Sunday 15th of May, the telephone was ringing, two birdwatchers wanted to go birdwatching.
It was rainy, 9.30am...not really fantastic to go out , but they wanted so badly and they knew it could be not great.
At 10am I picked them up and we went ...we had only at the Culebra trail a little bit rain, everytime we escaped from the was a great 4+ hours, not bad for a late day birding......
bird list 15th of May 2011...los Naranjos, Culebra trail, bajo Boquete.
blue and white Swallow, gray breasted Martin, swallow tailed Kite(Terry), American Dipper(Terry), lesser Goldfinch, yellow bellied Siskin, yellow faced Grassquit, rufous collared Sparrow, variable Seed eater, yellow bellied Seedeater, black striped Sparrow, streaked Saltator, buff throated Saltator, yellow thighed Finch, common bush Tanager, flame colored Tanager, scarlet rumped Tanager(Passerini Tanager), blue gray Tanager(nest), palm Tanager, silver throated Tanager, bay headed Euphonia, thick billed Euphonia, blue hooded Euphonia(elegant), red legged Honeycreeper, scarlet thighed Dacnis, slate throated Redstart, yellow green Vireo, white throated Thrush, clay colored Thrush, ruddy capped nightingale, Thrush orange billed nightingale Thrush, rufous and white Wren, house Wren, plain Wren, tufted Flycatcher(nest) ,tody Flycatcher(nest), mountain Elaenia, yellow bellied Elaenia, social Flycatcher(nest), great Kiskadee ,piratic Flycatcher ,tropical Kingbird, red crowned Woodpecker, prong billed Barbet(Nest), Squirrel Cuckoo ,ruddy ground Dove, white tipped Dove(Terry), bronzed Cowbird, great tailed Grackle ,black Vulture, green backed Heron ,tropical Mockingbird
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