4th of October I did see the first 2 yellow throated Vireos on our farm.
It was also Flycatcher week, a lot of Flycatchers are coming through now..eastern Wood Pewees plenty..I hear and see them everywhere. Our farm is very interesting for them , specially the meadow area nearby the horse stable. This picture (a big zoom) I took from my bed in the early morning (yes I was late ..that was my lazy Sunday(5th of October)...
this one was nearby the horse stable...also Eastern Wood Pewee
I think I did see two times in the village Boquete, not on our farm the western wood Pewee, he was darker and one was definitely darker gray on the breast.
Then ..no migrant...but the common tody Flycatcher is living more nearby our house. We did see him for the first time a few months ago as a new bird on our farm , more down hill...but now he is really settled here.
Also the paltry Tyrannulet is nearby our house in the garden area and deeper in the forest...but I did found out that he sleeps very nearby my bed room window and when he awakes at 6am , he makes a very sweet soft pieppieppiep sound. It took me a while to find out which bird it was, but last week I did see the paltry Tyrannulet making this sound, when I was sitting outside down below my bedroom window outside. Crazy woman...
Then I am fighting with an ID of a bird in our denser forest...I had a very good view on this small bird...he is very energetic, hard to make a picture...I have a blurry one.
The call and the ID > black capped pygmy Tyrant...did see this tyrant before on the farm with the short tale...but now it had a long tale!! a very thin one....cannot find that anywhere! Frustration.
But the frustration is gone...I can add a new bird on the farm...it is the rufous browed Tyrannulet!
Every day I do see the yellow bellied Flycatcher in our coffee farm area.
Today in the city David a Willow Flycatcher on a fence pole nearby bushes.
Then every morning next to our house along the creek the northern Waterthrush..is it the same one or every time a different one...always so much questions..
Since the 3th of October the Three wattled Bellbirds are not around anymore.
Then a new bird on the farm, never saw him on the farm before!
The Panama Flycatcher, this picture I took from our terras...
And finally I really add the ochre bellied Flycatcher to our farm bird list. I had a very good view on her..
Then the 3th and 4th of October in the cloud forest (1650 m) the green violet Ear Hummingbird start already with his chup chit call.
The Cattle Egrets did return on their roosting spot nearby the Wilson's bridge, not the whole group yet...but that means that the dryer time will come soon....a few weeks to go...
And this morning high up in a tree in the pasture a singing male magenta throated Woodstar.. very cute.
For sure it was not a boring week, up to the next week.
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