It was really special to go out birding with Joe and Michael for 3 days. It was not about the amount , but enjoying every bird we saw, my kind of birders!
The blue and gold Tanager was a new bird for me and them and he is not suppose to be there at a level of 1750 Meters on the pacific side. On the Culebra trail . Picture is taken by Michael.
23th of November.. Bajo Mono and Boquete...lot's of rain.
Turkey Vulture
yellow headed Caracara
pearl Kite !
road side Hawk
white tipped Dove
ruddy ground Dove
squirrel Cuckoo
ruddy Woodcreeper
rufous tailed Hummingbird
snowy bellied Hummingbird
green violet Ear
blue crowned motmot
black throated Jay
red crowned Woodpecker
lineated Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
great Kiskadee
streaked Flycatcher
yellow bellied Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
Panama Flycatcher
yellow margined Flycatcher
white fronted Tyrannulet
southern Bentbell
paltry Tyrannulet
tody Flycatcher
orange collared Manakin
rufous breasted Wren
house Wren
plain Wren
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
tropical Gnatcatcher
brown capped Vireo
long billed Gnatwren
yellow throated Vireo
chestnut sided Warbler
black throated green Warbler
summer Tanager
Baltimore(Northern) Oriole
Swainson's Thrush
rose breaseted Grosbeak
lesser Goldfinch
Crimson backed Tanager
scarlet rumped Tanager
blue gray Tanager
buff throated Saltator
black striped Sparrow
orange billed Sparrow
blue black Grossbeak
lesser Seedfinch?
variable Seedeater
rufous collared Sparrow
yellow faced Grassquit
blue black Grassquit
crested Oropendula
black Phoebe
gray headed Chachalaca
great tailed Grackle
blue and white Swallow
northern rough winged Swallow
gray crowned Yellowthroat
24th of November ...Jaramillo Arriba Boquete
rufous tailed Hummingbird
scintillant Hummingbird
violet Sabrewing
white tailed Emerald
stripe tailed Hummingbird
red headed Barbet
prong billed Barbet
hairy Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
tropical Kingbird
dark Pewee
yellowish Flycatcher
barred Becard(Michael)
silvery fronted Tapaculo
gray breasted wood Wren
black faced Solitair
black and yellow silky Flycatcher
ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
orange billed nightingale Thrush
mountain Thrush
brown capped Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
golden winged Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
bay breasted Warbler
blackburnian Warbler
black throated green Warbler
black and white Warbler
Swainson's Thrush
tropical Parula
flame throated Warbler
three striped Warbler
golden crowned Warbler
black cheeked Warbler
slate throated Redstart
silver throated Tanager
flame colored Tanager
white winged Tanager
common bush Tanager
rufous collared Sparrow
25th of November 2010, The Culebra trail Boquete cattle Egret sulphur winged Parakeets white throated mountain Gem scintillant Hummingbird red faced Spinetail prong billed Barbet dark Pewee paltry Tyrannulet tufted Flycatcher gray breasted wood Wren mountain Thrush brown capped Vireo Philadelphia Vireo golden winged Warbler Wilson's Warbler blackburnian Warbler black and white Warbler northern Waterthrush American Dipper summer Tanager Swainson's Thrush rose-breasted Grosbeak slate throated Redstart collared Redstart silver throated Tanager blue and gold Tanager! common bush Tanager yellow thighed Finch black thighed Grosbeak yellow faced Grassquit rufous collared Sparrow

The blue and gold Tanager was a new bird for me and them and he is not suppose to be there at a level of 1750 Meters on the pacific side. On the Culebra trail . Picture is taken by Michael.
23th of November.. Bajo Mono and Boquete...lot's of rain.
Turkey Vulture
yellow headed Caracara
pearl Kite !
road side Hawk
white tipped Dove
ruddy ground Dove
squirrel Cuckoo
ruddy Woodcreeper
rufous tailed Hummingbird
snowy bellied Hummingbird
green violet Ear
blue crowned motmot
black throated Jay
red crowned Woodpecker
lineated Woodpecker
tropical Kingbird
great Kiskadee
streaked Flycatcher
yellow bellied Elaenia
mountain Elaenia
Panama Flycatcher
yellow margined Flycatcher
white fronted Tyrannulet
southern Bentbell
paltry Tyrannulet
tody Flycatcher
orange collared Manakin
rufous breasted Wren
house Wren
plain Wren
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
tropical Gnatcatcher
brown capped Vireo
long billed Gnatwren
yellow throated Vireo
chestnut sided Warbler
black throated green Warbler
summer Tanager
Baltimore(Northern) Oriole
Swainson's Thrush
rose breaseted Grosbeak
lesser Goldfinch
Crimson backed Tanager
scarlet rumped Tanager
blue gray Tanager
buff throated Saltator
black striped Sparrow
orange billed Sparrow
blue black Grossbeak
lesser Seedfinch?
variable Seedeater
rufous collared Sparrow
yellow faced Grassquit
blue black Grassquit
crested Oropendula
black Phoebe
gray headed Chachalaca
great tailed Grackle
blue and white Swallow
northern rough winged Swallow
gray crowned Yellowthroat
24th of November ...Jaramillo Arriba Boquete
rufous tailed Hummingbird
scintillant Hummingbird
violet Sabrewing
white tailed Emerald
stripe tailed Hummingbird
red headed Barbet
prong billed Barbet
hairy Woodpecker
streak headed Woodcreeper
tropical Kingbird
dark Pewee
yellowish Flycatcher
barred Becard(Michael)
silvery fronted Tapaculo
gray breasted wood Wren
black faced Solitair
black and yellow silky Flycatcher
ruddy capped nightingale Thrush
orange billed nightingale Thrush
mountain Thrush
brown capped Vireo
Tennessee Warbler
golden winged Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
bay breasted Warbler
blackburnian Warbler
black throated green Warbler
black and white Warbler
Swainson's Thrush
tropical Parula
flame throated Warbler
three striped Warbler
golden crowned Warbler
black cheeked Warbler
slate throated Redstart
silver throated Tanager
flame colored Tanager
white winged Tanager
common bush Tanager
rufous collared Sparrow
25th of November 2010, The Culebra trail Boquete cattle Egret sulphur winged Parakeets white throated mountain Gem scintillant Hummingbird red faced Spinetail prong billed Barbet dark Pewee paltry Tyrannulet tufted Flycatcher gray breasted wood Wren mountain Thrush brown capped Vireo Philadelphia Vireo golden winged Warbler Wilson's Warbler blackburnian Warbler black and white Warbler northern Waterthrush American Dipper summer Tanager Swainson's Thrush rose-breasted Grosbeak slate throated Redstart collared Redstart silver throated Tanager blue and gold Tanager! common bush Tanager yellow thighed Finch black thighed Grosbeak yellow faced Grassquit rufous collared Sparrow

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