The picture of the spangle cheeked Tanager is taken by Mr.Paul Yorke. The bird was really hiding himself , I was amazed that he still could take a picture of this bird.
We saw a couple of Indigo buntings that day , which is rare and not often seen! Stll a big Hawk migration. The open area in the beginning of the Quetzal trail is really a great spot to see the Hawk migration. Also we saw the three wattled Bell bird. Lately I see a lot of black Swifts in that area, two years ago I only saw them around the Fortuna area, in between continental divide and Willy Mazu.
We saw a nest of a tufted Flycatcher.(same nest I saw with Bill Elrick 23th of March)
I will ask Paul if he can send me the pics of the Tufted Flycatcher and the indigo Buntings. The indigo Bunting picture is from the internet.
Sendero los Quetzales Boquete 4th of April
white tailed Hawk(flight)
broad winged Hawk
Swallow tailed Kite(flight)
barred Hawk(flight)
great black Hawk(flight)
yellow headed Caracara(flight)
band tailed Pigeon(flight)
sulphur winged Parakeets(flight)
white throated mountain Gem
green violet Ear(Lerida)
slaty Flowerpiercer(Lerida)
ruddy Treerunner
prong billed Barbet
emerald Toucanet(Terry)
acorn Woodpecker
spot crowned Woodcreeper
streak headed Woodcreeper(Terry)
dark Pewee
mountain Elaenia
tufted Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
Three wattled Bellbird
ochraceous Wren
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
Wilson's Warbler
black throated green Warbler
blackburnian Warbler
Swainson's Thrush
collared Redstart
slate throated Redstart
golden browed Chlorophonia
silver throated Tanager
spangle cheeked Tanager
scarlet rumped Tanager(cherrie)(Bajo Mono)
common bush Tanager
yellow thighed Finch
black thighed Grosbeak
yellow throated brush Finch
yellow faced Grassquit
rufous collared Sparrow
yellow bellied Siskin
lesser Goldfinch(Terry)
black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
blue and white Swallow
white collared Swift
black Swift
Indigo Bunting

We saw a couple of Indigo buntings that day , which is rare and not often seen! Stll a big Hawk migration. The open area in the beginning of the Quetzal trail is really a great spot to see the Hawk migration. Also we saw the three wattled Bell bird. Lately I see a lot of black Swifts in that area, two years ago I only saw them around the Fortuna area, in between continental divide and Willy Mazu.
We saw a nest of a tufted Flycatcher.(same nest I saw with Bill Elrick 23th of March)
I will ask Paul if he can send me the pics of the Tufted Flycatcher and the indigo Buntings. The indigo Bunting picture is from the internet.
Sendero los Quetzales Boquete 4th of April
white tailed Hawk(flight)
broad winged Hawk
Swallow tailed Kite(flight)
barred Hawk(flight)
great black Hawk(flight)
yellow headed Caracara(flight)
band tailed Pigeon(flight)
sulphur winged Parakeets(flight)
white throated mountain Gem
green violet Ear(Lerida)
slaty Flowerpiercer(Lerida)
ruddy Treerunner
prong billed Barbet
emerald Toucanet(Terry)
acorn Woodpecker
spot crowned Woodcreeper
streak headed Woodcreeper(Terry)
dark Pewee
mountain Elaenia
tufted Flycatcher
yellowish Flycatcher
Three wattled Bellbird
ochraceous Wren
mountain Thrush
clay colored Thrush
Wilson's Warbler
black throated green Warbler
blackburnian Warbler
Swainson's Thrush
collared Redstart
slate throated Redstart
golden browed Chlorophonia
silver throated Tanager
spangle cheeked Tanager
scarlet rumped Tanager(cherrie)(Bajo Mono)
common bush Tanager
yellow thighed Finch
black thighed Grosbeak
yellow throated brush Finch
yellow faced Grassquit
rufous collared Sparrow
yellow bellied Siskin
lesser Goldfinch(Terry)
black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
blue and white Swallow
white collared Swift
black Swift
Indigo Bunting

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