Sunday, October 19, 2014

scarlet Macaws and Pearl Kite

This morning we went to the cloud forest in Boquete , did a hike, pretty wet, but did see nice birds.

Then a nice cup of coffee at finca Lerida , it started to rain. Back home.
We decided after lunch , when the rain was pooring down to go and find the sun... and some other birds .
It is so Cool that we can do that..up to the sun.. (2pm) from Boquete to direction David, you see the light....

And then after little bit more then half an hour...birds in the sun...
so tropical...

The highlight was around to all the birds going to their sleeping areas... 
first 2 Scarlet Macaws...then 4 Scarlet Macaws and the again 2 Scarlet Macaws...
8 Scarlet Macaws loud flying to their sleeping places...only one time I did see one in this area...but it is very unusual for a little bit outside  the town  David  to see them...very special.

My list of this afternoon...

black billed Whistling Ducks, Anhinga (in big group of 20 and 1 on a little pont ..picture)
neotropic Cormorants, great Egret, Cattle Egret, green Heron, black Vulture, Turkey Vulture,white tailed Kites(maiding!), road side Hawk,Pearl Kite (adult (down below)and Juvenile(above)

crested Caracara, yellow headed Caracara,Bat Falcon, northern Jacana (also immatures)
pale vented Pigeons,white tipped Dove, ruddy ground Dove, scarlet Macaws, yellow crowned Parrot,orange chinned Parakeets, brown throated Parakeets, smooth billed Ani 
green Kingfisher
red crowned Woodpecker, lineated Woodpecker, lesser Elaenia, great Kiskadee, social Flycatcher,boat billed Flycatcher, tropical Kingbird, fork tailed Flycatcher,lesser Greenlet,bank Swallow,Barn Swallow, House Wren, clay colored Thrush,golden winged Warbler,yellow Warbler (male and immature female..a lot)
crimson backed Tanager, blue gray Tanager,eastern Meadowlark,great tailed Crackle,lesser Goldfinch

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