I had an appointment with 2 birders on the 27th of April...but everywhere it rained cats and dogs , even in Caldera. I called them and canceled it , fortunately they were around the 28th.
So the 28th we went for the birds, it was cloudy , but much better then that day before.I think the migrants escaped to the States...still until the 5th of May I still heard some Swainson's Thrushes on our farm, but the 6th ..not anymore. Also at the 7th of May , I saw a Traill's Flycatcher on the farm...but after the 7th of May no migrants anymore from the States ....
28th of April Los Naranjos, Jaramillo abajo and arriba
black Vulture
ruddy ground Dove
sulphur winged Parakeet (flight)
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
violet Sabrewing
white tailed Emerald
emerald Toucanet
red crowned Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
gray capped Flycatcher
social Flycatcher
black Phoebe
torrent Tyrannulet
great Kiskadee
piratic Flycatcher
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
house Wren
rufous and white Wren
gray breasted wood Wren(flight)
white throated Thrush
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
orange billed nightingale Thrush(picture)
brown capped Vireo
black burnian Warbler
scarlet thighed Dacnis
red legged Honey creeper
golden crowned Warbler
slate throated Redstart
thick billed Euphonia
silver throated Tanager
bronzed Cowbird
palm Tanager
blue gray Tanager
flame colored Tanager
scarlet rumped Tanager
buff throated Saltator(flight)
chestnut capped brush Finch
yellow throated brush Finch
variable Seedeater
yellow faced Grassquit
rufous collared Sparrow
yellow bellied Siskin
blue black Grassquit
So the 28th we went for the birds, it was cloudy , but much better then that day before.I think the migrants escaped to the States...still until the 5th of May I still heard some Swainson's Thrushes on our farm, but the 6th ..not anymore. Also at the 7th of May , I saw a Traill's Flycatcher on the farm...but after the 7th of May no migrants anymore from the States ....
28th of April Los Naranjos, Jaramillo abajo and arriba
black Vulture
ruddy ground Dove
sulphur winged Parakeet (flight)
snowy bellied Hummingbird
rufous tailed Hummingbird
violet Sabrewing
white tailed Emerald
emerald Toucanet
red crowned Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
gray capped Flycatcher
social Flycatcher
black Phoebe
torrent Tyrannulet
great Kiskadee
piratic Flycatcher
lesser Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
common tody Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
house Wren
rufous and white Wren
gray breasted wood Wren(flight)
white throated Thrush
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
orange billed nightingale Thrush(picture)
brown capped Vireo
black burnian Warbler
scarlet thighed Dacnis
red legged Honey creeper
golden crowned Warbler
slate throated Redstart
thick billed Euphonia
silver throated Tanager
bronzed Cowbird
palm Tanager
blue gray Tanager
flame colored Tanager
scarlet rumped Tanager
buff throated Saltator(flight)
chestnut capped brush Finch
yellow throated brush Finch
variable Seedeater
yellow faced Grassquit
rufous collared Sparrow
yellow bellied Siskin
blue black Grassquit
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