Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas bird count 2012 Volcan Panama

Sunday 16 December 2012

Since the Christmas Bird Count began over a century ago, it has relied on the
dedication and commitment of volunteer citizen scientists. In other words, it
all starts with you!

The count takes place within "Count Circles," which focus on specific
geographical areas. Each circle is led by a Count Compiler. Therefore, if you
are a beginning birder, you will be able to join a group that includes at least
one experienced birdwatcher. In addition, if your home is within the boundaries
of a Count Circle, then you can stay home and report the birds that visit your
feeder once you have arranged to do so with the Count Compiler.

Super Romero in Volcan at 6:30 AM, 16 December

The list today from our group who went to Finca Hartmann, Santa Clara


Gray headed Chachalaca  5x
Cattle Egret  31x
black Vulture 9x
Turkey Vulture 2x
Laughing Falcon 2x
short tailed Hawk  1x
broad winged Hawk 2x
road side Hawk 3x
yellow headed Caracara  4x
band tailed Pigeon 2x
ruddy ground Dove 1x
orange chinned Parakeet 6x
blue headed Parrot 19 x
green Hermit 1x
long billed Starthroat 1x
rufous tailed Hummingbird  4 x
charming Hummingbird 2x LIFER
white tailed Emerald 1x
blue crowned Motmot 1x
chestnut mandibled Toucan 1x heard
red crowned Woodpecker 1x
lineated Woodpecker 2x
pale billed Woodpecker 1 x heard
streak headed Woodcreeper 3x
plain Antvireo 1x heard
ochre bellied Flycatcher 1x
southern beardless Tyrannulet 1x
yellow Tyrannulet 2x
paltry Tyrannulet 4x
black capped Pygmy Tyrant 1x heard
eye ringed Flatbill 1x LIFER
yellow bellied Flycatcher 2x
white throated Flycatcher 1x LIFER
dusky capped Flycatcher 1x
great Kiskadee 2x
great Crested Flycatcher 1x
social Flycatcher 1x
boat billed Flycatcher 1x
tropical Kingbird 1x
greenish Elaenia 1x
masked Tityra 1x
Turquoise Cotinga 2x LIFER
white ruffed Manakin 2x
lesser Greenlet 1x
yellow throated Vireo 1x
Philadelphia Vireo 2x
red eyed Vireo 1x
rufous breasted Wren 1x
house Wren 1x
tropical Gnatcatcher 4 x
orange billed nightingale Thrush 1x heard
clay colored Thrush 1 x
tropical Mockingbird 1x
golden winged Warbler 2x
Tennessee Warbler 1x
tropical Parula 2x
chestnut sided Warbler 5 x
black throated green Warbler 2x
Townsend's Warbler 1x
black burnian Warbler 1x
rufous capped Warbler 2x
Baltimore Oriole 2x
Cherrie's Tanager 2x
blue gray Tanager 1x
gray headed Tanager 1x
Palm Tanager 2x
silver throated Tanager 9x
bay headed Tanager 5x
golden hooded Tanager 4x
Bananaquit 5x
buff throated Saltator 3x
streaked Saltator 1x
blue black Grassquit 4x
yellow faced Grassquit 3x
rufous collared Sparrow 1x
Summer Tanager 1x
great tailed Grackle 2x
crested Oropendula 10x
yellow crowned Euphonia 1x heard
thick billed Euphonia 5 x
yellow bellied Siskin 6x
lesser Goldfinch 3x

 And at the end of the bird count.. a very nice gift  , coffee!!!
 And 4 new birds for me.. the Turquoise Cotinga was not seen on the farm for 2 years, so he is back and the white throated Flycatcher is very special...only a pitty that I was the only one that did spot him...

Thanks family Hartmann!!! And thanks nice group...see you next year or somewhere in the nature!

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