I wanted to check out some bird areas , I did want to do that already for a while.(I was there around 9am...yes I did need a slow morning...)
Practicing in the small Flycatchers, so I did go to two spots in the Caldera area (600 m)... next to a river...not too much birds..a nice Anhinga, southern beardless Tyrannulets, yellow Tyrannulets and a lot of Turtles !! That was nice... I did count around 25 air bubbles...this one came up to get air and dove right away in the water...
I decided to go to another place next to a small creek...I was sitting there around 1,5 hours...I was later and that was o.k. because the birds went into the brush to have a rest...where I was sitting very silently...
This blue crown Motmot was sitting close to me, was watching me...what is she doing here?
Cattle Egrets, Turkey Vulture, road side Hawk, crested Caracara, yellow headed Caracara, pale vented Pigeon, brown throated Parakeets,smooth billed Ani's, rufous tailed Hummingbird, blue crowned Motmot, green Kingfisher, red crowned Woodpecker, plain Antvireo female, southern beardless Tyrannulet, yellow Tyrannulet, scale crested pygmy Tyrant(crest not raised), common tody Flycatcher
great Kiskadee, tropical Kingbird, yellow green Vireo(since 28th of January 2015 they are back in Caldera, but not seen on our farm yet), gray breasted Martin's, House Wren, long billed Gnatwren, clay colored Thrush, black and white Warbler, rufous capped Warbler, crimson backed Tanager, Summer Tanager, blue gray Tanager, streaked Saltator, buff throated Saltator, great tailed Grackle, thick billed Euphonia
Not bad for a few hot hours
This morning a check on our nest nearby the horse stable on our farm...the baby long billed Starthroat's are getting big...
For a small movie of them... https://www.facebook.com/tinamoucottage?fref=ts