Tuesday, June 21, 2016

12 until 21th of June 2016 loads of immature birds

This first half year of 2016 is really fantastic for the birds(and me), they make a lot of nests. I am proud that our farm is so suitable for a lot of different birds, to live and make a lot of new birds! This season we have also more birds of prey on the farm, not for nothing..they hear all those singing birds and "screaming" immatures ....
I think maybe it was because of the most sunny ...dry  dry season(Summer) that we had, that we have a lot of fruit and insects.
We have a nice slow time, we get ready for a busier July/August month. I take advantage of the slow June month to see as much birds as possible in different areas. I did go to areas on  lower levels.. but all in  less then a ride of 10 minutes to 30 minutes...

Of course I did visit a couple of times cloud forest high up...
I did go into a beautiful canyon...900m
And of course a lot of birding on our farm...:
Anyway I did download my lists on ebird http://ebird.org/ebird/subnational1/PA-4?yr=all&m=&rank=mrec
Too boring to download all those list on my blog...I will tell the highlights and will download the list of today down below (21th of June 2016)

Sooo today was nice..the best (Dutch) weather (I am still the Dutch girl who lives in Panama..20 years) ..love the clouds  and the rain... Today it was cloudy , sometimes at the end of the morning a little bit sun.. a lot of birds ...yes today my highlight was a male masked Yellowthroat having a kind of issue with a pair of gray crowned Yellowthroats. With those two species of Yellowthroats I have always an ID fight... because it is not always according the book!!! And so they did help me today...the yentlemen were both singing, and that is for me a big help !
On the left the masked Yellowthroat Male and to the right male and female gray crowned Yellowthroat..very nice.

Then on the farm at the moment a very cute nest of the rufous tailed Hummingbird.. 2 chicks... along the trail, I can walk by, snap a picture and walk on...very easy...of course I do that only when it  is not with the adult on the nest:
Also very cute ..a nest with the stripe throated Hermit, she decided to re use the nest for the second time...also easy because it is behind a palm leaf in front of the great Tinamou cottage:

She is still breeding.I have to zoom in  from a distance, because these Hermits are more afraid, I don't want to disturb it of course.
In front of the little Tinamou cottage is a orange billed nightingale Thrush sitting on eggs (2 blue eggs)
And on the opposite  a clay colored Thrush, she has 2 chicks now, probably they will fly out soon...
And in front of our balcony , very close by  in a tree also a nest of clay colored Thrush, I zoomed in a little bit:
Still a lot of singing around us... I think that the Euphonias are done now with making new nestst, a lot of young thick billed and yellow crowned Euphonias are around us. Also the yellow green Vireos are more silent now.
Regulary I do see a Squirrel having a young bird or egg as a meal ... also the road side Hawk and yellow headed Caracara, blue crowned Motmot, black throated Jays and yesterday a Laughing Falcon and last week a great black Hawk!!! Well they have also little chicks  and they work very hard to get them big , so well what can I say..that's nature!
Also some new birds on the farm! Like the great black Hawk a few times, bronzed Cowbird, common nighthawk, crested Oropendola, tropical Parula, long tailed silky Flycatcher... and 2 days ago suddenly a melodious Blackbird. What a good start of the year!

Greetings from Terry

palmira, Chiriquí, PA
Jun 21, 2016 8:25 AM - 11:40 AM
2.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     clouds, later some sun
62 species (+1 other taxa)

Little Tinamou  1     heard
Black Vulture  2
Gray-necked Wood-Rail  1
Blue Ground-Dove  2
White-tipped Dove  1
Squirrel Cuckoo  1
White-collared Swift  9
Vaux's Swift  5
Stripe-throated Hermit  1
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird  1
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird  1
Red-crowned Woodpecker  7
Blue-headed Parrot  3     begging for food in sky, immature flying behind the adults
Brown-throated Parakeet  4
Crimson-fronted Parakeet  5
Dusky Antbird  1
Streak-headed Woodcreeper  1     heard
Pale-breasted Spinetail  2     1 heard 1 seen
Yellow-bellied Elaenia  2
Lesser Elaenia  1
Mountain Elaenia  6     nest 2 immatures, adult with food, feeding young
Paltry Tyrannulet  1
Common Tody-Flycatcher  3     1 heard 2 seen
Yellow-olive Flycatcher  1
Bright-rumped Attila  1
Boat-billed Flycatcher  2
Social Flycatcher  2
Gray-capped Flycatcher  1
Yellow-green Vireo  3     1 heard 2 seen
Lesser Greenlet  1
Rufous-browed Peppershrike  1
Gray-breasted Martin  5
swallow sp.  3     too high up for ID
Scaly-breasted Wren  2     heard
House Wren  2
Rufous-breasted Wren  1     heard
Plain Wren  3
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush  2
White-throated Thrush  2
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat  2     singing male , agitated behaviour to a masked Yellowthroat
Masked Yellowthroat  2
Rufous-capped Warbler  5     immature was hiding very good
Buff-rumped Warbler  1     singing along the river
Blue-gray Tanager  3
Bay-headed Tanager  2
Silver-throated Tanager  2
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis  4
Red-legged Honeycreeper  6
Blue-black Grassquit  4     "jumping" male
Variable Seedeater  3
Yellow-bellied Seedeater  1
Yellow-faced Grassquit  2     pair, singing male
Rosy Thrush-Tanager  2     heard
Buff-throated Saltator  1
Streaked Saltator  3
Black-striped Sparrow  4
Orange-billed Sparrow  2     1 seen 1 heard
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager  2
Blue-black Grosbeak  1
Eastern Meadowlark  1
Yellow-crowned Euphonia  2
Thick-billed Euphonia  4
Lesser Goldfinch  7

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