I did start with a loud laughing Falcon on our farm, had to zoom in big time , pretty good....I think...
So that was a good start...so then up to David and at 7.45am we were surrounded by open fields, rice, sugarcane, Aubergine(Eggplant), Banana trees...
A lot of Flycatchers..I love always to see the fork tailed Flycatchers catching insects:
We did walk a little bit to the river, nice spot..a nice female Amazon Kingfisher was busy with fishing:
Nice was to see the rusty margined Flycatcher, first I thought it was a social Flycatcher...but when I heard the call...I put some more energy in the bird(s), I did see the darker eye stripe and no wingbars at all, cool!My pictures are too dark of him..this one is the best:
Did see a bay Wren along the river, first time for me on the Pacific side...
Later on we did go to the little lake, was nice to see the Anhinga drying his wings.Down below him was a pied billed Grebe swimming and in the long grass a nice red breasted Blackbird
Last time we were on that lake in the evening, as crowded of birds it was then , how silent it was now.
It was cloudy, bit sun..around the 28 degrees C around 9am...time for us "mountain people" to do some shopping and go home... next time we will leave home around 5.30am
But still we did see nice birds and discovered again a very nice birding spot. Cannot wait to go again...!
My list of this morning...
pied billed Grebe
great Egret
little blue Heron
Cattle Egret
green Heron
white tailed Kite
road side Hawk (a lot)
yellow headed Caracara
southern Labwing
pale vented Pigeon
ruddy ground Dove
white tipped Dove
brown throated Parakeet
orange chinned Parakeet
red lored Parrots
Squirrel Cuckoo
groove billed Ani
chestnut collared Swift
Amazon Kingfisher
red crowned Woodpecker
barred Antshrike
southern beardless Tyrannulet
scrub Greenlet
common tody Flycatcher
rusty margined Flycatcher!
tropical Kingbirds
fork tailed Flycatcher
Philadelphia Vireo
southern rough winged Swallows
gray breasted Martin
House Wren
plain Wren
bay Wren!
clay colored Thrush
Tennessee Warbler
yellow Warbler
chestnut sided Warbler
northern Waterthrush
Cherrie's Tanager
blue gray Tanager
Palm Tanager
blue black Grassquit
yellow bellied Seedeater
ruddy breated Seedeater
black striped Sparrow
red breasted Blackbird
eastern Meadowlark
great tailed Grackle
Baltimore Oriole
yellow crowned Euphonia
lesser Goldfinch
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