Other birds are still very busy with singing...specially the red crowned Ant Tanager, rosy Thrush Tanagers, rufous breasted Wrens and the orange billed nightingale Thrushes are the winners!
For a whole week every day , almost the whole day a male yellow bellied Seedeater is singing around our house, I hope he get's what he wants... and the probably same pair of thick billed Euphonias are renewing their old nest in the hanging basket in front of our house, so probably they go for a new challenge.
In the night the tropical screech Owls are very active.
Still on the nest 2 immature orange billed Nightingale Thrushes in front of the little Tinamou cottage
and a nest with 2 immature rufous tailed Hummingbirds along the trail
, both very easy to take a quick picture...it is amazing that no predators did found them.
In the forest there are a lot of nests of the white throated Thrushes, when I hike in the forest it is all the time these Thrushes, who are very alarmed . I discovered one nest in an opening in a trunk (adult bird flew out), for sure there are chicks or eggs, but even with binoculars I cannot see them.
This part of the forest I do like a lot, but I decided not to go there often... too much "upset" birds. They love this kind of areas:

At this moment it is for the birds a good time to feed their chicks..a lot of caterpillars and other critters.. I think this Caterpillar is not tasty for birds... a whole tree full of them...

I don't know yet which one this is...
Then this insect..really cool!!!

Here some bird pictures of the last days (on our farm)... a nice white naped Brush Finch..she or he had 2 chicks with her...whole family of 4...

Then a very noisy immature yellow headed Caracara...

And a few days ago a very cute immature (food)begging blue headed Parrot, on the left the immature..(a short video of them.. https://www.facebook.com/tinamoucottage/?fref=ts )

And so ...we go into the month of July...more quiet although I am sure we will have some bird adventures, here on the farm and outside the farm...
Down below I will add my bird list of today .. I had only half an hour time today on the farm...for more bird lists see... http://ebird.org/ebird/subnational1/PA-4?yr=all&m=&rank=mrec
Greetings Terry

Tinamou Cottage Boquete, Chiriquí, PA Jun 30, 2016 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM 0.2 kilometer(s) Comments: in coffee farm/lower part forest sunny 21 species Gray-headed Chachalaca 5 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird 5 Blue-crowned Motmot 2 Red-crowned Woodpecker 1 Lance-tailed Manakin 1 Yellow-green Vireo 2 feeding young House Wren 1 Rufous-breasted Wren 4 Rufous-and-white Wren 1 Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush 5 Clay-colored Thrush 1 White-throated Thrush 1 Rufous-capped Warbler 3 Gray-headed Tanager 1 heard Blue-gray Tanager 2 Bay-headed Tanager 2 Silver-throated Tanager 1 Red-legged Honeycreeper 3 Yellow-faced Grassquit 1 Streaked Saltator 1 Thick-billed Euphonia 3