Tuesday, March 6, 2012

two bird spots 6th of March 2012

Again rain in Boquete, so up to two spots out of the rain....  warm and even sunny
Green Heron
cattle Egret
roadside Hawk

yellow headed Caracara
crested Caracara
black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
pale vented Pigeon
white tipped Dove
brown throated Parakeet
blue headed Parrot
snowy bellied Hummingbird(Nest)
rufous tailed Hummingbird
long billed Starthroat
red crowned Woodpecker
barred Antshrike (female)
tropical Kingbird
Panama Flycatcher

Acadian Flycatcher
great Kiskadee
social Flycatcher
streaked Flycatcher
Piratic Flycatcher
lesser Elaenia
yellow bellied Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
white fronted Tyrannulet
masked Tityra
house Wren

plain Wren
rufous breasted Wren
orange billed Nightingale Thrush
clay colored Thrush
white throated Thrush
yellow green Vireo
red eyed Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
prothonotary Warbler
yellow Warbler
chestnut sided Warbler

black throated green Warbler
northern Waterthrush
rose breasted Grosbeak
Baltimore Oriole
rufous capped Warbler
red legged Honeycreeper
yellow crowned Euphonia
silver throated Tanager
bay headed Tanager
thick billed Euphonia
blue gray Tanager

flame colored Tanager
buff throated Saltator
streaked Saltator
blue black Grassquit
yellow faced Grassquit
lesser Goldfinch

variable Seedeater
great tailed Grackle
tropical Mockingbird
Fork tailed Flycatcher
gray breasted Marin
barn Swallow
blue and white Swallow

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