
blue and white Swallow

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