It is really summer now and a lot of birds are having hormones who are running!
On my wind still spot...a lot of birds are nesting. Found a nice nest with the long billed Starthroat in it.
On another spot I saw the stripe tailed Hummingbird, I never saw him there.
And very good views of not shy red crowned Ant Tanagers..even took a picture , with the bird on it.
Here are the pictures(had also a lot of leaf pictures!
spotted Sandpiper
Elegant Euphonia
stripe tailed Hummingbird Female...was new on that spot
I never saw that rufous little spot above her beak??!!
Red crowned Ant Tanager
O.K. and then the bird list...
black Vulture
cattle Egret
spotted Sandpiper
broad winged Hawk
yellow headed Caracara
white tipped Dove
rufous tailed Hummingbird
snowy bellied Hummingbird
long billed Starthroat
magenta throated Woodstar (3 females with an issue)
stripe tailed Hummingbird
red crowned Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
boat billed Flycatcher
social Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
great Kiskadee
lesser elaenia
white fronted Tyrannulet
house Wren
plain Wren
rufous breasted Wren
clay colored Thrush
mountain Thrush
Wilson's Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Philadelphia Vireo
black and white Warbler
black burnian Warbler
summer Tanager
rose breasted Grosbeak
red legged Honeycreepers
rufous capped Warbler
Elegant Euphonia
thick billed Euphonia
yellow crowned Euphona
silver throated Tanager
palm Tanager
bluegray Tanager
Cherrie Tanager
red crowned Ant Tanager
streaked Saltator
buff throated Saltator
yellow throated brush Finch
variable Seedeater
yellow faced Grassquit
rufous collared Sparrow
lesser Goldfinch
torrent Tyrannulet
black Phoebe
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