I had 2x half days and 1 day pleasant birdwatching with Bill, after the 3 days he told me that he is a birding guide in the USA.
I did love his passion for the birds and the eye on details and his Scottish accent. The last day we were looking for the orange billed nightingale Thrush for a long time...found him! I see this bird every day in front of our house. Bill was happy and me too... We saw a rare silky Anteater , Three wattled Bellbird and a great Hawk migration!
The last bird list is coming out weird, so you have to read from left to right... Bird list 21th of March. Bajo Mono and Culebra
trail in Boquete
Swallow tailed Kite
yellow faced Grassquit female
Swainson's Hawk
yellow bellied Siskin
broad winged Hawk
rufous collared Sparrow
short tailed Hawk
bronzed Cowbird
pale vented Pigeon
black Vulture
snowy bellied Hummingbird
black Phoebe
white throated mountain Gem
torrent Tyrannulet
green violet Ear
blue and white Swallow
red faced Spinetail
yellow throated brush Finch
prong billed Barbet
slaty Flowerpiercer
hairy Woodpecker
American Dipper
tropical Kingbird
great Kiskadee
dark Pewee
social Flycatcher
gray capped Flycatcher
mountain Elaenia
yellowish Flycatcher
tody Flycatcher
tufted Flycatcher
bright rumped Atilla
gray breasted Wood Wren
house Wren
rufous and white Wren
black faced Solitair
ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
white throated Thrush
clay colored Thrush
mountain Thrush (in flight)
yellow winged Vireo
brown capped Vireo
golden winged Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
yellow green Vireo
summer Tanager
red legged Honeycreeper
slate throated Redstart
scarlet thighed Dacnis
thick billed Euphonia female?
Silver throated Tanager
palm Tanager
blue gray Tanager
flame colored Tanager
common bush Tanager
yellow thighed Finch
buff throated Saltator
Baltimore Oriole
Bird list 22th of March
2011, private property Boquete
cattle Egret
broad winged Hawk
swallow tailed Kite
white tipped Dove
green violet Ear
scintillant Hummingbird
white tailed Emerald
spotted Barbtail(?)
resplendent Quetzales
emerald Toucanet
hairy Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
dark Pewee
mountain Elaenia
yellowish Flycatcher
gray breasted Wood Wren
black faced Solitair
brown capped Vireo
Wilson's Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
black throated green Warbler
rose breasted Grosbeak in flight
three striped Warbler
slate throated Redstart
tropical Parula
blue hooded Euphonia
silver throated Tanager
common bush Tanager
chestnut capped brush Finch
black thighed Grosbeak
black Guan
rufous collared Sparrow
black Vulture
Birdlist 23th of March 2011
Bajo Mono, Sendero los Quetzales, finca Lerida Boquete.
Swallow tailed Kite
yellow winged Vireo
white tailed Hawk
Tennessee Warbler
gray Hawk
Philadelphia Vireo
barred Hawk
Wilson's Warbler
great black Hawk
golden winged Warbler
broad winged Hawk
black burnian Warbler
Swainson's Hawk
black throated green Warbler
black and white Warbler
black Vulture
Baltimore Oriole
Turkey Vulture
Wood Thrush.
ruddy ground Dove
golden crowned Warbler
band tailed Pigeon
black cheeked Warbler
white tipped Dove
collared Redstart
sulphur winged Parakeets in flight
slate throated Redstart
snowy bellied Hummingbird
scarlet thighed Dacnis
rufous tailed Hummingbird
flame throated Warbler
garden Emerald
blue hooded Euphonia
scintillant Hummingbird
silver throated Tanager
white throated mountain Gem
spangle cheeked Tanager
violet Sabrewing
blue gray Tanager
green violet Ear
palm Tanager
red faced Spinetail
chrimson backed Tanager
buffy Tuftedcheek
scarlet rumped Tanager
ruddy Treerunner
flame colored Tanager
red crowned Woodpecker
common Bush Tanager
hairy Woodpecker
yellow thighed Finch
acorn Woodpecker
buff throated Saltator
tropical Kingbird
black striped Sparrow
great Kiskadee
rufous collared Sparrow
dark Pewee
yellow throated brush Finch
social Flycatcher
chestnut capped brush Finch
golden bellied Flycatcher
yellow faced Grassquit
lesser Elaenia
yellow bellied Siskin
mountain Elaenia
lesser Goldfinch
tufted Flycatcher
great tailed Grackle(Valle Esc)
yellowish Flycatcher
black Phoebe
three wattled Bellbird
black Swift
gray breasted Wood Wren
white collared Swift
plain Wren
blue and white Swallow
house Wren
slaty Flower Piercer
ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
Vaux's Swift
orange billed nightingale Thrush
bronzed Cowbird
white throated Thrush
clay colored Thrush
mountain Thrush
black faced Solitair
Mammal sleeping in the tree... Silky Anteater also known as the pygmy
long tailed silky Flycatcher
brown capped Vireo
Thanks Terry I had a great time and you also made me a convert to Coffee {the normal coffee I had not sipped for 25yrs}, though I can't find anything as nice as yours.
ReplyDeleteBill Elrick