Sunday, October 9, 2011

On the bicycle in Holland..with nice weather, you see a lot of birds....

When I did visit my Dad, I always went on the bicycle. Stayed at my sister and she lives very nearby great nature areas.
Here some pictures that I took on several days....
                                           Fuut with young (Podiceps cristatus)and Meerkoeten
                                              (Fulica atra) Westerplas Velserbroek

                                           a blue Heron  (Ardea cinerea) in Haarlem

Wilde Eend (Anas platyrhynchos) in Velserbroek
When I see this Duck, I always think of some Dutch birders birding in Panama and telling me...well the Dutch birds ...not too much colors. I am always going in discussion and mentioning names of a lot Dutch birds with a lot of color, this bird is one of them!!!

Grauwe ganzen (Anser anser) in Velserbroek

3 Kuif eenden (Aythya fuligula) and a Meerkoet
(Fulica atra) in Velserbroek

Buizerd (Buteo buteo) on a fence pole,1th of October late afternoon...summer?

Slobeend (Anas clypeata) landje van Gruyters Spaarndam

Fazant (Phasianus colchicus) Haarlemmerliede
(click on the picture)

                                                   Wintertalingen (Annas crecca)
On the right of the branch a Krooneend (Netta rufina)
landje van Gruyters Spaarndam

Islands with Kieviten (Vanellus vanellus),Aalscholvers and also surrounded by
Smienten (Anas Penelope), hard to see.
Landje van Gruyters Spaarndam

                                          At my Dad's very smart kauwtjes ( Corvus monedula)              

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