Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cloud forest birding Boquete 27th of October 2014 black bellied Hummingbird

After all that hot areas birding...time for my cool fresh mountain birdwatching..
I did go high up around 1650m Everywhere it was cloudy this morning ..except on "my spot"
                                                                view on the right
view on my left

view in front of me

And it was good birding weather , like me , the birds were looking for dry sunny weather.
Enough about the weather...I did start right away by 3 rose breasted Grosbeaks...the first this season...later in time I did see more groups of them..in total I did see 21...clearly migration...:

I felt a little bit in my native country Holland , because they fly and act kind of  the same as " the female Sijs,Carduelis spinus "Also that tree without leaves did help to give me that thought and feeling.Absolutely different bird though...I googled this picture
or female" Kneu Carduelis cannabina" in Holland..:
maybe it felt like Holland ..because of the combination..birds and "winter" tree without leaves...

I did see more migrant birds, in the open area  a lot of Flycatchers. But also a lot of Hummingbirds.
The green violet ears are really noisy again and also a lot of fighting between scintillant Hummingbirds... the "Summer" is in the air.
Not too much mixed flocks and what was totally weird...for the first time in ages ..I did not see any common bush Tanagers!!!
And then my bird of the day!!!! a female black bellied Hummingbird..never did see the bird in that area.
She was sitting in front of me so I could see her very well...also interesting little bit red brown feathers in between the dark green feathers on her head. 
I know the stripe tailed Hummingbird very well...the black bellied Hummingbird is very different in small details. Outer three tail feathers are bright white...postocular white spot, cinnamon wing patch much more clear.Next time I like to see a male.... and need to take a picture...but this was more about ID first.Then she flew...
My list of today....
black Vulture
barred Hawk in flight
short billed Pigeon
band tailed Pigeon
blue ground Dove
crimson fronted Parakeet(a lot)
sulphur winged Parakeet
violet Sabrewing
green violet Ear
                black bellied Hummingbird (female)!!!
white throated Mountain Gem
scintillant Hummingbird
prong billed Barbet
Acorn Woodpecker
spot crowned Woodcreeper
silvery fronted Tapaculo
Mountain Elaenia
paltry Tyrannulet
tufted Flycatcher
Dark Pewee
yellowish Flycatcher
yellow bellied Flycatcher
tropical Kingbird
brown capped Vireo
rufous browed Peppershrike
gray breasted Wood Wren
Ochraceous Wren
black faced Solitair
ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Mountain Thrush
tropical Mockingbird(lower out of the car)
long tailed silky Flycatcher(a lot)
golden winged Warbler:
flame throated Warbler
black burnian Warbler
black and white Warbler
slate throated Redstart
Wilson's Warbler
black cheeked Warbler
blue gray Tanager
silver throated Tanager
rufous collared Sparrow
Summer Tanager
white winged Tanager
flame colored Tanager
black thighed Grosbeak
rose breasted Grosbeak
elegant Euphonia
golden browed Chlorophonia
yellow bellied Siskin
happy Terrybird...:

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