Thursday, August 11, 2011

Birding with the birds

Had great birding times with the birds, that was their name! Sally and Bill Bird ...really her bird wish is amazing and his patience was great for a not really birdwatcher. I learned....let the birds come to you, spread out your arms and they will come....
Love to see a three wattled Bellbird , we stepped out of the car and there he was!
Ready for a ruddy Treerunner , oh yes there he is. Magic times, two very nice people with a good sence of humor!
We saw great maiding rituals of Quetzales on the Quetzal trail, it was grazy.
The picture was taken by Sally on our way back out of the car...a real nice picture of the scarlet rumped Tanager( Cherrie'sTanager)
We were fighting with the new names of a lot of bird book birds of Panama from Angher...
The bird lists...

Bird list 23th of February,
Bajo Mono Boquete

Black Vulture                     
White collared Swifts
cattle Egret

broad winged Hawk

white tipped Dove

ruddy ground Dove

brown throated Parakeets in flight(T)

rufous tailed Hummingbird

snowy bellied Hummingbird

scintillant Hummingbird

green violet Ear

garden Emerald

emerald Toucanet(T)

red crowned Woodpecker

gray capped Flycatcher

social Flycatcher

piratic Flycatcher

Great Kiskadee

boat billed Flycatcher

yellow bellied Elaenia

lesser Elaenia

mountain Elaenia

common tody Flycatcher

plain Wren

house Wren

clay colored Thrush

white throated Thrush

mountain Thrush

Wilson's Warbler

Tennesee Warbler

Summer Tanager in flight

northern Oriole(Baltimore)

rose breasted Grosbeak

red legged Honeycreepers

yellow throated Euphonia

silver throated Tanager

bay headed Tanager

Palm Tanager

blue gray Tanager

scarlet rumped Tanager (Cherrie Tanager)

buff throated Saltator

yellow throated brush Finch

yellow bellied Seedeater

lesser Goldfinch

yellow faced Grassquit

rufous collared Sparrow

great tailed Grackle

black Phoebe

american swallow tailed Kite

Bird list 24th of February
2011 Jaramillo area.
White throated mountain Gem

green violet Ear

scintillant Hummingbird

white tailed Emerald

resplendent Quetzal (fast)

emerald Toucanet(blue throated )

streak headed Woodcreeper

mountain Elaenia

yellowish Flycatcher

clay colored Thrush

white throated Thrush

black face Solitair

brown capped Vireo

Tennesee Warbler

Philadelphia Vireo

black burnian Warbler

Wilson's Warbler

Golden winged Warbler

black and white Warbler

slate throated Redstart

tropical Parula

golden crowned Warbler

three striped Warbler

blue hooded Euphonia (Elegant )

flame colored Tanager

white winged Tanager

black thighed Grosbeak

I am afraid I lost the bird list of the day on the Quetzal trail on the 26th of February 2011
This picture of a cherry Tanager is taken by Sally Bird

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