Saturday, October 6, 2012

trip to Holland 6th to 19th September 2012

Pffff, I was a little bit lazy according my blog, I will be more active from now on...
went to Holland to visit family and friends, not too much time for birds. I brought my binocs , had more plans for the Dutch birds, but this time it did go different. My first bird was the Jay , the first day out of the window from my sisters house...Velsenbroek North Holland

A lot of people in Holland don't like him , I think it is a very smart and beautiful bird.

I did ride the bike a lot and saw a lot of times the Buizerd - Buteo Buteo , sitting on a post.
Also a lot of Fazanten....this one is a juvenile female...
And then I went one dag on the bike to the dunes nearby Haarlem North of Holland...migration was starting and we saw a lot of groups of birds.
above a migration of Kneu  carduelis cannabina, some birds are flying through Holland from Ireland/Scandinavie and a small amount spent their winter in Holland, others move on... the Dutch breeding birds fly on to Marocco and south of Spain.
and another  migrant Graspieper Anthus pratensis(above)  the most are coming from Scandinavie(flying through Holland to the south west of Europe but the "Dutch" breeding birds migrating to south west of France.
and down below the migrant Roodborsttapuit Saxicola torquata
,this bird is going to south of Europe, but some are staying in Holland.
and a Grebe(down below)..Dodaars is his name  podiceps ruficollis
  And this fellow is a Zilvermeeuw larus argentatus  (Zandvoort..North Holland)

Last year I did much more birding in Holland , took some nice pics...check out October 2011 blog

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